Sunday, September 23, 2007

Responsibility and Training

5:20:39 PM middle1999: hey =D
5:20:51 PM Pirate: yes?
5:22:01 PM middle1999: this is Chelsea from First Alliance Church. I noticed on facebook you had AIM
5:22:23 PM Pirate: thats great, but I dont have a facebook page
5:23:02 PM middle1999: umm okay
5:23:32 PM middle1999: isn't this isaac?
5:23:38 PM Pirate: nope
5:23:49 PM Pirate: and you are wasting your time at church, god called and he gave up on us
5:24:39 PM middle1999: you can think that. do you know a isaac anthony? because hes somoene  I know and this was the screen name he used on facebook
5:25:00 PM Pirate: he obviously mistyped it or he thinks he is funny
5:25:04 PM Pirate: as this is my screen name
5:25:20 PM middle1999: okay, sorry to bother you. have a good day.
5:25:35 PM Pirate:
5:25:45 PM Pirate: pretty sure that proves i dont know an isaac
5:26:31 PM middle1999: um alright ... but its okay, he must have type he's screen name wrong. sorry to bother you
5:26:55 PM Pirate: no bother, it just gives me something new to put on the website i sent you
5:27:15 PM middle1999: why would you put this on your website?
5:27:35 PM Pirate: just like it says in the byline on the site, "Random IM's people send to the Screen Name of Pirate.  I don't solicit these messages.  They just happen."
5:28:15 PM middle1999: I dont want this convo being added to that website thank-you. Please do not use and place my screen name on there.
5:28:40 PM Pirate: you dont have a choice really, since i can do whatever i like with things folks send me unsolicited like this
5:29:22 PM middle1999: I dont aggree with it, and I will go to AIM/AOL and give them your screen name and tell them your posting IM's on a website with userscreen names
5:29:35 PM Pirate: um, you dont think they know already?
5:29:44 PM Pirate: since it is on aol property?
5:29:59 PM middle1999: im sure all these people on your website wound't like there screen name or e-mail posted for other to see
5:30:16 PM middle1999: they dont know unless someone tells them.
5:30:20 PM Pirate: it proves a point that people should be more careful about who they IM
5:30:28 PM Pirate: my site was there before you IM'd me
5:30:35 PM Pirate: you could have done the investigation
5:30:40 PM middle1999: yes, and I thought this was someone else
5:30:49 PM Pirate:then it makes it perfect to put on my site
5:31:18 PM middle1999: no, because this was posted as someone elses screen name, so I thought it would be the person I know not just some random person.
5:31:40 PM Pirate: i didnt put that AIM name on that site... therefore it is not my responsibility
5:31:59 PM Pirate: it was your responsibility to be sure it was correct before you IM'd it
5:32:05 PM Pirate: my site has been up since February
5:32:10 PM Pirate: so I am sure you could have found it
5:32:23 PM middle1999: why would I go looking through that part of AOL
5:32:38 PM middle1999: I dont know that part of AOl there for how would I know about your site?
5:32:41 PM Pirate: maybe to be responsible?

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