Sunday, March 16, 2008

I am illegal

5:32:02 PM toxxicxsugar: u put my name on the internet
5:32:10 PM toxxicxsugar: u do realize thats illegal
5:32:14 PM Pirate: did I?
5:32:18 PM Pirate: and how is that illegal
5:32:20 PM toxxicxsugar: yeah...
5:32:47 PM toxxicxsugar: because u diddnt even get permission. if i were to call the cops you would get in trouble
5:33:06 PM Pirate: you do realize that I dont need permission, because I didnt ask you to IM me
5:33:10 PM toxxicxsugar: which i will probably end up doing
5:33:19 PM toxxicxsugar: still, you know where i live
5:33:20 PM Pirate: you im'd me of your own free will, and I posted it of my own free will
5:33:26 PM toxxicxsugar: which is als a fellany
5:33:42 PM Pirate: feel free to call the cops, i am sure they have nothing better to do (if that makes you feel better)
5:33:50 PM Pirate: felony <--correct spelling
5:34:09 PM Pirate: and i will post this also
5:34:47 PM toxxicxsugar: go ahead. to everyone whos reading this right now, pirate has no life and he will end up in jail
5:35:00 PM Pirate: i am sure my readers will get a kick out of that
5:35:11 PM toxxicxsugar: haha no one will read your blog
5:35:25 PM toxxicxsugar: pshhhh ur not worthy
5:35:32 PM toxxicxsugar: everyone ese has better things to do
5:36:03 PM Pirate: i so agree, which is why i post these type of chats just to show how many bored people there are out there just randomly IM'ing names
5:36:29 PM toxxicxsugar: no i didnt im u cuz i was bored
5:36:37 PM toxxicxsugar: my friend did and u posted her sn
5:36:45 PM toxxicxsugar: so thats why.
5:36:50 PM Pirate: ah so you knew i would post your name when you IM'd me
5:36:56 PM Pirate: be sure you tell the cops that
5:37:14 PM toxxicxsugar: no i wanted to let you know you just cant do that
5:37:29 PM toxxicxsugar: all those people were being realy nice and u were being really mean
5:37:31 PM Pirate: yes i can, i can do anything with what people give me freely
5:37:37 PM toxxicxsugar: u have no heart. its filled with cold hard stone
5:37:41 PM Pirate: i didnt incite you to IM me, nor did I IM you first
5:38:01 PM toxxicxsugar: it doesnt matter. i have free will to IM whoever i want.
5:38:13 PM Pirate: and i have a free will to do what I want with it

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