Saturday, September 8, 2007

Aunt Brat

2:46:57 PM bratkw: Ty, is that you?
2:47:09 PM Pirate: hello brat
2:47:24 PM bratkw: Hey that any way to talk to your aunt?
2:47:34 PM Pirate: it is your SN
2:47:48 PM bratkw: what is SN
2:47:56 PM Pirate: screen name == bratkw
2:48:10 PM bratkw:'s from chad's business
2:48:20 PM Pirate: oh ok
2:48:29 PM bratkw: how's school going
2:48:39 PM Pirate: good.. we learned about crabs the other day
2:48:48 PM bratkw: what about crabs?
2:49:20 PM Pirate: that they itch, and you catch them from skanky girls who don't wash their privates properly
2:49:35 PM bratkw: OMG...TMI Ty.
2:50:29 PM Pirate: they even showed us pictures of a girl's privates zoomed in ... showing all the little crabs
2:50:39 PM Pirate: i think i will go gay because of that
2:51:10 PM bratkw: TMI....
2:51:27 PM bratkw: You sound like your Uncle Terry!
2:51:30 PM Pirate: then they brought in this baby....about 6 months
2:51:46 PM Pirate: and we sacrificed it in biology class to Cthulu
2:52:34 PM bratkw: You are too young for Biology
2:52:39 PM Pirate: i am?
2:52:44 PM Pirate: how old am i?
2:53:01 PM bratkw: Old enough to know better
2:53:13 PM bratkw: You should be ashamed of yourself posing as someone else.
2:53:22 PM Pirate: some aunt you are, you don't even know how old i am
2:53:29 PM Pirate: who am i posing as?
2:53:50 PM bratkw: Bad runs in the family.
2:54:31 PM Pirate: does alcoholism and drug abuse run in the family also?  because i have a  hankering for an 8-ball and a fifth of whiskey
2:54:58 PM bratkw: Not sure...depends on what side of the family you are talking about?
2:55:06 PM Pirate: your side of course
2:55:23 PM bratkw: There are 2 sides to every story you know
2:55:30 PM Pirate: tell me both sides
2:55:41 PM bratkw: Gotta go...tell everyone hi
2:56:04 PM Pirate: i sure will... and let them know you were hitting on me also

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