Monday, December 29, 2008

Insect Murder

2:37:24 PM insect187: PIRATE!
2:42:31 PM Pirate: insect murder
2:42:40 PM insect187: THIS IS YOUR DAD!
2:42:48 PM Pirate: prove it
2:44:08 PM Pirate: lame
2:44:34 PM insect187: your account is UK
2:44:58 PM Pirate: what are you talking about?
2:45:34 PM Pirate: what does it matter?
2:45:53 PM insect187: it matters have a United Kingdom account, don't you?
2:46:26 PM Pirate: i dont see why it matters
2:50:49 PM Pirate: did you call them yet to find out? I assume you are trying to social my account
2:50:58 PM insect187: LMFAO
2:51:13 PM Pirate: i am correct
2:51:35 PM insect187: no way
2:51:42 PM insect187: why would i do a horribly immoral thing like that?
2:52:01 PM Pirate: you are jealous of my SN, and want it for yourself
2:52:15 PM insect187: OK OK, YOU GOT ME!
2:52:23 PM insect187: damn, you sure know how to read minds well
2:52:34 PM Pirate: you are not the first to try
2:52:46 PM Pirate: what did the folks at aol uk say when you called them
2:52:58 PM insect187: they said they couldn't reset your account
2:53:02 PM insect187: i yelled at them
2:53:06 PM insect187: because i have all your info
2:53:17 PM Pirate: do you? please tell me my info
2:53:44 PM insect187: i IMed you yesterday
2:53:51 PM insect187: on the sn DCarter489
2:53:55 PM insect187: and said your full name
2:54:37 PM Pirate: no, i didnt
2:54:46 PM Pirate: you asked, Matthew? and I asked, dad?
2:54:50 PM Pirate: that was it
2:54:56 PM insect187: i know where you live
2:54:59 PM insect187: and your phone number
2:55:04 PM Pirate: tell me
2:55:07 PM insect187: why?
2:55:15 PM Pirate: so i can tell if you are correct
2:55:23 PM Pirate: be quite the feat to get my number and address
2:55:58 PM insect187: i am scared to tell you
2:56:05 PM insect187: you will try to get me in trouble with the FBI
2:56:06 PM insect187: rofl
2:56:21 PM Pirate: if this is a uk account, why would the fbi care?
2:57:42 PM Pirate: good question, isn't it?
2:57:57 PM Pirate: plus, i doubt seriously have either of those pieces of information
2:58:18 PM insect187: ok
2:58:28 PM Pirate: ok what?
2:59:55 PM Pirate: come on, is that it?
3:00:14 PM insect187: dude just give me your password
3:00:19 PM Pirate: lol
3:00:35 PM Pirate: here it is: yourm0msucksc0x
3:00:44 PM insect187: you are lying you homosexual
3:00:49 PM insect187: give me the REAL THING!
3:01:00 PM Pirate: now why would i do that?
3:01:16 PM insect187: come on i love that sn
3:01:25 PM Pirate: have you read my blog?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Out of Jail

6:57:10 PM xod42: I don't get it. You are logged off for months, then all of a sudden you are on all the time.....
6:57:25 PM Pirate: i was in jail
6:57:36 PM xod42: Oh, bummer dude.
6:59:01 PM xod42: Are you out or b'tween stretches?
6:59:14 PM Pirate: out
6:59:22 PM xod42: Good for you.
6:59:41 PM xod42: Hope it wasn't anything awful.
6:59:52 PM xod42: the time or the crime.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Really? All day, you say...

5:31:47 PM csyliz245: hey remember me
5:31:53 PM csyliz245:
5:32:02 PM csyliz245: 56
5:33:34 PM csyliz245: o answer me
5:33:45 PM csyliz245: now
5:35:27 PM csyliz245: pirate now
5:35:30 PM csyliz245: now
5:35:30 PM csyliz245: now
5:35:32 PM csyliz245: now
5:35:34 PM csyliz245: mn
5:35:34 PM csyliz245: dkjf's
5:35:40 PM csyliz245: q
5:35:41 PM csyliz245: q
5:35:45 PM csyliz245: q
5:35:46 PM csyliz245: q
5:35:54 PM csyliz245: heynhheyeyehfdjhlskgbyvkdlvsa;
5:35:55 PM csyliz245: jhfkg
5:35:56 PM csyliz245: fdjhdsu;r
5:35:58 PM csyliz245: kfjs
5:36:24 PM csyliz245: g
5:36:25 PM csyliz245: g
5:36:26 PM csyliz245: g
5:36:27 PM csyliz245: g
5:36:28 PM csyliz245: g
5:36:32 PM csyliz245: ghdhdfhgf
5:36:33 PM csyliz245: hfugh'
5:36:35 PM csyliz245: gbjdfg;h
5:36:36 PM csyliz245: fghg'fui
5:36:46 PM csyliz245: ghfuep
5:36:47 PM csyliz245: dfhg
5:36:48 PM csyliz245: hfvbfdhlbg
5:36:49 PM csyliz245: fhbglf
5:36:51 PM csyliz245: bhfvfsdl
5:36:52 PM csyliz245: FGSDHYGF
5:36:53 PM csyliz245: FVBG
5:36:54 PM csyliz245: BGVSFB
5:37:01 PM csyliz245: U GOIN ANSWER ME Y ET
5:37:11 PM csyliz245: CAUSE I CAN GO ON ALL DAY
5:37:31 PM csyliz245: ok
5:37:33 PM csyliz245: hg
5:37:34 PM csyliz245: hg
5:37:36 PM csyliz245: hg
5:37:37 PM csyliz245: gh
5:37:39 PM csyliz245: gh
5:37:40 PM csyliz245: gh
5:37:42 PM csyliz245: hg
5:37:43 PM csyliz245: hg
5:37:44 PM csyliz245: hg
6:05:36 PM Pirate: what? and no, i dont remember you

Note: All day for that person lasted just over 30 seconds according to the timestamp.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Party on!

11:40:51 AM party: eric i found a new exploit..
11:51:56 AM Pirate: really?
11:52:24 AM party: Wait a minute, this isnt eric
11:52:31 AM party: who are you..
11:52:42 AM Pirate: i am Pirate
11:52:56 AM party: how did you end up with eric's sn
11:53:26 AM party: Do you work for opssec?
11:53:35 AM Pirate: what is opssec?
11:53:46 AM party: ok guess not.
11:53:52 AM party: do you know eric ?
11:54:01 AM Pirate: i know a few eric's
11:54:15 AM party: eric with alot of screen names?
11:55:03 AM Pirate: why would anyone have more than one screen name?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Not that kind of Pirate

8:18:40 PM srsnig: :)
8:30:36 PM Pirate: what?
8:30:46 PM srsnig: Argh.
8:31:47 PM Pirate: what do you want?
8:32:51 PM srsnig: Pass:2691-6EA1BEF4
8:33:18 PM Pirate: what should i do with that password? i dont know the username or the application it goes to
8:33:24 PM srsnig: nvm
8:33:26 PM srsnig: :[
8:33:40 PM Pirate: you, sir, are very confused
8:33:48 PM srsnig: i know.
8:33:53 PM srsnig: You're Tosi?
8:33:59 PM Pirate: i am Pirate
8:34:04 PM srsnig: Oh.
8:34:12 PM srsnig: Do you pirate?
8:34:23 PM Pirate: i pillage and plunder the seven seas
8:34:35 PM srsnig: lulz, kids.
8:34:45 PM Pirate: lulz? LOL
8:34:52 PM srsnig: L O L
8:34:53 PM Pirate: you are so internet savvy
8:34:53 PM srsnig: : P
8:35:00 PM Pirate: i bet you have cat pics also
8:35:09 PM srsnig: Pardon my French, but you my dear AIMer...
8:35:13 PM srsnig: You love me and I know it.
8:35:32 PM Pirate: uh yah, i love random IM's

I block him, and he comes back with the SN of modify:
8:40:34 PM modify: Dude. I love the last one. Cossack.
8:40:54 PM Pirate: nice of you to give me all your SN's
8:41:10 PM modify: Its k, i have 1000+ leets lol.
8:41:18 PM Pirate: 1000+ eh?
8:41:21 PM modify: And why are you so mean?
8:41:24 PM modify: Ily :[
8:41:45 PM Pirate: because of tards like you

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

WTF is up?

8:21:27 PM wtfisup112: u selling the goods?
8:21:41 PM Pirate: are you a complete moron?
8:21:49 PM wtfisup112: i heard u had the goods
8:22:00 PM Pirate: i heard you were a moron
8:22:22 PM wtfisup112: wait
8:22:28 PM wtfisup112: i ddint park my car here
8:22:31 PM wtfisup112: *didnt
8:23:16 PM Pirate: like you are old enough to drive
8:23:51 PM wtfisup112: yeah
8:24:14 PM Pirate: that is a very ambiguous and non-committal answer
8:25:11 PM wtfisup112: i am
8:25:17 PM Pirate: are you having a hard time keeping up?
8:25:21 PM Pirate: should i use smaller words?
8:25:21 PM wtfisup112: sry
8:25:23 PM wtfisup112: on the phone
8:25:26 PM wtfisup112: tryibg to get goods
8:25:32 PM wtfisup112: since u dont have them
8:25:42 PM Pirate: and you are still a moron
8:26:20 PM wtfisup112: u got the goods then?
8:26:40 PM Pirate: pardon me, but i have no idea what the goods are
8:26:43 PM Pirate: ..moron
8:26:48 PM wtfisup112: u know
8:26:52 PM wtfisup112: "the goods"
8:27:06 PM Pirate: yah i dont

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Omg no! not rape!

7:25:53 PM birdy10417: hey
7:26:53 PM birdy10417: ?
7:28:21 PM Pirate: hey
7:28:29 PM birdy10417: wuts up
7:28:41 PM Pirate: i am talking to your mom on the phone
7:28:54 PM birdy10417: haha no ur not
7:29:00 PM Pirate: how do you know?
7:29:12 PM birdy10417: because shes in the room with me lol
7:29:26 PM Pirate: oh not your adopted mom, your *real* mom
7:29:44 PM birdy10417: yea my real mom is here with me im not adopted
7:29:54 PM Pirate: and how can you be so sure of that?
7:30:07 PM birdy10417: because i kno im not
7:30:15 PM Pirate: then why are you IM'ing me?
7:30:32 PM birdy10417: because im bored and ur fun to talk to
7:30:54 PM Pirate: i think you are a stalker trying to get into my pants
7:30:59 PM Pirate: pedophile!
7:31:18 PM birdy10417: oh yea totally god i have a bf and i dont kno u
7:31:37 PM Pirate: and i dont know who you are, which makes you a stalker... i dont even have you on my buddy list
7:31:41 PM Pirate: stop sexing me up
7:31:54 PM birdy10417: lol im not im sorry i need someone to talk to
7:32:07 PM Pirate: Rape!!! i am not cybersexing you!!
7:32:24 PM Pirate: stop it
7:32:26 PM Pirate: rape!
7:32:28 PM Pirate: rape!
7:32:32 PM birdy10417: im not asking u too jeeze in case u forgot i have a boyfriend
7:32:39 PM Pirate: rap!
7:32:43 PM Pirate: wrap!
7:32:59 PM birdy10417: so therefore i dont need  u im just trynig to talk to u
7:33:06 PM Pirate: omg, i dont want to have sex with you and your boyfriend!!
7:33:20 PM birdy10417: i dont want u too jeeze
7:33:25 PM birdy10417: i just want to talk to someone
7:33:26 PM Pirate: no i dont want to!
7:33:45 PM Pirate: how icky is that.. you are stalking me.. trying to know me so you can rape me
7:33:56 PM birdy10417: im a girl im not gunna rape u
7:34:00 PM birdy10417: thats wut guys do
7:34:13 PM Pirate: girls have been convicted of rape, you idiot!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

why are you on Brian's SN?

10:25:57 PM bryan887katey: dude u got rly long hair..
10:26:30 PM Pirate: and how would you know i am a dude or if i had long hair?
10:26:52 PM bryan887katey: umm i saw you at the fair and im in your grade
10:27:13 PM Pirate: hmm, that would mean you assume i live near you and that i am even in school
10:27:36 PM bryan887katey: nope..and i believe you get homeschooled now?
10:27:58 PM Pirate: what makes you think i am in school at all?
10:28:23 PM bryan887katey: hmm..i guess not sure...i thought u knew who i was..
10:28:37 PM Pirate: are you famous?
10:28:43 PM bryan887katey: is this brian
10:28:56 PM Pirate: what if it was?
10:29:09 PM bryan887katey: could be someone else
10:29:35 PM Pirate: i would say the likelihood of me being the person you think i am is very unlikely
10:29:56 PM bryan887katey: id have to say ur right.
10:30:02 PM Pirate: your*
10:30:09 PM Pirate: you're
10:30:13 PM bryan887katey: I'd
10:31:07 PM Pirate: tell bryan to stop giving out this name to all his ho's
10:31:09 PM Pirate: it is annoying
10:31:29 PM bryan887katey: u can even spel his name right and you are correcting me
10:31:46 PM bryan887katey: and he didnt give me it
10:31:51 PM Pirate: i am not the retard IM'ing people i dont know
10:32:10 PM bryan887katey: im not the loser messing around on other ppls s/ns
10:32:22 PM Pirate: i have not messed around with your SN
10:32:29 PM bryan887katey: no brians
10:32:39 PM Pirate: uh hello?  my sn is Pirate
10:32:48 PM Pirate: and it has been for a very long time
10:33:04 PM bryan887katey: idk i thought i talked to brian on this one before
10:33:08 PM bryan887katey: maybe his other s/n idr
10:33:22 PM Pirate: his other... yah like i loaned this one out to him

Silly lil girl

1:27:41 PM lilcasford22: who is this
1:27:43 PM lilcasford22: ?????????
1:27:56 PM Pirate: you should know, you are im'ing me
1:28:19 PM lilcasford22: wat ever then
1:28:27 PM lilcasford22: u have myspace
1:28:37 PM Pirate: if you dont know, it would be prudent to delete me from your buddy list
1:29:21 PM lilcasford22: ummmmmmmmmmmmm nooooo i dont want 2.... unless ur like a rapist or somethin
1:29:31 PM Pirate: you dont know what i am
1:29:45 PM lilcasford22: ur a girl or a boy
1:29:46 PM Pirate: i could be your neighbor for all you know
1:30:09 PM lilcasford22: were do u live
1:30:12 PM lilcasford22: ????????????
1:30:31 PM lilcasford22: i will leve u a lone if u say somethin
1:30:47 PM Pirate: meh
1:31:15 PM lilcasford22: no i ment like if u ansewer a fewqustions
1:31:20 PM lilcasford22: few
1:32:04 PM Pirate: your grammar and spelling is horrendous
1:32:21 PM lilcasford22: o well
1:32:45 PM Pirate: yep, apparently you are the one desperate for friends and are randomly im'ing people on the internet
1:32:53 PM Pirate: i have friends
1:33:18 PM lilcasford22: well i do 2  probble more then u
1:33:43 PM Pirate: spelling!
1:33:54 PM lilcasford22: sooooo
1:33:57 PM lilcasford22: wat the fook (note: edited)
1:34:10 PM Pirate: ooh and cursing now... does that make you feel all grown up?
1:34:36 PM lilcasford22: well i am 18 so i can alll i fookin want (note: edited)
1:35:03 PM Pirate: you are so not 18... that pic of you on your aim profile looks like you are 12 or 13
1:35:28 PM lilcasford22: noooo i am rilly 14
1:35:33 PM lilcasford22: ok
1:35:35 PM lilcasford22: grrrrrrrrr
1:35:36 PM Pirate: you are such a liar
1:35:42 PM lilcasford22: nooo i am not
1:35:49 PM Pirate: you are..  you just lied about being 18
1:35:57 PM lilcasford22: soooo
1:36:00 PM Pirate: liar!
1:36:24 PM lilcasford22: wat the fook that is soooo  gay  (note: edited)
1:36:38 PM Pirate: cursing again...
1:36:45 PM Pirate: so immature
1:37:06 PM lilcasford22: go die in helll
1:37:13 PM lilcasford22: unless i know u

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dylan Breann

11:14:44 AM dylanbreann96: hey wta sup
11:45:42 AM Pirate: what?
11:45:51 AM dylanbreann96: wats up?
11:46:12 AM Pirate: your mom is up
11:46:27 AM dylanbreann96: haha no the sky is
11:48:00 AM dylanbreann96: duh everone nows thats silly
11:48:41 AM dylanbreann96: WAT.... BURN.... FIRE N' YOUR HOLE!
12:17:40 PM dylanbreann96: OOO do you got a comment now/.
1:02:12 PM Pirate: um, i stepped away from the computer.. and you kept talking
1:46:11 PM Pirate: you are only 12 years old

And then a day later...

9:40:06 AM dylanbreann96: how do you no im 12
9:41:16 AM dylanbreann96: ok thats really creepy. do you have mmyspace
10:26:36 AM dylanbreann96: UR A CREEP>|

11:12:19 AM Pirate: i know you are 12, because i can subtract 2008 from 1996
11:12:44 AM dylanbreann96: are you a stalker. do you no where i live
11:13:18 AM Pirate: you must not remember this... you have IM'd me every time and started this.  in that case, you would be the stalker... i.e. you are stalking me
11:13:45 AM dylanbreann96: no im not but do yoyu no were i live?
11:14:11 AM Pirate: i have all the logs... you are stalking me.  I dont even have you on my buddy list
11:14:30 AM dylanbreann96: y?
11:14:51 AM Pirate: because i dont know you nor have i added you to my list (and i wont)
11:15:25 AM dylanbreann96: fine the
11:15:38 AM Pirate: so... stop stalking me
11:15:46 AM dylanbreann96: we

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Cossack Pirate

3:29:54 PM thecossackpirate: lol
3:30:06 PM Pirate: hello cossack
3:30:14 PM thecossackpirate: we're both pirates eh?
3:30:49 PM thecossackpirate: thats funny how you got the s/n haha
3:30:58 PM Pirate: um, i typed it in
3:31:10 PM thecossackpirate: ya but you would have thought it was taken
3:31:30 PM Pirate: it depends on how long ago you assume i received it
3:31:41 PM thecossackpirate: o
3:31:48 PM thecossackpirate: dude um
3:31:54 PM thecossackpirate: gimme steves number and stuff
3:32:03 PM thecossackpirate: Tom wants me to come over today
3:32:15 PM thecossackpirate: i wanna call em
3:32:22 PM thecossackpirate: cause if i dont go then we'll do something
3:32:35 PM Pirate: i am pretty sure, that we dont know the same steve and tom... since i have no idea who you are
3:33:37 PM thecossackpirate: ok im confused
3:34:00 PM Pirate: who do you think i am?
3:34:07 PM thecossackpirate: I thought you were my friend Pat
3:34:18 PM Pirate: you must not talk to your friend pat very much
3:34:19 PM thecossackpirate: Who told me to add you lol
3:35:01 PM thecossackpirate: So who are you then?
3:36:01 PM thecossackpirate: nvm i was confused sorry to bother you haha

Monday, July 21, 2008

Latte chik

7:18:13 PM lattechikxo: hey
7:18:24 PM lattechikxo: i said hey
7:18:31 PM lattechikxo: take that biotch
7:18:38 PM lattechikxo: eat it
7:18:48 PM lattechikxo: EAT IT
7:22:09 PM Pirate: eat what?
7:22:14 PM lattechikxo: eat IT
7:22:24 PM Pirate: information technology?
7:22:36 PM Pirate: national organization of women?
7:22:44 PM lattechikxo: do u kno PROSOCCER10101
7:22:49 PM Pirate: no
7:23:19 PM lattechikxo: have u talked to PROSOCCER10101
7:23:24 PM Pirate: no
7:23:34 PM lattechikxo: im her friend
7:23:40 PM lattechikxo: take that biotch
7:23:46 PM Pirate: take what?
7:23:58 PM lattechikxo: ur so stupid u biotch
7:24:14 PM Pirate: that is a pronoun, which normally refers to a noun
7:24:26 PM Pirate: the way you have used it there, you assume i know what the noun is you are referring to
7:24:27 PM Pirate: i do not
7:24:33 PM lattechikxo: ur such a nerd
7:24:45 PM Pirate: then why do you talk to me?
7:24:53 PM lattechikxo: its fun
7:24:59 PM Pirate: mommy and daddy dont want to talk to you?
7:25:03 PM Pirate: so you talk to me ?
7:25:09 PM lattechikxo: sing the alphabet
7:25:35 PM lattechikxo: hello
7:25:50 PM lattechikxo: u suck
7:26:07 PM lattechikxo: mommy and daddy r embarrasing

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Boat people suck..

8:07:31 AM boatdoctor68: hey good morning
8:09:27 AM boatdoctor68: I'm on lake russel hartwell and suscecsion.
8:09:34 AM Pirate: so?
8:09:52 AM boatdoctor68: where do you hang out at
8:10:01 AM Pirate: Earth
8:10:16 AM boatdoctor68: are you into boating
8:10:55 AM Pirate: are you just randomly IM'ing people?
8:11:39 AM boatdoctor68: no I thought you was someone else that I meet on murry
8:12:18 AM boatdoctor68: we are starting a real club for boating
8:12:34 AM Pirate: you do realize i could be in china for all you know
8:13:12 AM boatdoctor68: that's why i'm talking to you to find out
8:13:53 AM boatdoctor68: you could be a snot noze little brat
8:14:30 AM Pirate: i could be, but i can spell nose correctly also
8:15:17 AM boatdoctor68: ok so your a want to be pirate
8:16:01 AM Pirate: you can think or believe whatever you like.  i think it is funny you are trying to pick a fight with me now

Monday, June 23, 2008

Been a long time since I was accused of being a robot..

2:17:31 PM babygurl17855: pirate
2:21:28 PM Pirate: babygurl
2:24:12 PM babygurl17855: are you a robot
2:24:23 PM Pirate: are you?
2:26:34 PM Pirate: i assume from you not answering you have determined that you are not a robot, and therefore neither am i
2:27:15 PM babygurl17855: wow!
2:27:22 PM babygurl17855: nope i am not
2:27:36 PM Pirate: see, i was correct
2:27:41 PM babygurl17855: yesye
2:27:43 PM babygurl17855: *yesyes
2:27:54 PM babygurl17855: but i assumed by your right to the point screenname that you were
2:28:32 PM Pirate: is that because in your little world you can't fathom that someone might actually have been using AIM long enough to have a screen name such as mine?
2:29:07 PM babygurl17855: that is correct
2:29:29 PM Pirate: then consider your little world expanded

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Do people really play Starcraft anymore?

10:33:30 PM jo19se: Hey you played on bnet didn tu?
10:33:39 PM Pirate: yes
10:34:00 PM jo19se: wouldnt happen to have a xtra key hangin around would ya i just reinstalled sc and mines voided for some reason :[
10:34:15 PM Pirate: what does sc and voided mean?
10:34:36 PM jo19se: Starcraft* and my cd key was basically banned
10:34:45 PM Pirate: ah so you were cheating
10:34:48 PM jo19se: No
10:34:52 PM jo19se: someone else was using my cd key
10:34:54 PM jo19se: spamming not cheating
10:35:28 PM Pirate: "your" cdkey, just like you are asking me for an extra one now
10:36:01 PM jo19se: Yeah my nephew used it but, I was asking for a favor not an interogation
10:36:10 PM jo19se: So nevermind man Ill figure something out
10:36:16 PM Pirate: there are two r's in interrogation
10:36:29 PM jo19se: As if I give a flying f00k man your so rude.  (NOTE: edited for content)
10:36:42 PM Pirate: why not just use aol search for finding a new key

Monday, June 2, 2008

where for art thou, antonio?

9:20:55 PM chicleandchicle: hey, would it be ok if i came into town tommorow instead of fri.?
9:21:28 PM Pirate: sure
9:21:37 PM Pirate: but only if you wear that skirt i like, and the sexy heels
9:21:42 PM chicleandchicle: okay, fallon said shell ge
9:21:48 PM chicleandchicle: she will get me
9:21:56 PM chicleandchicle: haha, what skirt, i have no heels
9:22:10 PM chicleandchicle: ill wear nothin
9:22:33 PM Pirate: even better.. make sure you are all whored up with the makeup
9:23:05 PM chicleandchicle: word
9:23:23 PM Pirate: btw, who are you?
9:24:34 PM chicleandchicle: Antonio
9:25:00 PM Pirate: i have no idea who you are... and i think you have the wrong screen name
9:25:28 PM chicleandchicle: haha, i realized that a while ago

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

You can't be serious...

6:48:51 PM jks9120: hey
6:49:05 PM jks9120: whats up
6:49:37 PM jks9120: r u a girl or a boy how old ru
6:49:53 PM jks9120: i ll wait kk
6:50:33 PM jks9120:  waiting trying to be paitent
6:50:53 PM jks9120: lalalalalalaalla
6:57:00 PM jks9120: I M BOREED
6:57:16 PM jks9120: STILL WAITN
6:58:36 PM jks9120: KLHGJKYJUKYYJ
6:59:13 PM jks9120: THAT WAS MY BROTHER
6:59:20 PM jks9120: NOT ME
7:00:41 PM jks9120: THAT WASNT MEEE
7:29:45 PM jks9120: OMG UR SO ANNOYING
7:30:00 PM jks9120: GOT THAT NOW BYE
7:30:11 PM jks9120: MOTHER FRR

Monday, May 26, 2008

Another Offer to Buy the Screen Name

2:08:04 PM ness: hey
2:08:14 PM Pirate: ?
2:08:21 PM ness: who is this?
2:08:36 PM Pirate: no one you know, delete me off your buddy list
2:08:45 PM ness: did you crack this screenname?
2:09:18 PM Pirate: no
2:09:29 PM ness: i will buy it
2:09:42 PM Pirate:
2:10:50 PM ness: such a hacker
2:11:06 PM Pirate: Terre Haute, Indiana
2:11:12 PM Pirate: is close to you
2:11:18 PM ness: yah man
2:11:33 PM ness: i just saw this screenname on someones list
2:11:35 PM ness: this isnt my sn
2:11:42 PM ness: sorry for bothering you dude
2:11:44 PM ness: later
2:12:01 PM Pirate: doesnt matter if it is yours or not, i am posting this
2:12:05 PM ness: thats fine

Saturday, May 17, 2008


--- 5/17/2008 ---
PinheadCasualty (6:49 PM):

pirate (6:51 PM):
Wtf that is a crazy screenname

PinheadCasualty (6:51 PM):
Wicked fooking pissed, I hate neglectful parents, leave me alone to vent my anger and rage in my own ways. (edited for content)

PinheadCasualty (6:52 PM):
I know, but so is Pirate

pirate (6:52 PM):
I earned mine

PinheadCasualty (6:53 PM):
really, did ja dig up ol blackbeard fer it?

pirate (6:53 PM):
If you are going to speak to me, I require proper english

PinheadCasualty (6:54 PM):
Really, did you have to dig up Old Blackbeard in order to have the screenname you are using bestowed unto you?

pirate (6:55 PM):
No, I did not have to dig up Blackbeard or any other dead pirates

PinheadCasualty (6:55 PM):
Oh, then how did one earn his nickname?

pirate (6:56 PM):
I assume you have not my blog, since it is spelled out several times there

PinheadCasualty (6:56 PM):
'I assume you have not my blog'???
If you are going to speak to me, I require proper english

pirate (6:57 PM):
Read, and I am on phone after a bottle of very nice red wine from an upscale restaurant

PinheadCasualty (6:58 PM):
Oh ok I see PJ

pirate (6:58 PM):

PinheadCasualty (6:58 PM):
im assuming

pirate (6:58 PM):
Assuming what?

PinheadCasualty (6:58 PM):
your name is PJ

pirate (6:59 PM):
My name is phil irate, which is how I got the name pirate.   P. Irate

PinheadCasualty (7:00 PM):
is this pj anderson?

pirate (7:00 PM):
My name is Phil Irate

PinheadCasualty (7:01 PM):
hi pj

pirate (7:01 PM):
Wtf are you?

PinheadCasualty (7:02 PM):
a human

pirate (7:02 PM): is my blog and it is over a year old.

PinheadCasualty (7:02 PM):
just a dude on a computer

pirate (7:02 PM):
No kidding, and I am sure you know I am not a person named PJ

PinheadCasualty (7:03 PM):
did you im me or zimhasametalgear yesterday?

pirate (7:03 PM):
This is so going on my blog
I did nothing to message anyone

PinheadCasualty (7:04 PM):
and you talked to my sister and you told her yer name is pj and in college?

pirate (7:05 PM):
No, I did not. Someone is f'ing with you
I am famous on the Internet

PinheadCasualty (7:05 PM):
my sister wouldnt f with me

pirate (7:05 PM):
You sure? She f's everyone else :)

PinheadCasualty (7:06 PM):
dude shes 13 thats low

pirate (7:07 PM):
She is quite the f'er.  And wtf is some 13 year old doing on the internet without adult supervision

pirate (7:08 PM):
Did you look at my blog? I think it is self-explanatory

PinheadCasualty (7:08 PM):
dude, thats real low and if yer gonna go that low I'm just gonna book outta here

pirate (7:09 PM):
LoL, you are an idiot.  Pirate gets all sorts of messages. Someone is f'ing with you

pirate (7:11 PM):
We all done, did you finally go look at my blog?

PinheadCasualty (7:12 PM):
i dont care enough to dude

pirate (7:12 PM):
Good, if you don't care enough to look then leave me alone

PinheadCasualty (7:12 PM):
thats why id didnt answer back until you did

pirate (7:13 PM):
I hope your sis is kidnapped off the internet. ;)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stop it!!

3:25:26 PM marcanos17: wow is this
3:25:38 PM Pirate: wow?
3:26:10 PM marcanos17: yes who is this
3:26:28 PM Pirate: good grief, delete me off your buddy list.. you dont know me
3:27:01 PM marcanos17: u delete me
3:27:14 PM Pirate: lol, i dont have you
3:27:19 PM Pirate: you IM'd me retard
3:27:31 PM marcanos17: i deleted u
3:27:39 PM Pirate: fantastic, bye
3:27:51 PM marcanos17: stop messaging me bye
3:27:58 PM Pirate: no and by
3:28:01 PM Pirate: bye
3:28:10 PM marcanos17: stop messaging me bye
3:28:18 PM Pirate: no you stop
3:28:31 PM marcanos17: u keep messaging me
3:28:36 PM Pirate: no i dont
3:28:45 PM marcanos17: what u doing now
3:29:41 PM Pirate: did you say something?  i had closed the window
3:30:09 PM marcanos17: STOP MESSAGING ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3:30:20 PM Pirate: what did you say? I closed the window again
3:30:27 PM marcanos17: BYE
3:30:39 PM Pirate: you said that already, jesus leave me alone
3:31:00 PM marcanos17: fine then leave me alone
3:31:09 PM Pirate: i am trying, but you keep IM'ing me
3:31:36 PM marcanos17: becuase u keep im me i told u to stop bothering me
3:37:32 PM Pirate: huh, what did you say? i stepped away
3:38:23 PM Pirate: i keep closing the window, and you keep opening it by IM'ing me... stop
3:38:38 PM marcanos17: ok then stop
3:39:11 PM Pirate: you stop!! i have closed the window at least dozen times


3:07:53 PM cuddle1239: who is this
3:08:08 PM Pirate: <--pirate
3:08:15 PM cuddle1239: what?
3:08:19 PM cuddle1239: your real name
3:08:41 PM Pirate: like i would tell a complete stranger on the interweb my real name
3:08:59 PM cuddle1239: i will tell you mine
3:09:07 PM Pirate: feel free
3:09:09 PM cuddle1239: do you wanna get to noe me
3:09:11 PM cuddle1239: and are you
3:09:15 PM cuddle1239: a boy or girl
3:09:21 PM cuddle1239: and my name is carolyn
3:09:37 PM Pirate: carolyn, how did you find my name?
3:10:05 PM cuddle1239: i dont noe did you add me
3:11:11 PM cuddle1239: hello are you thee
3:11:27 PM Pirate: no, i didnt add you.  you must have added me or typed my name in randomly
3:11:44 PM cuddle1239: probubly
3:11:51 PM cuddle1239: so are you a boy
3:11:56 PM cuddle1239: i am a gir
3:11:59 PM cuddle1239: l
3:12:03 PM Pirate: child, go play in the street and leave me alone
3:12:15 PM cuddle1239: you a teenager
3:12:24 PM Pirate: your grammar is terrible
3:12:32 PM cuddle1239: so what
3:12:43 PM cuddle1239: are you a girl or a boy
3:12:54 PM cuddle1239: i just asked you one question
3:13:02 PM Pirate: i dont see how my gender is any business of yours... it is not relevant to this conversation
3:13:16 PM cuddle1239: ok?
3:13:28 PM cuddle1239: i may e older then you
3:13:49 PM Pirate: what is a "may e"
3:13:56 PM cuddle1239: be
3:14:13 PM cuddle1239: i may be older then you
3:14:20 PM Pirate: doubtful
3:14:32 PM cuddle1239: how old are you then
3:14:43 PM cuddle1239: exactly
3:15:01 PM Pirate: if i wont tell you my name or gender, what makes you think i will tell you my age
3:15:38 PM cuddle1239: whateve
3:15:43 PM cuddle1239: whats your problem
3:15:51 PM cuddle1239: at least tell me what grade you in
3:16:14 PM Pirate: lol
3:17:09 PM cuddle1239: are you going to tell me what grade you in and lol
3:17:18 PM cuddle1239: who are you whats your name
3:17:25 PM cuddle1239: please just tel me
3:17:38 PM Pirate: so in your small world, only kids use aim?  so therefore i must be "in a grade"
3:18:37 PM cuddle1239: what grade you in
3:18:43 PM cuddle1239: no need to be mean
3:19:08 PM Pirate: i am not getting through, what year was AIM released to the internets?
3:19:31 PM cuddle1239: i dont now
3:19:34 PM Pirate: 1997
3:19:47 PM cuddle1239: i just asked you what grade you in
3:19:56 PM Pirate: were you alive in 1997?
3:20:07 PM cuddle1239: no

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Anything *salmon is a Bot-reflector

9:51:46 PM womanizedsalmon: WomanizedSalmon
9:52:20 PM Pirate: >?
9:52:22 PM womanizedsalmon: BjauEihnaoVifhajnaIfnajfNiawidfhjaVanwdaAajnfjaNkjfnajnLeujafIfneEajnwdfaMfjaenhfaPejfbajT
9:52:26 PM Pirate: ?
9:52:51 PM womanizedsalmon: WomanizedSalmon
9:53:03 PM Pirate: >?
9:53:06 PM womanizedsalmon: I would like to buy your AIM SN. How much do you want for that?
9:53:27 PM Pirate: it is not for sale
9:53:37 PM womanizedsalmon: Name your price.
9:54:08 PM Pirate: why so you can scam it somehow?
9:54:27 PM womanizedsalmon: No, because your SN is awesome, and I want it very badly.
9:54:45 PM Pirate: how old are you?
9:55:33 PM womanizedsalmon: I am twenty-four.
9:56:06 PM Pirate: your buddy info says:
i liek chearleadin an maybe a bit moer...

9:56:15 PM Pirate: that doesnt sound like a 24 year old
9:56:16 PM womanizedsalmon: It's an inside joke.
9:56:16 PM Pirate: LOL
9:56:24 PM Pirate: sure it is
9:56:40 PM womanizedsalmon: No, you're right. I type like that, as you can see.
9:56:51 PM womanizedsalmon: Actually I'm a slutty 14 year old cheerleader.  you've caught me.
9:57:24 PM Pirate: so where is a 14 year old going to get any kind of real money to pay for this name
9:57:51 PM womanizedsalmon: Do you have a dictionary on hand?
9:58:00 PM Pirate:
9:58:17 PM womanizedsalmon: Very good. Look up "sarcasm" for me, please. I've forgotten what it means.
9:58:53 PM Pirate: i will do that right after i post this conversation on my blog,
9:59:12 PM womanizedsalmon: Feel free. However, I still want to buy your screen name.
9:59:25 PM Pirate: i have turned down $10,00 for it before
10:00:04 PM womanizedsalmon: Why?
10:00:16 PM Pirate: because 10 grand is not enough obviously
10:00:41 PM womanizedsalmon: Obviously. How much do you want?
10:00:53 PM Pirate: a half million sounds about right
10:01:06 PM womanizedsalmon: You sure do like that screen name of yours.
10:01:20 PM Pirate: so do you, but i have it
10:02:21 PM womanizedsalmon: Google salmon aim bot.
10:02:42 PM Pirate: no
10:03:03 PM womanizedsalmon: You're using your screen name as a sort of social experiment. Is that right?
10:04:26 PM Pirate: no, i just post all the random IM's i get
10:06:35 PM Pirate: Baytown, Texas and Brattleboro, Vermont... which are you from?
10:07:24 PM womanizedsalmon: Brattleboro, Vermont. Come by for a visit any time you like!
10:07:45 PM Pirate: so the other person listening in on the bot must be from the other location
10:07:58 PM Pirate: you both hit the journal page one second apart
10:08:41 PM womanizedsalmon: How interesting.
10:08:54 PM Pirate: not really, it is common sense

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Lil Jon (7:19 PM):

pirate (7:39 PM):
Where is Robin Hood?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Save your face!!

4:30:55 PM fishface4495: HEYY
4:31:02 PM Pirate: what?
4:31:11 PM fishface4495: whats up?
4:31:19 PM Pirate: you smell something?
4:31:27 PM fishface4495: yea you
4:31:37 PM Pirate: i smell fish, and not a good fish
4:31:49 PM fishface4495: SAVE THE WHALES!
4:32:01 PM Pirate: whales are not fish, they are mammals
4:32:14 PM fishface4495: save them they are going extinct
4:32:27 PM Pirate: i wish you were extinct
4:32:39 PM fishface4495: me too unfortunatly suicide failed
4:33:06 PM fishface4495: SAVE THE TURTLES!
4:33:30 PM Pirate: do you want something specific?  or are you just going to type random things into here
4:33:58 PM fishface4495: no i am serious i am a animal activist saving things is my life choosen career
4:34:28 PM Pirate: the animals are in trouble, since your spelling and grammar are not so hot
4:35:48 PM fishface4495: yea i don't care about my grammer or spelling i care about hte fact that people don't care about our enviroment. did you know that if every continent used as many resourses as america the world would be out of natural resourses in 10 years!
4:35:55 PM fishface4495: the**
4:36:15 PM Pirate: resources*
4:36:26 PM fishface4495: yea sorry my bad
4:36:44 PM fishface4495: RECYCLE!
4:38:05 PM fishface4495: what would you do if someone just came up to you and started testing make-up and hair care supplies on you?
4:38:35 PM Pirate: i would move to NJ
4:38:54 PM fishface4495: NJ is just as bad as any other part of the world
4:38:59 PM Pirate: it is a chemical swamp  already
4:39:57 PM fishface4495: i no which means everyone in NJ is breathing up chemicals that are slowly eating away at their brains and they all one day die of chemical poisoning
4:40:13 PM Pirate: hmm, and i bet you live in ledgewood, nj
4:40:54 PM fishface4495: hmmmm i bet your wrong i live on the road in a camper taking the world one street at a time
4:41:00 PM Pirate: you started IM'ing me just after someone from ledgewood looked at my blog
4:41:09 PM fishface4495: and?
4:41:28 PM Pirate: i dont think it is a coincidence
4:41:41 PM fishface4495: and? you are making no sence
4:42:00 PM Pirate: you must not know the word, coincidence
4:42:10 PM Pirate: meaning... i think you looked at my blog and IM'd me afterward

(editor's note:  someone from ledgewood, nj looked at the blog 4 more times after this conversation yesterday)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Frechman talking

1:29:23 PM pitinho1221:  
1:31:52 PM pitinho1221:  
1:38:08 PM Pirate: ?
1:40:28 PM pitinho1221: bonjour
1:41:39 PM Pirate: what do you want?
1:41:50 PM pitinho1221: do you speak french ?
1:42:02 PM Pirate: no, why would I?
1:44:18 PM pitinho1221: Desolate I do not speak English
1:44:32 PM Pirate: just like i dont speak french
1:48:25 PM pitinho1221: moi je parle français
1:49:30 PM Pirate: how do you say capitulation in french?
1:50:06 PM pitinho1221: casse-toi
1:50:24 PM Pirate: that seems to short to be correct
1:51:02 PM pitinho1221: d'ou tu sors toi je t'ai rien demandé
1:52:01 PM Pirate: does your mom still have that donkey rack in her bedroom?
1:52:44 PM pitinho1221: va te faire foutre dans les grandes largeurs
1:53:14 PM pitinho1221: barre toi je t'ai rien demandé ou cause moi francais
1:53:49 PM Pirate: can you show me how to let the germans invade?
1:54:28 PM pitinho1221: tu sais ce kil te fais le singe dans le lit?
1:54:37 PM pitinho1221: va t'en
1:54:55 PM pitinho1221: barre toi
1:55:12 PM pitinho1221: MERDE
1:55:59 PM pitinho1221: tu veux discuter police ou tu veux un dessin?
1:56:16 PM Pirate: i know the word police...
1:56:34 PM pitinho1221: yes
1:56:37 PM pitinho1221: alors
1:56:46 PM Pirate: cops robbers and hookers
1:57:19 PM pitinho1221: fook you bye  (note: edited)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Your mom does porn

12:30:52 PM austinwhite15: hey pirate
12:31:10 PM Pirate: yes?
12:31:17 PM austinwhite15: have you seen the movie 21
12:31:35 PM Pirate: is that the porno your mom did?
12:31:51 PM austinwhite15: no she was in the otherone
12:32:06 PM austinwhite15: cant remeber the name
12:32:26 PM Pirate: excessive penetration milf's doing crack
12:32:29 PM Pirate: was the name i think
12:32:36 PM austinwhite15: yea thats the one
12:32:49 PM Pirate: she was horrid in that
12:32:59 PM austinwhite15: it wasnt her best film
12:33:20 PM Pirate: the one where she was snorting coke off the dead girl was her best
12:33:40 PM austinwhite15: yea that did get me laughing

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Art bribes?

2:02:32 PM slzero1: hey, Uni, are you taking any art bribes at the moment?
2:42:32 PM Pirate: art bribes?
2:42:42 PM slzero1: Yes?
2:43:05 PM Pirate: i have no idea what an art bribe is
2:43:11 PM slzero1: o____o
2:43:14 PM slzero1: My bad.
2:43:25 PM Pirate: nor do i know who Uni is
2:43:25 PM slzero1: ^^;;
2:43:43 PM slzero1: Sorry.
2:44:22 PM slzero1: A different question then; Are you on Gaia Online? ^^;
2:44:35 PM Pirate: i assume no, since i dont know what that is
2:44:48 PM slzero1: Alright then.
2:46:57 PM Pirate: good enough

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I don't care

9:40:51 PM flamestoashess: hi
9:40:57 PM flamestoashess: oh god
9:40:59 PM flamestoashess: finally
9:41:02 PM Pirate: what?
9:41:02 PM flamestoashess: your online
9:43:00 PM Pirate: and?
9:45:03 PM Pirate: weak
9:46:00 PM flamestoashess: im still here
9:46:03 PM flamestoashess: just invisible
9:46:11 PM Pirate: and?
9:46:20 PM flamestoashess: why am i weak?
9:46:30 PM Pirate: because you IM me and you have nothing to say
9:46:36 PM flamestoashess: i do
9:46:40 PM flamestoashess: you just dont seem intrested
9:47:04 PM Pirate: i am not interested in what you have to say, because i am sure it wont be anything i care about
9:48:10 PM flamestoashess: no you wont
9:48:26 PM flamestoashess: i just figured maybe id find one of those caring random internet people
9:48:30 PM flamestoashess: i guess not
9:48:42 PM Pirate: yah good luck with finding who cares
9:49:07 PM flamestoashess: why are you such a jerk
9:49:26 PM Pirate: because you are an idiot for thinking a random person would give a crap about you
9:50:09 PM flamestoashess: wow.
9:52:02 PM Pirate:
9:52:05 PM Pirate: posted there
9:52:34 PM flamestoashess: thats great
9:52:41 PM Pirate: you are welcome
9:53:00 PM Pirate: and you live in covert, michigan
9:53:09 PM flamestoashess: no.
9:53:11 PM flamestoashess: i dont
9:53:16 PM Pirate: yes, you do.. or near there
9:53:25 PM flamestoashess: how the hell would you know?
9:53:33 PM Pirate: since that is where your IP is .. i can see it from when you looked at the site i sent you
9:54:20 PM flamestoashess: no. im on vacation
9:54:21 PM flamestoashess: sorry
9:54:29 PM Pirate: so as a lesson, dont im random folks and look at links they send you
9:54:31 PM Pirate: nice try
9:54:37 PM Pirate: but i really dont care if you are there or not
9:55:11 PM flamestoashess: no really im in a lake house next to lake michigan
9:55:16 PM flamestoashess: where f00king covert is (note: edited)
9:55:21 PM Pirate: child, i really dont care
9:55:32 PM Pirate: your protestations just make me sure i am right
9:56:07 PM flamestoashess: your ignorance makes me sure your just as big a dumbass as you seem
9:56:36 PM Pirate: well my ignorance is greater than yours, since i knew how to get your location by you looking at my website
9:56:42 PM Pirate: remember you had to ask me how i did it
9:57:40 PM flamestoashess: so because you can f00king look up an IP that makes you a genius (note: edited)
9:57:55 PM Pirate: i am not the one looking for random people to IM now am i?
9:58:25 PM flamestoashess: i was bored.
9:58:38 PM flamestoashess: some people arent asses like you
9:58:39 PM Pirate: next time you are bored go lay in the street
9:58:59 PM flamestoashess: im sure itd be better than talking with you
9:59:12 PM Pirate: it would make you more entertaining that is for sure

Monday, March 31, 2008


1:45:13 PM mdamedenise: coucou
1:45:23 PM Pirate: cachoo
1:45:40 PM mdamedenise: vous ne venez pas?
1:45:52 PM Pirate: english only please
1:47:13 PM mdamedenise: tu n'est pas mon gendre?
1:47:21 PM Pirate: english!!
1:48:06 PM mdamedenise: you are my son?
1:48:35 PM Pirate: LOL, no.. should i be?
1:49:20 PM mdamedenise: lol i'm sorry good by

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Threatened with hatred (while answering from my mobile phone)

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (6:50 PM):
u have absolutely no life... haha posting convos on the internet? haha loser thats pathetic

pirate (6:52 PM):
LoL, like you have nothing better to do than message me

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (6:53 PM):
noo im talkingg to likee 8 peoplee and theyy allllll told mee too IM u
i cann probb gett all of Americaa to hatee u

pirate (6:59 PM):
That would be great, I would enjoy that.  I accept your offer to do that work for me

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (7:00 PM):
lhaha i could barely lift a fingerr doing itt
i knoww some pretty cool peoplee who could spreadd somethingg within seconddss

pirate (7:02 PM):
Do it then, and stop bragging about it

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (7:03 PM):
yeah like im gunna listenn to an oldd fartt likee u

pirate (7:03 PM):
Yah, I didn't think you had any pull

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (7:04 PM):
u know whatt?? im startingg noww

pirate (7:04 PM):
Good, I can't wait

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (7:05 PM):
pshh yeah i bet u cant. ur self esteem must be really low

pirate (7:05 PM):
Still all talk and no action on your part

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (7:06 PM):
oo im doingg a lott.
u dont eveennnn know
bee afraid

pirate (7:06 PM):
You are right, I don't know. Because you are not doing anything LOL

Hi Mike!

11:28:40 AM frenchxcutie: hi mike
11:28:57 AM Pirate: hello there, amanda
11:29:33 AM frenchxcutie: i 4got whts 4 hmwk
11:29:47 AM Pirate: i cant read that
11:30:10 AM frenchxcutie: i forgot whats for homework'
11:30:19 AM Pirate: oh, for which class?
11:30:38 AM frenchxcutie: english
11:31:13 AM Pirate: i think it was all of chapter 12 and 18, plus you had to write a short story of erotica
11:31:29 AM frenchxcutie: no
11:31:41 AM frenchxcutie: it was in the notebook
11:31:54 AM frenchxcutie: but i dont know which page
11:32:12 AM Pirate: i poured gasoline on my notebook, and used it to burn down my house last night
11:32:17 AM Pirate: so i dont have the notebook or a home anymore
11:32:40 AM frenchxcutie: r u really mike
11:32:59 AM Pirate: obviously not, you told me your name the last time you accidentally IM'd me
11:33:12 AM frenchxcutie: uh
11:33:30 AM frenchxcutie: i get his screenname wrong all the time
11:33:39 AM frenchxcutie: im soo sorry
11:34:09 AM frenchxcutie: ok bii
11:34:19 AM Pirate: use english... bye
11:34:27 AM frenchxcutie: bye lol

Monday, March 17, 2008

Repeat offender

10:26:14 PM wildc1115: hello
10:26:41 PM Pirate: 4:59:20 PM Pirate: obviously you have nothing better to do... therefore i assume you have nothing salient or pertinent to talk about
4:59:29 PM wildc1115: how old are you
4:59:30 PM wildc1115: lol
4:59:55 PM Pirate: not important
5:00:07 PM wildc1115: you're mean

10:26:51 PM wildc1115: ypur point?
10:26:53 PM wildc1115: your*
10:27:06 PM Pirate: you have nothing pertinent or salient to say
10:27:22 PM wildc1115: just trying to start a conversation
10:27:50 PM Pirate: as i said you have nothing pertinent or salient to say, so what makes you think i want to have a conversation with you
10:28:07 PM wildc1115: i don't know
10:28:17 PM Pirate: exactly, nothing salient to say
10:28:26 PM wildc1115: ok, why don't you then?
10:28:37 PM Pirate: why dont i want?
10:28:41 PM wildc1115: say something
10:28:59 PM Pirate: you are an insufferable little twit
10:29:08 PM wildc1115: you don't even know me
10:29:09 PM wildc1115:
10:29:20 PM Pirate: i have good instincts

eww bro..

7:15:22 PM poqtartzz: who r u?
7:15:34 PM Pirate: God
7:15:46 PM poqtartzz: free pron?
7:15:56 PM poqtartzz: porn*
7:17:19 PM poqtartzz: bt 4 real
7:17:28 PM poqtartzz: r u a robot person?
7:19:15 PM poqtartzz: ?

30 minutes later...

7:49:50 PM poqtartzz: free porn?
7:52:14 PM poqtartzz: ?
7:52:48 PM Pirate:
7:54:00 PM poqtartzz: eww bro.

Free porn?

7:08:36 PM wtfisup112: u got free porn?
7:09:00 PM Pirate: you cant find free porn on your own?
7:09:10 PM wtfisup112: u said u had some for me
7:09:32 PM Pirate: i did, i dont even know who you are
7:09:46 PM wtfisup112: im the guy who wants free porn
7:09:49 PM wtfisup112: no gimme
7:10:23 PM Pirate: uh-huh, give up the meth... it is rotting your brain
7:10:39 PM wtfisup112: plz
7:12:04 PM Pirate: no, i am not giving you meth
7:12:07 PM wtfisup112: NOW
7:12:11 PM wtfisup112: i want porn
7:12:17 PM wtfisup112: u got da hookup i heard
7:13:21 PM Pirate: you should learn to use search, you can find your own meth dealer in your local area
7:13:37 PM wtfisup112: im looknig for porn not drugs
7:13:40 PM wtfisup112: duhhhh
7:13:48 PM Pirate: i am not going to support your meth habit
7:14:44 PM wtfisup112: this is not turning into a friendly conversation
7:14:49 PM wtfisup112: gimme the porn
7:14:57 PM Pirate: who said i was friendly?
7:15:08 PM wtfisup112: ur gay!
7:15:11 PM wtfisup112: bye

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I am illegal

5:32:02 PM toxxicxsugar: u put my name on the internet
5:32:10 PM toxxicxsugar: u do realize thats illegal
5:32:14 PM Pirate: did I?
5:32:18 PM Pirate: and how is that illegal
5:32:20 PM toxxicxsugar: yeah...
5:32:47 PM toxxicxsugar: because u diddnt even get permission. if i were to call the cops you would get in trouble
5:33:06 PM Pirate: you do realize that I dont need permission, because I didnt ask you to IM me
5:33:10 PM toxxicxsugar: which i will probably end up doing
5:33:19 PM toxxicxsugar: still, you know where i live
5:33:20 PM Pirate: you im'd me of your own free will, and I posted it of my own free will
5:33:26 PM toxxicxsugar: which is als a fellany
5:33:42 PM Pirate: feel free to call the cops, i am sure they have nothing better to do (if that makes you feel better)
5:33:50 PM Pirate: felony <--correct spelling
5:34:09 PM Pirate: and i will post this also
5:34:47 PM toxxicxsugar: go ahead. to everyone whos reading this right now, pirate has no life and he will end up in jail
5:35:00 PM Pirate: i am sure my readers will get a kick out of that
5:35:11 PM toxxicxsugar: haha no one will read your blog
5:35:25 PM toxxicxsugar: pshhhh ur not worthy
5:35:32 PM toxxicxsugar: everyone ese has better things to do
5:36:03 PM Pirate: i so agree, which is why i post these type of chats just to show how many bored people there are out there just randomly IM'ing names
5:36:29 PM toxxicxsugar: no i didnt im u cuz i was bored
5:36:37 PM toxxicxsugar: my friend did and u posted her sn
5:36:45 PM toxxicxsugar: so thats why.
5:36:50 PM Pirate: ah so you knew i would post your name when you IM'd me
5:36:56 PM Pirate: be sure you tell the cops that
5:37:14 PM toxxicxsugar: no i wanted to let you know you just cant do that
5:37:29 PM toxxicxsugar: all those people were being realy nice and u were being really mean
5:37:31 PM Pirate: yes i can, i can do anything with what people give me freely
5:37:37 PM toxxicxsugar: u have no heart. its filled with cold hard stone
5:37:41 PM Pirate: i didnt incite you to IM me, nor did I IM you first
5:38:01 PM toxxicxsugar: it doesnt matter. i have free will to IM whoever i want.
5:38:13 PM Pirate: and i have a free will to do what I want with it

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Why oh why?

2:31:49 PM deener3737: ewwww ur an old guy =/
2:38:30 PM Pirate: am i?
3:06:21 PM deener3737: uhh yeah
3:06:30 PM deener3737: i flippingg saw ur face bookkkk.
3:06:35 PM Pirate: and how do you know how old I am?
3:06:36 PM Pirate: lol
3:06:40 PM Pirate: i dont have a facebook
3:07:01 PM deener3737: uhhhhhhhhh yeah u doo. cuz i saww it andd it showedd ur oldd ass pic
3:07:10 PM Pirate: um no I dont
3:07:21 PM Pirate: i dont do myspace or facebook
3:07:31 PM deener3737: ur still oldd
3:07:39 PM Pirate: and how old am i?
3:08:05 PM deener3737: idkk...
3:08:07 PM deener3737: ur oldd
3:08:13 PM Pirate: is as follows:
3:08:14 PM Pirate: Unregistered Email

The email address you entered has not been registered.
3:08:20 PM Pirate: from facebook
3:09:34 PM Pirate: so you either are confused or a liar
3:09:41 PM deener3737: uhh no
3:10:02 PM Pirate: uh yah
3:11:13 PM Pirate: is that all you got?
3:14:41 PM deener3737: well ur a f00k face (NOTE: edited)
3:15:02 PM Pirate: name calling and cursing betrays your lack of intelligence and immaturity
3:15:22 PM deener3737:                                  yeah ur old. that just states that
3:15:36 PM Pirate: you dont even know how old i am
3:15:39 PM Pirate: you said so yourself
3:15:47 PM deener3737: .... i saw a picc off uuuuu.
3:15:50 PM deener3737: ur oldddd
3:16:06 PM Pirate: where is the pic?  it is not on facebook, as i have proven i dont have a profile there
3:16:41 PM deener3737: oooo okayyyy. oldiee
3:17:16 PM Pirate: and even if i am old.. which i am not ... you are the one who is always IM'ing me
3:17:20 PM Pirate: i dont IM you
3:27:30 PM deener3737: sooo ur a fatt asss nerdd who needsssss t get a f00kinggg life (Note: edited)
3:27:52 PM Pirate: i do?  you are the one who im's me... i just decide to respond
3:28:01 PM Pirate: sounds like you need the life not me
3:28:10 PM deener3737: wowwwwww.
3:28:18 PM deener3737: this izz why urr not mariedddd
3:28:39 PM Pirate: nice try... but i am not divulging any information about myself
3:29:16 PM deener3737: i dont wantt infoo about urselff cuz it telssss me itt in ur  FACE BOOK
3:29:32 PM Pirate: and as I said, i dont have one
3:30:04 PM Pirate: if you would be so kind as to link me to the page you are referring, it might be interesting to see

Monday, March 10, 2008

Back again...

6:11:13 PM oxoamzzxox: heyy
6:11:23 PM oxoamzzxox: r u mad at me
6:11:47 PM Pirate: you dont realize it, but i could care less if you are breathing or dead
6:12:06 PM oxoamzzxox: r u mad at me or not
6:12:26 PM Pirate: i dont care enough to be mad or not at you
6:12:28 PM Pirate: as i dont know you
6:12:33 PM Pirate: nor do i care to be bothered by you
6:12:43 PM oxoamzzxox: r u or not : yes or no
6:12:53 PM oxoamzzxox: yes or no
6:12:54 PM Pirate: it is not an either or question
6:13:28 PM oxoamzzxox: yes it is just answer it
6:13:33 PM Pirate: your self important little mind would get off on either answer, therefore i am telling you that you matter so little to me that it would be a waste of effort to expend an emotion on you
6:13:53 PM oxoamzzxox: omg ur weird
6:14:31 PM Pirate: no, i am just not 14 like you.. i have independent thought and independent will
6:15:18 PM oxoamzzxox: cause ur 89 and fat and ugly and ur will go die in a hole soon
6:15:57 PM Pirate: lol, one could only hope
6:16:08 PM Pirate: then i would be rid of trifling annoyances like you
6:16:59 PM oxoamzzxox: omg once again ur weird with werid wisdom that i do not care about ... and you just addmitted that ur 8
6:17:00 PM oxoamzzxox: 9
6:17:03 PM oxoamzzxox: 89*
6:17:37 PM Pirate: nope, i didnt.  you read that into it.  i said one could hope, and you would be that "one"
6:17:54 PM oxoamzzxox: wateva
6:18:08 PM oxoamzzxox: idc about u or ur stupid wisdon
6:18:12 PM oxoamzzxox: wisdom*
6:18:25 PM Pirate: then why are you IM'ing me?  didnt i insult you enough last night?
6:18:35 PM oxoamzzxox: nope i can take it
6:18:49 PM oxoamzzxox: im just bored and ur a fun robot to insult
6:18:51 PM Pirate: tell you what, i will save myself some time.. and just block you now
6:18:57 PM oxoamzzxox: okay good
6:19:03 PM oxoamzzxox: me 2 ill block u
6:19:06 PM Pirate: right after i post your chat to my blog

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Profiles on AIM

If the folks IM'ing Pirate have an AIM profile, I will be linking it in their posts from now on.


Why does this happen?

6:56:04 PM oxoamzzxox: heyy
6:56:06 PM oxoamzzxox: ya there
6:57:17 PM oxoamzzxox: ur a robot
6:57:31 PM oxoamzzxox: aren't you
6:57:36 PM oxoamzzxox: and you kno it
6:58:10 PM oxoamzzxox: yo yo
6:58:18 PM oxoamzzxox: I FREAKIN HATE YOU
8:00:03 PM Pirate: guess what?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Internet!!!

9:34:16 PM brinclhof11: hey 18 m ny you?
9:34:35 PM Pirate: wtf.. get off my internet

Blind Pirate

8:58:05 PM hottchilly99:
8:58:23 PM Pirate: what?
8:58:26 PM hottchilly99: nant meaghan
8:58:35 PM hottchilly99: look at it
8:58:36 PM Pirate: what again?
8:58:39 PM hottchilly99: its a fOOkign amazing song  (NOTE: edited)
8:58:46 PM Pirate: no! i dont click on links from strangers
8:58:55 PM hottchilly99: im joey from maine
8:59:09 PM Pirate: i could care less
9:00:02 PM Pirate: why are you IMing me?
9:00:09 PM hottchilly99: its a good song
9:00:17 PM Pirate: what is a good song?
9:00:21 PM hottchilly99: its steal my sunshine by len
9:00:45 PM Pirate: and why are you telling me this?  you have no idea who I am?  I could be blind and deaf for all you know
9:00:57 PM Pirate: that is it, you are torturing me!!
9:00:57 PM hottchilly99: then you wouldnt be on aim
9:01:05 PM hottchilly99: whaaaat
9:01:15 PM Pirate: you think blind and deaf people cant be on aim, you are a racist
9:01:20 PM Pirate: or at worst a bigot
9:01:59 PM hottchilly99: haha wtf
9:02:02 PM hottchilly99: its jsut a sont dude
9:02:07 PM hottchilly99: fine dont listen to it
9:02:27 PM Pirate:
9:02:36 PM Pirate: just so you know.. you can be blind and deaf and use aim
9:02:49 PM hottchilly99: whats that
9:03:03 PM Pirate: a link to instant messenger clients for the BLIND
9:03:13 PM hottchilly99: my uncle is blind
9:03:21 PM Pirate: he deserves to be
9:03:28 PM hottchilly99: excuse me
9:03:32 PM Pirate: you heard me
9:03:36 PM Pirate: i didnt IM you
9:03:39 PM Pirate: you IM'd me
9:03:47 PM hottchilly99: yeah but im not a d1ckhead and says he deserves it  (NOTE: edited)
9:03:49 PM Pirate: so i can do whatever i like to you
9:03:59 PM hottchilly99: your a f00king retard   (NOTE: edited)
9:04:12 PM Pirate: you cant spell, that should be "you're"
9:04:22 PM hottchilly99: bye
9:04:27 PM Pirate: thank god!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Still a robot?

5:23:13 PM looonytooon5: hi
5:23:45 PM looonytooon5: r u there robot
5:26:33 PM Pirate: hello child, i am not a robot.. and i am sure you know this already
5:26:40 PM Pirate: since you would not be raising the issue so early
5:27:12 PM looonytooon5: sorry than who r u
5:27:37 PM looonytooon5: i thought so robot
5:27:59 PM Pirate: why would i tell you who i am?  i have no idea who you are, nor do i want to know who you are
5:28:19 PM looonytooon5: well are you pmsing
5:28:43 PM Pirate: trying to be funny?  and no i am not having a premenstrual syndrome
5:29:32 PM looonytooon5: oh cause it soundlike it
5:31:10 PM looonytooon5: r u a stocker because my friend said you know were she lives
5:34:23 PM Pirate: you mean a stalker?  and no
5:34:45 PM Pirate: and i know where she lives because she looked at my website, and it gives me her location after she looks at ti
5:34:48 PM Pirate: it*
5:35:00 PM looonytooon5: sorry im not perfect not like a robot
5:35:13 PM looonytooon5: are you a boy
5:35:24 PM Pirate: that is not relevant
5:35:34 PM Pirate: did your friend tell you that I post all these conversations?
5:35:46 PM looonytooon5: Wht
5:36:00 PM looonytooon5: no she forgot that part
5:36:26 PM Pirate: convenient on her part to forget, since I will be posting this one also
5:36:31 PM Pirate: and everyone will know about you also
5:36:49 PM Pirate: i post them here:
5:36:53 PM Pirate: you can see for yourself
5:36:57 PM looonytooon5: why would you do that
5:37:15 PM looonytooon5: and no i dont want you to no where i live
5:37:40 PM Pirate: i do know, since you looked at the site... you live in Ledgewood, NJ also
5:38:17 PM looonytooon5: no i live in parsipany
5:38:28 PM looonytooon5: oh sh*t
5:38:36 PM looonytooon5: for get that

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Is Pirate a robot?

9:06:44 PM smileygirlwcurls: my brother is a retard
9:06:52 PM Pirate: yah he is
9:07:10 PM smileygirlwcurls: he wants to no who u are
9:07:36 PM smileygirlwcurls: ??
9:07:58 PM Pirate: again, you can't spell even the simplest words.  I see no reason to respond to the question
9:08:18 PM smileygirlwcurls: i am sorry he wants to no who you are
9:08:28 PM Pirate: it is "know" not no
9:08:51 PM smileygirlwcurls: oh sorry he wants to know who you are?
9:09:14 PM Pirate: too bad for him, i don't tell strangers anything about myself
9:09:46 PM smileygirlwcurls: oh well am i a stranger to you
9:10:14 PM Pirate: of course you are, i have no idea who you are... nor do I care to know anything about you
9:10:53 PM smileygirlwcurls: heyy that isn't nice to say now how are you going to get a lady friend with that type of attitude
9:11:18 PM Pirate: what makes you think i don't have a lady friend already?  or even several for that matter?
9:12:19 PM smileygirlwcurls: that is not nice you are cheating on all of those girls who have given you their hearts and trust and you go and stab them in the back... how could you
9:13:03 PM Pirate: you are putting words into my mouth, and inferring way too much information from the simple questions above.
9:13:13 PM Pirate: they are questions not statements of fat
9:13:27 PM Pirate: sorry i was thinking you are fat, i meant fact*
9:14:00 PM smileygirlwcurls: you don't even know me and you are insulting me
9:14:26 PM Pirate: you insulted me first and on several occasions the last couple of days
9:16:06 PM smileygirlwcurls: when did i insult you i was thinking something so i typed it out cause when you said that you have several lady friends i thought u meant girlfriends not just friends and i really didn't mean what i said yesterday i was really mad at my friend so i took it out on you and i am really sorry
9:16:40 PM smileygirlwcurls: :(
9:17:32 PM smileygirlwcurls: i really am sorry
9:18:34 PM Pirate: i can't believe how lame and gullible you are... i don't care a whit if you are sorry or not, or if you insult me.  I have no idea who you are, and I am confident that I don't care to know you
9:19:51 PM smileygirlwcurls: see there you go again insulting me and all i stand for i hate to burst your bubble but... you are a robot let me repeat you..are..a..robot!!!!!!!!!!
9:20:16 PM Pirate: again, let me say it as clear as i can... i don't care what you think
9:20:23 PM smileygirlwcurls: bitch
9:20:31 PM smileygirlwcurls: manwhore
9:20:40 PM smileygirlwcurls: transfestite
9:21:06 PM Pirate: type all you like, and it is spelled transvestite (if you even know what that is)
9:22:25 PM smileygirlwcurls: why would i use the word if i don't no wat it is and i hope u are stolen in the middle of the night raped molested and then i hope someone pours liquid on u and your circute explodes and you shutdown
9:22:36 PM smileygirlwcurls: nasty piece of metal
9:23:08 PM Pirate: have you looked at my blog?  where I post all these inane conversations from people like you?
9:23:18 PM Pirate:
9:24:03 PM Pirate: and now, i know where you live
9:24:21 PM Pirate: Ledgewood, NJ
9:25:00 PM smileygirlwcurls: nope
9:25:08 PM smileygirlwcurls: and nore will you ever no
9:25:16 PM Pirate: yep, but you can deny it all you like
9:25:38 PM smileygirlwcurls: ok wat street do i live on
9:25:38 PM Pirate: your screen name with your location will be on my blog tomorrow
9:25:44 PM Pirate: have a good night
9:25:55 PM smileygirlwcurls: go die in a hole
9:28:11 PM smileygirlwcurls: i want to see my location on ur blog tomarrow
9:28:34 PM smileygirlwcurls: and then i can rub it in your face that it is wrong
9:28:47 PM smileygirlwcurls: news flash i live in ohio
9:29:03 PM Pirate: how will you do that? since you are blocked now  and as I said... i really dont care

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I did your cousin

9:07:33 PM iamballin46: who is this?? pirate
9:07:47 PM Pirate: Phil
9:08:09 PM iamballin46: do u no a girl named bretial
9:08:28 PM Pirate: yes
9:08:43 PM iamballin46: koo how do u no her
9:09:15 PM Pirate: she made out with me once
9:09:46 PM iamballin46: what a fuking lier dood
9:09:48 PM iamballin46: wtf
9:10:14 PM Pirate: obviously, i have no idea who you are nor do you know who i am
9:10:21 PM Pirate: so just delete me off your buddy list, and move along
9:10:59 PM iamballin46: ok loook first ima involve u maked with my cuzin ima call her rite now and ask her kk man
9:11:09 PM iamballin46: i aint starting problems
9:11:10 PM iamballin46: kk
9:11:12 PM iamballin46: but
9:11:17 PM iamballin46: u maked with my cuz
9:11:32 PM Pirate: i took her panties home also, and i still have them
9:11:52 PM iamballin46: so u went below her waist to
9:11:55 PM iamballin46: ??
9:12:12 PM Pirate: nope she did a strip tease and threw them at me
9:12:29 PM iamballin46: u guys go out???
9:12:30 PM iamballin46: dood
9:12:35 PM iamballin46: ohil right
9:12:47 PM Pirate: nope
9:12:47 PM iamballin46: phill i menr
9:12:55 PM iamballin46: srry kool nsme
9:12:58 PM iamballin46: name**
9:13:11 PM Pirate: she just showed up at my house, and told me how in love she was with me and stripped
9:13:18 PM Pirate: i had to kick her cheap ass out
9:13:48 PM iamballin46: WHATS HER NAME
9:13:52 PM iamballin46: AGAIN
9:14:02 PM Pirate: bretial
9:14:22 PM iamballin46: DOES SHE HAVE BRACE S
9:14:26 PM iamballin46: OR NO
9:14:39 PM Pirate: how should i know? i kicked her out
9:15:30 PM Pirate: as i said before, i have no idea who you are.. nor do you know who i am
9:15:41 PM Pirate: you are the one who says i know your cousin
9:15:44 PM Pirate: i am just playing along
9:16:11 PM iamballin46: what dood
9:16:13 PM iamballin46: ??
9:16:34 PM iamballin46: but her cuzz is my best freind iam her freind
9:16:39 PM Pirate: btw, you should scroll up and reread this chat... you are very confused and blocked

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Oh crap!

9:03:24 PM cornelius1208: hello
9:03:46 PM cornelius1208: i mean..k'yar matie!
9:03:54 PM Pirate: hello
9:04:08 PM cornelius1208: are you an AIM bot?
9:04:21 PM Pirate:
9:04:26 PM Pirate: do i look like an aim bot
9:04:31 PM cornelius1208: oh crap
9:04:32 PM cornelius1208: sorry man
9:04:54 PM cornelius1208: me and my friends were typing in short names, trying to find AIM bots
9:05:01 PM cornelius1208: we figured pirate would be one of them..
9:05:06 PM cornelius1208: my bad dude...
9:06:54 PM Pirate:
9:07:03 PM Pirate: i post all these type of chats there to the link above
9:07:05 PM Pirate: yours is there now
9:07:11 PM cornelius1208: oh..
9:07:16 PM cornelius1208: so this happens a lot then?
9:07:22 PM Pirate: go see for yourself
9:11:55 PM Pirate: btw, never click on links from strangers
9:12:08 PM Pirate: because now i know you live near harrisburg, pennsylvania
9:12:14 PM cornelius1208: well sh*t...
9:12:29 PM cornelius1208: you could have told me that before i clicked on it..
9:12:33 PM cornelius1208: im so sorry man...
9:13:31 PM cornelius1208: there's some pretty funny conversations on there though
9:13:32 PM cornelius1208: haha
9:13:49 PM cornelius1208: well, once again, i'm sorry..
9:13:58 PM cornelius1208: it won't happen again
9:14:04 PM Pirate: no more random IM's to strangers
9:14:17 PM cornelius1208: aye aye captain
9:14:25 PM cornelius1208: have a good night

Monday, February 4, 2008

I am not your sister

7:39:01 PM ohalysiaison: where are you ?
7:39:19 PM Pirate: i am here, obviously
7:39:26 PM ohalysiaison: where?
7:39:29 PM Pirate: here
7:39:36 PM ohalysiaison: still at the dermatolagist?
7:39:45 PM Pirate: nope
7:39:55 PM ohalysiaison: your home?
7:40:05 PM Pirate: yep, i am at home... why?
7:40:17 PM ohalysiaison: bcuz i am, and ur not
7:40:36 PM Pirate: i am definitely inside my home
7:40:56 PM ohalysiaison: ...
7:41:05 PM Pirate: i am not in your home
7:41:09 PM Pirate: as i dont know who you are
7:41:38 PM ohalysiaison: last time i checked, your name is cynthia rivera, age 16, my sister
7:41:46 PM Pirate: you would be wrong
7:42:27 PM ohalysiaison: whatevaahh
7:42:42 PM Pirate: what screen name do you think this is?
7:42:53 PM Pirate: I have had the SN of pirate for about a year now
7:43:45 PM Pirate: believe me now?
7:44:05 PM ohalysiaison: no.
7:44:35 PM Pirate: you think your sister has the screen name of "pirate"
7:44:37 PM Pirate: ?
7:44:58 PM ohalysiaison: ?
7:45:03 PM ohalysiaison: i could be wrong, stranger.
7:45:16 PM Pirate: this name you are talking to me on is "pirate"
7:45:23 PM Pirate: what is your sisters screen name?
7:47:00 PM ohalysiaison: "pirate"
7:47:10 PM Pirate: nope it isnt and i can prove it
7:47:18 PM Pirate:
7:47:23 PM Pirate: that is my site, not hers
7:49:32 PM Pirate: and my site says you are in brooklyn, ny
7:51:36 PM ohalysiaison: blah
7:51:59 PM Pirate: talk to your sister and get her real screen name... as this one is not hers
7:52:30 PM ohalysiaison: hmm
7:54:45 PM ohalysiaison: OH this isn't my sister
7:54:53 PM Pirate: duh