Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery

9:48:54 PM pirated: hi
10:53:55 PM Pirate: yes i am
10:54:31 PM pirated: how are you
10:54:40 PM Pirate: it is actually funny how much drivel you put in your aim info
10:55:11 PM pirated: so?
10:55:31 PM Pirate: do i need a reason to make a comment?
10:55:43 PM pirated: sure
10:56:17 PM Pirate: you comparing someone's vagina to a black hole is like me comparing the size of your brain to a quantum particle
10:56:25 PM pirated: lol
10:56:32 PM pirated: it's not me saying it
10:56:35 PM pirated: a kid said it
10:56:36 PM pirated: in a chat
10:56:44 PM Pirate: so?
10:57:00 PM pirated: i thought it was humorous
10:57:27 PM Pirate: i can see how that would be with your brain being the size of a quantum particle and all
10:57:36 PM pirated: wow
10:57:55 PM pirated: if mine is a quantum particle
10:58:05 PM pirated: yours must be a fraction of one
10:58:26 PM Pirate: please tell me the actual name of something smaller than a quantum particle
10:58:31 PM Pirate: i might actually be impressed if you could
10:59:15 PM Pirate: make sure you type quantum particle correctly on your internet search query
10:59:34 PM pirated: i didnt use a thing that is
10:59:39 PM pirated: i said a fracion of one
11:00:06 PM Pirate: hmm, i think you miss the point of me using a quantum particle to begin with
11:00:42 PM pirated: smh
11:00:47 PM pirated: waste of time
11:00:48 PM pirated: nvm
11:00:50 PM pirated: bye]
11:00:58 PM Pirate: i agree, have a nice life

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Responsibility and Training

5:20:39 PM middle1999: hey =D
5:20:51 PM Pirate: yes?
5:22:01 PM middle1999: this is Chelsea from First Alliance Church. I noticed on facebook you had AIM
5:22:23 PM Pirate: thats great, but I dont have a facebook page
5:23:02 PM middle1999: umm okay
5:23:32 PM middle1999: isn't this isaac?
5:23:38 PM Pirate: nope
5:23:49 PM Pirate: and you are wasting your time at church, god called and he gave up on us
5:24:39 PM middle1999: you can think that. do you know a isaac anthony? because hes somoene  I know and this was the screen name he used on facebook
5:25:00 PM Pirate: he obviously mistyped it or he thinks he is funny
5:25:04 PM Pirate: as this is my screen name
5:25:20 PM middle1999: okay, sorry to bother you. have a good day.
5:25:35 PM Pirate:
5:25:45 PM Pirate: pretty sure that proves i dont know an isaac
5:26:31 PM middle1999: um alright ... but its okay, he must have type he's screen name wrong. sorry to bother you
5:26:55 PM Pirate: no bother, it just gives me something new to put on the website i sent you
5:27:15 PM middle1999: why would you put this on your website?
5:27:35 PM Pirate: just like it says in the byline on the site, "Random IM's people send to the Screen Name of Pirate.  I don't solicit these messages.  They just happen."
5:28:15 PM middle1999: I dont want this convo being added to that website thank-you. Please do not use and place my screen name on there.
5:28:40 PM Pirate: you dont have a choice really, since i can do whatever i like with things folks send me unsolicited like this
5:29:22 PM middle1999: I dont aggree with it, and I will go to AIM/AOL and give them your screen name and tell them your posting IM's on a website with userscreen names
5:29:35 PM Pirate: um, you dont think they know already?
5:29:44 PM Pirate: since it is on aol property?
5:29:59 PM middle1999: im sure all these people on your website wound't like there screen name or e-mail posted for other to see
5:30:16 PM middle1999: they dont know unless someone tells them.
5:30:20 PM Pirate: it proves a point that people should be more careful about who they IM
5:30:28 PM Pirate: my site was there before you IM'd me
5:30:35 PM Pirate: you could have done the investigation
5:30:40 PM middle1999: yes, and I thought this was someone else
5:30:49 PM Pirate:then it makes it perfect to put on my site
5:31:18 PM middle1999: no, because this was posted as someone elses screen name, so I thought it would be the person I know not just some random person.
5:31:40 PM Pirate: i didnt put that AIM name on that site... therefore it is not my responsibility
5:31:59 PM Pirate: it was your responsibility to be sure it was correct before you IM'd it
5:32:05 PM Pirate: my site has been up since February
5:32:10 PM Pirate: so I am sure you could have found it
5:32:23 PM middle1999: why would I go looking through that part of AOL
5:32:38 PM middle1999: I dont know that part of AOl there for how would I know about your site?
5:32:41 PM Pirate: maybe to be responsible?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Confused Fantasy Football Fan

C10oakley (7:03 PM): I think last week was fixed!!!
pirate (7:04 PM): Huh?
C10oakley (7:04 PM): Hey yourself...I demand a recount!!!
pirate (7:05 PM): Numbers don't lie, but some folks can't count that high it seems
pirate (7:09 PM): Who do you think this is anyway?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Emo sucks

pirate (8:12 PM): Yes?
EMOABBYRULES (8:13 PM): ._____. nothing
pirate (8:14 PM): You suck
EMOABBYRULES (8:14 PM):  Oh thats just great!
pirate (8:15 PM): Not even remotely interesting or worthwhile
pirate (8:15 PM): You IM the coolest name ever and have nothing to say
EMOABBYRULES (8:16 PM):  >_> ... Whatever
pirate (8:17 PM): Yah, not even an original response Go back to the Mall that spawned you
EMOABBYRULES (8:18 PM): Im glad you hate me too >_> Wow
pirate (8:18 PM): Hate is too strong.. I could not care less about you
pirate (8:24 PM): Let's just say the pinnacle of your miserable life will be working at 7-11, and until then I will have to share my air, food, and gasoline with you begrudgingly so that at some point I can pay you for my slurpee

The Love Buddy

11:20:56 AM jordanluvbuddy: hi
11:21:46 AM Pirate: yes?
11:21:57 AM jordanluvbuddy: sorry, i put in the wrong name
11:22:09 AM Pirate: imagine that, you making a mistake
11:22:21 AM Pirate: i would think the "love buddy" would be more careful
11:24:49 AM jordanluvbuddy: You dont even .know who i am!
11:25:15 AM Pirate: this is true, but i assume you are a child and therefore not prone to attention to detail
11:25:32 AM jordanluvbuddy: ok, what ever
11:25:42 AM Pirate: are you not a child?
11:25:47 AM jordanluvbuddy: im 19
11:25:51 AM Pirate: a child
11:26:08 AM jordanluvbuddy: NO! im in collage, so u better shut up, now!
11:26:41 AM Pirate: lol, a collage is a type of art... college is what you say you are in
11:26:45 AM Pirate: some college student
11:26:57 AM jordanluvbuddy: im studying art,
11:27:03 AM Pirate: sure you are
11:27:21 AM jordanluvbuddy: i am a great artist, and if u dont mind, im gonna block u
11:27:27 AM Pirate: i could care less
11:27:39 AM jordanluvbuddy: w/e, gay
11:27:47 AM Pirate: lol, are you ?
11:28:03 AM jordanluvbuddy: haha, very funny #&@!$
11:28:36 AM Pirate: this will make a good addition to my blog

Part II  (while I was on my mobile phone)

jordanluvbuddy (12:44 PM): YO! you trying to get on my girl!
pirate (12:45 PM): What do you mean try?  I was turning her down, she was all up on me and I had to put that ho in her place
jordanluvbuddy (12:46 PM): thats not what she tolde me!
pirate (12:47 PM): She is a lying ho, she was telling me what a loser you are and that she wanted a real man
jordanluvbuddy (12:47 PM): NO i didnt! you liar!
pirate (12:48 PM): She said you couldn't even stir your drink with what you pack in your jeans
jordanluvbuddy (12:48 PM): Wat? you @#^$#
pirate (12:50 PM): I am sure it is hard on you to realize that she enjoys telling total strangers how small you really are
jordanluvbuddy (12:51 PM): O SHUT UP
pirate (12:51 PM): You started it And I finished it

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Aunt Brat

2:46:57 PM bratkw: Ty, is that you?
2:47:09 PM Pirate: hello brat
2:47:24 PM bratkw: Hey that any way to talk to your aunt?
2:47:34 PM Pirate: it is your SN
2:47:48 PM bratkw: what is SN
2:47:56 PM Pirate: screen name == bratkw
2:48:10 PM bratkw:'s from chad's business
2:48:20 PM Pirate: oh ok
2:48:29 PM bratkw: how's school going
2:48:39 PM Pirate: good.. we learned about crabs the other day
2:48:48 PM bratkw: what about crabs?
2:49:20 PM Pirate: that they itch, and you catch them from skanky girls who don't wash their privates properly
2:49:35 PM bratkw: OMG...TMI Ty.
2:50:29 PM Pirate: they even showed us pictures of a girl's privates zoomed in ... showing all the little crabs
2:50:39 PM Pirate: i think i will go gay because of that
2:51:10 PM bratkw: TMI....
2:51:27 PM bratkw: You sound like your Uncle Terry!
2:51:30 PM Pirate: then they brought in this baby....about 6 months
2:51:46 PM Pirate: and we sacrificed it in biology class to Cthulu
2:52:34 PM bratkw: You are too young for Biology
2:52:39 PM Pirate: i am?
2:52:44 PM Pirate: how old am i?
2:53:01 PM bratkw: Old enough to know better
2:53:13 PM bratkw: You should be ashamed of yourself posing as someone else.
2:53:22 PM Pirate: some aunt you are, you don't even know how old i am
2:53:29 PM Pirate: who am i posing as?
2:53:50 PM bratkw: Bad runs in the family.
2:54:31 PM Pirate: does alcoholism and drug abuse run in the family also?  because i have a  hankering for an 8-ball and a fifth of whiskey
2:54:58 PM bratkw: Not sure...depends on what side of the family you are talking about?
2:55:06 PM Pirate: your side of course
2:55:23 PM bratkw: There are 2 sides to every story you know
2:55:30 PM Pirate: tell me both sides
2:55:41 PM bratkw: Gotta go...tell everyone hi
2:56:04 PM Pirate: i sure will... and let them know you were hitting on me also