Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Is Pirate a robot?

9:06:44 PM smileygirlwcurls: my brother is a retard
9:06:52 PM Pirate: yah he is
9:07:10 PM smileygirlwcurls: he wants to no who u are
9:07:36 PM smileygirlwcurls: ??
9:07:58 PM Pirate: again, you can't spell even the simplest words.  I see no reason to respond to the question
9:08:18 PM smileygirlwcurls: i am sorry he wants to no who you are
9:08:28 PM Pirate: it is "know" not no
9:08:51 PM smileygirlwcurls: oh sorry he wants to know who you are?
9:09:14 PM Pirate: too bad for him, i don't tell strangers anything about myself
9:09:46 PM smileygirlwcurls: oh well am i a stranger to you
9:10:14 PM Pirate: of course you are, i have no idea who you are... nor do I care to know anything about you
9:10:53 PM smileygirlwcurls: heyy that isn't nice to say now how are you going to get a lady friend with that type of attitude
9:11:18 PM Pirate: what makes you think i don't have a lady friend already?  or even several for that matter?
9:12:19 PM smileygirlwcurls: that is not nice you are cheating on all of those girls who have given you their hearts and trust and you go and stab them in the back... how could you
9:13:03 PM Pirate: you are putting words into my mouth, and inferring way too much information from the simple questions above.
9:13:13 PM Pirate: they are questions not statements of fat
9:13:27 PM Pirate: sorry i was thinking you are fat, i meant fact*
9:14:00 PM smileygirlwcurls: you don't even know me and you are insulting me
9:14:26 PM Pirate: you insulted me first and on several occasions the last couple of days
9:16:06 PM smileygirlwcurls: when did i insult you i was thinking something so i typed it out cause when you said that you have several lady friends i thought u meant girlfriends not just friends and i really didn't mean what i said yesterday i was really mad at my friend so i took it out on you and i am really sorry
9:16:40 PM smileygirlwcurls: :(
9:17:32 PM smileygirlwcurls: i really am sorry
9:18:34 PM Pirate: i can't believe how lame and gullible you are... i don't care a whit if you are sorry or not, or if you insult me.  I have no idea who you are, and I am confident that I don't care to know you
9:19:51 PM smileygirlwcurls: see there you go again insulting me and all i stand for i hate to burst your bubble but... you are a robot let me repeat you..are..a..robot!!!!!!!!!!
9:20:16 PM Pirate: again, let me say it as clear as i can... i don't care what you think
9:20:23 PM smileygirlwcurls: bitch
9:20:31 PM smileygirlwcurls: manwhore
9:20:40 PM smileygirlwcurls: transfestite
9:21:06 PM Pirate: type all you like, and it is spelled transvestite (if you even know what that is)
9:22:25 PM smileygirlwcurls: why would i use the word if i don't no wat it is and i hope u are stolen in the middle of the night raped molested and then i hope someone pours liquid on u and your circute explodes and you shutdown
9:22:36 PM smileygirlwcurls: nasty piece of metal
9:23:08 PM Pirate: have you looked at my blog?  where I post all these inane conversations from people like you?
9:23:18 PM Pirate:
9:24:03 PM Pirate: and now, i know where you live
9:24:21 PM Pirate: Ledgewood, NJ
9:25:00 PM smileygirlwcurls: nope
9:25:08 PM smileygirlwcurls: and nore will you ever no
9:25:16 PM Pirate: yep, but you can deny it all you like
9:25:38 PM smileygirlwcurls: ok wat street do i live on
9:25:38 PM Pirate: your screen name with your location will be on my blog tomorrow
9:25:44 PM Pirate: have a good night
9:25:55 PM smileygirlwcurls: go die in a hole
9:28:11 PM smileygirlwcurls: i want to see my location on ur blog tomarrow
9:28:34 PM smileygirlwcurls: and then i can rub it in your face that it is wrong
9:28:47 PM smileygirlwcurls: news flash i live in ohio
9:29:03 PM Pirate: how will you do that? since you are blocked now  and as I said... i really dont care

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