Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Another random person with Pirate on their Buddy List

6:32:22 PM mellovesyou04: hey who is this ?
6:36:34 PM pirate: who is this?
6:36:38 PM mellovesyou04: melissa
6:36:40 PM mellovesyou04: who is this ?
6:36:43 PM pirate: phil
6:36:48 PM mellovesyou04: phil ?
6:36:58 PM mellovesyou04: do i know u .. becuz ur screen name was on my buddylist
6:37:12 PM pirate: i honestly dont know, but i doubt you know me
6:37:19 PM mellovesyou04: where u live ?/?
6:37:22 PM mellovesyou04: i live in texas
6:37:26 PM pirate: I am on Earth
6:37:36 PM mellovesyou04: ok where ?
6:37:43 PM pirate: the surface
6:37:49 PM mellovesyou04: what state do u live in ?
6:38:03 PM pirate: i live in a state of amazement usually
6:38:18 PM mellovesyou04: ok are u a real person or like a robot thingy
6:38:26 PM pirate: i am very real
6:38:38 PM pirate: you think a robot could be this sarcastic?
6:38:59 PM mellovesyou04: who knows with the technology they have these days
6:39:06 PM mellovesyou04: ok so what state u live in seriously ?!
6:39:14 PM pirate: it doesnt matter, you dont know me
6:39:18 PM mellovesyou04: omg
6:39:21 PM mellovesyou04: ok whatever than
6:39:35 PM pirate: is that it?
6:39:43 PM mellovesyou04: god ur an a$$hold
6:39:46 PM mellovesyou04: a$$hole**  (note: edited)
6:39:57 PM pirate: do you really have to resort to cursing?
6:40:06 PM pirate: i have to edit that when i put it on my blog
6:40:14 PM pirate: http://journals.aol.com/pirate/random
6:40:16 PM mellovesyou04: put what on ur blog ?
6:40:24 PM pirate: this conversation
6:40:29 PM mellovesyou04: y are u putting it on there ?
6:41:12 PM pirate: because you fit the criteria, have a good night
6:42:05 PM mellovesyou04: wow obviously looks ike u have nothing better with your time
6:53:45 PM pirate: honestly it takes very little time ;)

Monday, February 26, 2007

Trying to Trick me?

10:15:37 PM brandoneagl: hello
10:15:42 PM pirate: hello
10:15:45 PM brandoneagl: whats up  (note: he changes font color here to the background color to try and confuse me, it doesn't work)
10:15:55 PM brandoneagl: nice icon
10:15:59 PM pirate: thanks
10:16:01 PM pirate: nothing
10:16:10 PM brandoneagl: smh
10:16:17 PM pirate: smh?
10:16:40 PM brandoneagl: samehere
10:17:02 PM brandoneagl: g2g
10:17:06 PM brandoneagl: cya
10:17:31 PM pirate: ok

Just for the Record

12:49:48 PM 209748507: čau
12:50:25 PM pirate: ?
12:50:37 PM 209748507: Hi
12:50:43 PM pirate: yes?
12:51:07 PM 209748507: What are you from?
12:51:14 PM pirate: Earth

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Mistaken for another Girl?

2:36:28 PM btswimchick: Julia??
2:38:33 PM pirate: ?
2:38:40 PM btswimchick: who is this?
2:38:48 PM pirate: who is this?  i dont know who you are
2:39:01 PM btswimchick: Charlie
2:39:18 PM pirate: doesnt help me
2:39:27 PM btswimchick: o nvm
2:39:40 PM pirate: is that english?
2:39:45 PM btswimchick: nevermind
2:39:57 PM pirate: i wont then

Mistaken for a Girl?

12:00:31 AM bvguy39: hurry back
12:30:38 AM pirate: ?
12:32:59 AM bvguy39: ya message said u was away
12:33:11 AM pirate: because i was
12:33:39 AM bvguy39:  i know so i posted hb
12:33:47 AM pirate: hb
12:33:49 AM pirate: ?
12:35:03 AM bvguy39:  hurry back
12:35:10 AM pirate: um, i am here
12:35:19 AM pirate: did you want something?  if not, i am going to bed
12:36:00 AM bvguy39:  wanted to chat, but its cool catch u another time
12:36:06 AM bvguy39:  sweetdreams
12:36:10 AM pirate: why would you want to chat with me?
12:36:22 AM pirate: you dont even know me
12:36:48 AM bvguy39:  i must u on my friends
12:37:00 AM pirate: what?
12:37:13 AM pirate: that is not even close to grammatically correct
12:37:21 AM bvguy39:  your on my friends list
12:37:31 AM pirate: i didnt put it there, and i dont know you
12:38:01 AM bvguy39:  im in virginia
12:38:09 AM pirate: fantastic, i dont care
12:38:24 AM bvguy39:  ok miss rude
12:38:28 AM bvguy39:  t/c
12:38:35 AM pirate: you too, girly
12:38:45 AM bvguy39:  im no girl
12:38:47 AM bvguy39:  bye
12:38:50 AM pirate: neither am i
12:39:27 AM bvguy39:  bye
12:39:34 AM pirate: you said that already
12:39:35 AM bvguy39:  deleted u off
12:40:00 AM pirate: about time...
12:41:29 AM bvguy39:  huh

Saturday, February 24, 2007

A Childish Copycat

5:05:47 PM jxsilversx33: whos this?
5:06:03 PM pirate: who is this?
5:06:08 PM jxsilversx33:  who is this?
5:06:13 PM jxsilversx33:  im P.irate
5:06:25 PM pirate: good for you
5:06:31 PM jxsilversx33:  im Phil Irate
5:06:36 PM jxsilversx33:  P.Irate
5:06:40 PM jxsilversx33:  u?
5:06:43 PM pirate: you can read, congratulations
5:07:05 PM jxsilversx33:  u can read congrats for u doofuss
5:07:22 PM pirate: you cant spell though
5:07:55 PM jxsilversx33:  u cant spell whough
5:08:17 PM jxsilversx33:  congragulations, you just became a ...................................
5:08:21 PM jxsilversx33:  doofus!
5:09:30 PM pirate: feeling better about yourself now?

A Battle of Wits, it is not

4:59:14 PM croftoncatch31: so do u have a parrot
4:59:23 PM croftoncatch31: and a peg leg
4:59:32 PM pirate: why do you care?
4:59:40 PM croftoncatch31:  man dont be salty
4:59:48 PM croftoncatch31:  ill throw you over board
5:00:05 PM pirate: i wonder how you can keep that up, i am guessing not long
5:00:41 PM croftoncatch31:  wut are you talking about
5:00:57 PM pirate: your references to all things pirate
5:01:32 PM croftoncatch31:  idk... guess until i catch like scarvy or somthin
5:01:45 PM croftoncatch31:  thats a disease
5:01:47 PM pirate: scurvy, learn to spell
5:02:05 PM pirate: it is not a disease, it is a vitamin C deficiency
5:02:32 PM croftoncatch31:  wut have u had it before from ur long voyages across the atlantic
5:03:15 PM pirate: i dont sail
5:03:26 PM croftoncatch31:  y not
5:03:30 PM croftoncatch31:  ur a pirate
5:03:43 PM croftoncatch31:  isnt that one of the main requirements
5:03:55 PM pirate: no
5:04:09 PM croftoncatch31:  im pretty sure it is
5:04:51 PM croftoncatch31:  i thought if you didnt sail u had to walk the plankj
5:05:23 PM pirate: nope
5:05:26 PM pirate: no sailing for me
5:05:50 PM croftoncatch31:  so have you met captain jack sparrrow
5:05:59 PM croftoncatch31:  good guy
5:11:16 PM croftoncatch31:  ??

Friday, February 23, 2007

Another Confused person asking about ECU

8:53:30 PM navyswimmer13: yo
8:53:36 PM pirate: ?
8:53:41 PM navyswimmer13: mike
8:53:53 PM pirate: huh?
8:54:01 PM navyswimmer13: mike combs
8:54:09 PM pirate: mike combs what?
8:54:13 PM navyswimmer13: no
8:54:23 PM pirate: yes
8:54:27 PM navyswimmer13: ?
8:54:29 PM pirate: !
8:54:44 PM navyswimmer13: is this mike combs from ecu
8:54:53 PM pirate: no, what is an ecu?
8:55:13 PM navyswimmer13: who is this?
8:55:22 PM pirate: you im'd me, who are you?

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From a Fan

3:43:05 PM deftonedbeautydm: what a terd
3:43:24 PM pirate: you are?

Someone is Angry

1:35:18 PM creampuffx11: who r u and y r u on my lsist
1:35:31 PM pirate: who are you? and I have no idea
1:35:52 PM creampuffx11: iknow soooleaveme alone you f4g (note: edited)
1:36:18 PM pirate: hostile, arent you?
1:36:28 PM pirate: you know you could have just deleted the name, and not even IM me
1:37:28 PM creampuffx11: f u ki
1:37:32 PM creampuffx11: you r like wat 5
1:39:11 PM pirate: i would be a genius if i was 5
1:40:00 PM creampuffx11: wat the fook dont talk to me  (note: edited)
1:40:18 PM pirate: block me, it is easy for you to do :)

Two lame White Boys

10:44:29 AM whiteboy3648: wat is up
10:44:43 AM pirate: who is this?
10:44:53 AM whiteboy3648: who is this
10:45:19 AM pirate: you im'd me, i have no idea who you are
10:45:48 AM whiteboy3648: this is alexwarila
10:46:08 AM whiteboy3648: this is his freind
10:46:11 AM whiteboy3648: scotyy
10:46:22 AM whiteboy3648: im amway hotterthen him
10:46:37 AM pirate: and why would i care who is hotter?
10:47:58 AM whiteboy3648: cuz i have a six pack and he has a bigstomache
10:48:18 AM pirate: i think you missed my point
10:48:27 AM whiteboy3648: who is this
10:48:29 AM pirate: why would i care
10:48:43 AM whiteboy3648: who is tis
10:48:45 AM whiteboy3648: person
10:49:11 AM pirate: phil irate
10:49:47 AM whiteboy3648: who is this
10:50:08 AM pirate: i just told you
10:50:11 AM pirate: phil irate
10:50:14 AM pirate: p. irate
10:50:39 AM whiteboy3648: hahahahahaha
10:50:43 AM whiteboy3648: not funny
10:51:03 AM pirate: it is not supposed to be funny, that is my name
10:51:33 AM whiteboy3648: kool
10:51:34 AM whiteboy3648: g2g
10:51:36 AM whiteboy3648: bye
10:52:01 AM pirate: jeez, you are lame

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Wannabe Woman

7:45:28 PM jkbapril26: who is this
7:46:20 PM pirate: who is this?
7:46:32 PM jkbapril26: this is julie
7:46:40 PM jkbapril26: what your name
7:46:42 PM pirate: well, this is Priate
7:46:46 PM pirate: Pirate :)
7:46:48 PM pirate: LOL
7:47:18 PM jkbapril26: i am  a female
7:47:24 PM jkbapril26: how about you
7:47:32 PM pirate: well i didnt think there was a male named julie
7:47:39 PM pirate: what does it matter what I am?
7:47:51 PM jkbapril26: how old are you
7:47:58 PM pirate: and what does that matter also?
7:48:10 PM jkbapril26: ok
7:48:21 PM jkbapril26: i don't care
7:48:26 PM pirate: then why did you ask?
7:48:40 PM jkbapril26: just wondering
7:48:51 PM pirate: and how did you get my screen name
7:49:15 PM jkbapril26: said only aol im
7:49:23 PM pirate: um what?
7:49:39 PM jkbapril26: how old are you
7:49:51 PM pirate: I am way older than you I am sure
7:50:02 PM jkbapril26: i am 23
7:50:13 PM pirate: i am still way older than you, and i doubt you are 23
7:50:26 PM jkbapril26: how old are you
7:50:33 PM jkbapril26: tell me your age
7:50:36 PM pirate: too old for you, lil girl
7:51:04 PM jkbapril26: i am woman not a little girl
7:51:27 PM pirate: my guess is you are 13, and born on april 26th
7:51:56 PM jkbapril26: i am not 13 iam 23
7:52:14 PM pirate: did you want anything in particular? or just to harass me
7:52:49 PM jkbapril26: iam not 13  i am 23 years  old
7:52:58 PM pirate: you are repeating
7:53:05 PM jkbapril26: I go to mass bay collrge
7:53:30 PM pirate: collrge?
7:53:45 PM jkbapril26: mass bay
7:53:59 PM pirate: you mean college, i think
7:54:06 PM pirate: some college student you are
7:54:20 PM jkbapril26: that is a nice college
7:54:30 PM pirate: i so dont care
7:54:55 PM jkbapril26: i am a student
7:55:04 PM pirate: still dont care

Dumpster for Pirate

12:59:46 PM dumpster4pirate: ASL?
1:00:34 PM pirate: lame
1:00:44 PM dumpster4pirate: my mom thinks your hot
1:00:50 PM pirate: she should
1:00:57 PM dumpster4pirate: tom's mom thinks your hot too
1:01:07 PM pirate: tom's mom is the shiz
1:01:25 PM dumpster4pirate: she likes to use chocolate syrup as lube
1:01:43 PM pirate: you can use that as lube?  i thought she was just leaking
1:01:47 PM dumpster4pirate: my friend, who said you were a bot, told me that you like to use chocolate syrup as lube too
1:02:36 PM pirate: i dont like chocolate syrup myself
1:02:55 PM dumpster4pirate: my friend who said you were a bot who told me to IM you said that you like to have a wet pinky stuck into your belly button
1:03:23 PM pirate: not my belly button... that is gross
1:03:30 PM dumpster4pirate: bu++hole?  (note: edited)
1:03:51 PM pirate: you cant say that if I am going to post this :)
1:04:00 PM dumpster4pirate: bunghole?
1:04:13 PM dumpster4pirate: bumnut?
1:04:16 PM pirate: that might still be too risque for AOL, kids might see it!
1:05:08 PM dumpster4pirate: my mom said you should stop faking and take it like a man
1:05:13 PM pirate: but really i think tom's mom leaks something the color and consistency of chocolate syrup
1:05:33 PM dumpster4pirate: i think its caramel sauce
1:05:41 PM pirate: i like caramel
1:05:43 PM dumpster4pirate: mmmmmmm
1:05:59 PM dumpster4pirate: a lil cinn-a-mom
1:06:05 PM pirate: *is listening to Calling Dr. Love by Electric Hellfire Club*

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


8:17:48 PM blushenbeautie: hello
8:18:38 PM pirate: ?
8:18:41 PM blushenbeautie: who is this
8:18:49 PM pirate: who is this?  
8:18:57 PM blushenbeautie: heather
8:18:59 PM blushenbeautie: who is htis
8:19:00 PM blushenbeautie: *this
8:19:03 PM pirate: phil irate
8:19:06 PM pirate: p. irate
8:19:15 PM blushenbeautie: thats fake
8:19:27 PM pirate: is it?

Robot attack!

The first one:

6:34:01 PM xdaydreamer1494x: heyy
6:34:09 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  whos this?
6:34:25 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  helllloooo?
6:34:29 PM pirate: who is this?
6:34:56 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  is this a person?.........cause some1 told me u were a robot
6:35:08 PM pirate: why would i be a robot?
6:35:20 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  some1 told me u were
6:35:32 PM pirate: someone lied to you
6:35:55 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  o
6:36:04 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  who is this then?
6:36:11 PM pirate: who is this?
6:37:33 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  r u young or old?
6:38:04 PM pirate: does it matter?
6:38:08 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  idk
6:38:12 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  im j/w
6:38:19 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  boy or gurl?
6:38:31 PM pirate: does that matter?
6:38:39 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  ya
6:38:56 PM pirate: i dont see how it could
6:39:06 PM pirate: since you don't know me, and never will
6:39:56 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  r u a robot or person
6:40:07 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  cause like every1 i asked sayed u were a robot
6:40:11 PM pirate: are you a robot?
6:40:26 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  that is y every1 is iming u weird things because they think ur a robot
6:40:35 PM pirate: everyone?
6:41:14 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  ya
6:41:18 PM pirate: all 3 of you
6:41:21 PM pirate: that is everyone?
6:41:27 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  in my world
6:41:28 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  lol
6:41:38 PM pirate: such a sad life you lead
6:42:08 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  i kno ur name
6:42:17 PM pirate: no kidding
6:42:22 PM pirate: gee i wonder how
6:42:37 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  haha very funny
6:43:12 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  so who r u?
6:43:23 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  im a girl
6:43:28 PM pirate: i told your friend and he told you
6:43:33 PM pirate: a silly lil girl
6:43:35 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  r u a boy or a gurl
6:43:44 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  my friend aint a he
6:43:54 PM pirate: phil irate
6:44:00 PM pirate: you know any girls named phil?
6:44:22 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  yeah
6:44:29 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  some weird person
6:48:01 PM xdaydreamer1494x:  r u tellin people i kno that their mom is hot
6:48:11 PM pirate: she is, have you seen her?  
6:48:12 PM pirate: yummy  (note:  I had to block him at this point)

And another:
6:36:00 PM falloutboyfan360: hey
6:36:14 PM pirate: hey
6:36:21 PM falloutboyfan360: whos this
6:36:46 PM pirate: who is this?
6:37:08 PM falloutboyfan360: nvm
6:37:16 PM pirate: you im'd me, i didnt bother you
6:37:19 PM falloutboyfan360: my friend said u were a robot
6:37:37 PM pirate: who is this friend you speak of?
6:37:41 PM falloutboyfan360: um
6:37:43 PM falloutboyfan360: jus a friend
6:37:54 PM pirate: why wont you share who?
6:38:02 PM falloutboyfan360: cuz i dont know u
6:38:23 PM pirate: if you dont know me, why would you IM me
6:38:34 PM falloutboyfan360: cuz i wanted to no if u were a robot
6:39:21 PM pirate: what would that prove?
6:39:37 PM pirate: if you told me your friends name, i could prove it to your friend
6:39:56 PM falloutboyfan360: well
6:40:00 PM falloutboyfan360: im not gonna so
6:40:25 PM pirate: you can be lame then
6:40:34 PM falloutboyfan360: how old are u
6:40:48 PM pirate: does that matter?
6:40:59 PM falloutboyfan360: well kinda
6:41:12 PM pirate: i dont see how it could
6:41:19 PM falloutboyfan360: well kidna
6:41:21 PM falloutboyfan360: but w.e
6:42:30 PM falloutboyfan360: well are u over 15
6:42:40 PM pirate: for a long time now
6:42:44 PM falloutboyfan360: oh
6:42:46 PM falloutboyfan360: 30
6:42:47 PM falloutboyfan360: lol
6:43:07 PM pirate: older than that
6:43:21 PM falloutboyfan360: godd&m ur old (note: edited)
6:43:44 PM pirate: does cursing make you feel older?
6:43:52 PM falloutboyfan360: no
6:43:56 PM falloutboyfan360: i didnt swear
6:44:08 PM pirate: you did too
6:44:17 PM pirate: i will have to tell your mom, when i take her out tonight
6:44:29 PM falloutboyfan360: my mom is younger then u think
6:44:39 PM pirate: cool, i like that
6:44:52 PM pirate: tell her to go with the short skirt, it is hot on her
6:45:16 PM falloutboyfan360: ur a f**kin sick pervert  (note: edited)
6:45:31 PM pirate: see you are cursing again... i bet you are all of 12
6:45:53 PM falloutboyfan360: no im not and im not tellin u either
6:45:58 PM pirate: i didnt ask
6:46:06 PM pirate: i made my own decision on how old you are
6:46:13 PM falloutboyfan360: good 4 u
6:46:22 PM falloutboyfan360: ask me u act like ur 12
6:46:29 PM pirate: yes your mom will be good for me,i cant wait
6:46:43 PM falloutboyfan360: i dont have a mom
6:47:17 PM pirate: do i have to dig her up? again?
6:47:26 PM falloutboyfan360: ew no
6:47:30 PM falloutboyfan360: shes not dead
6:47:39 PM pirate: even better
6:48:13 PM falloutboyfan360: i bet ur a 64 yr old guy who got a retarted s.n that makes people tink u are a robot so u can talk to young kids
6:48:16 PM falloutboyfan360: RAPEST
6:48:25 PM pirate: your spelling is terrible
6:48:27 PM pirate: and you im'd me
6:48:31 PM pirate: i didnt im you
6:49:12 PM falloutboyfan360: exactly i fell fo ur retarted trap and im not gonna talk to a rapest so
6:49:44 PM pirate: retarded is the correct spelling and so is rapist
6:49:59 PM falloutboyfan360: stfu  (note:  I had to block him at this point)

And the last one:
6:33:42 PM hardxcoremlx13: hi!
6:34:02 PM hardxcoremlx13: hello
6:34:07 PM hardxcoremlx13: r u there?
6:34:12 PM hardxcoremlx13: TALK!
6:34:21 PM pirate: ?
6:34:39 PM hardxcoremlx13: hi
6:34:58 PM pirate: you said that already
6:35:04 PM hardxcoremlx13: i know
6:35:06 PM hardxcoremlx13: are you a robot/
6:35:08 PM hardxcoremlx13: ?*
6:35:15 PM pirate: do i seem like a robot?
6:35:58 PM hardxcoremlx13: yes.
6:38:31 PM hardxcoremlx13: oh..srry my friend said you were a robot
6:38:35 PM hardxcoremlx13: who is this?
6:38:45 PM pirate: who is the friend that said i was a robot?
6:39:57 PM hardxcoremlx13: another person whos IMing you.
6:40:53 PM hardxcoremlx13: what is your name
6:41:01 PM pirate: phil irate
6:41:03 PM pirate: p. irate
6:41:45 PM hardxcoremlx13: so your a person?
6:42:00 PM pirate: the correct grammar would be "you are"
6:42:02 PM pirate: yes i am
6:42:21 PM hardxcoremlx13: whatever.
6:42:38 PM hardxcoremlx13: and i'm srry lol but my friend said u were a robot and told me to IM you.
6:42:56 PM pirate: so if i told you to kick your friend in the scrotum, would you?
6:43:06 PM hardxcoremlx13: probably
6:43:12 PM pirate: do it!
6:43:15 PM hardxcoremlx13: ok
6:43:23 PM hardxcoremlx13: i just did
6:47:43 PM hardxcoremlx13: your a perve
6:47:51 PM pirate: am i?
6:48:06 PM hardxcoremlx13: you told my friend you were taking her mom out tonight
6:48:38 PM pirate: yep i did
6:48:53 PM hardxcoremlx13: why?
6:48:57 PM pirate: cuz i am
6:49:02 PM hardxcoremlx13: oh really?
6:49:11 PM hardxcoremlx13: then whats her moms name?
6:49:53 PM pirate: mine
6:49:54 PM pirate: :)    (note:  I had to block him at this point)

Monday, February 19, 2007

College student, oh no!

1:38:09 PM pirates272: who is this
1:52:59 PM pirate: who is this?
1:53:00 PM pirates272 (Autoreply): BBL

1:53:11 PM pirates272: who is this
1:53:21 PM pirate: phil irate, and you?
1:53:34 PM pirates272: 4 u an ecu fan
1:54:10 PM pirate: is that english?
1:54:21 PM pirates272: huh
1:54:30 PM pirate: it doesnt look like english to me
1:54:41 PM pirates272: ecu
1:54:48 PM pirate: bless you
1:55:53 PM pirates272: are u a east caroilna fan (note: misspelled carolina, some fan)
1:56:06 PM pirate: i have never even heard of east carolina
1:56:29 PM pirates272: we are real pirates
1:56:39 PM pirate: pirate = p. irate
1:56:41 PM pirate: phil irate

Sunday, February 18, 2007


9:42:48 PM elephantfeet98: hi
9:43:16 PM elephantfeet98: pirate?
9:43:22 PM elephantfeet98: r u there
9:43:30 PM elephantfeet98: hi
9:48:51 PM elephantfeet98: hi
9:49:05 PM elephantfeet98: yo
9:53:11 PM elephantfeet98: hi
9:56:55 PM elephantfeet98: HI
9:57:10 PM elephantfeet98: Pirate
9:57:18 PM elephantfeet98: r u there
9:57:24 PM elephantfeet98: talk 2 me
9:57:25 PM pirate: who is this?
9:57:32 PM elephantfeet98: Skylar
9:58:18 PM elephantfeet98: Pirate
9:58:22 PM elephantfeet98: ?
9:58:28 PM elephantfeet98: talk 2 me
9:58:39 PM pirate: no idea who you are
9:58:48 PM elephantfeet98: It is sky
9:58:58 PM elephantfeet98: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
9:58:59 PM elephantfeet98: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
9:59:01 PM elephantfeet98: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
9:59:02 PM elephantfeet98: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
9:59:04 PM elephantfeet98: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
9:59:20 PM elephantfeet98: u r a robot aren't u
9:59:31 PM elephantfeet98: :-\
9:59:52 PM elephantfeet98: bi
9:59:58 PM pirate: nope, not a robot
10:00:03 PM pirate: just see no reason to talk to you
10:00:13 PM elephantfeet98: who r u
10:00:54 PM pirate: you said it yourself, i am Pirate

Saturday, February 17, 2007

um, what?

3:07:46 PM threecpq: yeah that's what i figured you'd say
3:08:01 PM pirate: so fill in the conversation for my side :)
3:08:12 PM threecpq: XXXXXXX (note: threecpq said i couldnt use those names, so I edited them)
3:08:31 PM pirate: still no clue here
3:08:35 PM threecpq: yeah you do
3:08:50 PM threecpq: if not then you're probably some retarded little kid on his daddys screen name
3:08:56 PM pirate: that must be it
3:09:20 PM threecpq: yeah post this on your journals too because if you arent any said talk about aol internal software is instant termination  (note: see i told you he said it)
3:09:56 PM threecpq: XXXXXXXX and the list goes on ;)  (note:  more removals since three said i would be terminated if i posted them)
3:10:13 PM pirate: aren't any said talk?  what?
3:10:26 PM threecpq: and pirate used to belong to a friend of mine
3:10:31 PM threecpq: he exploited it AND put it on aol
3:10:47 PM threecpq: so i know you didn't register it
3:10:50 PM pirate: i am sorry your friend lost it, but i have no idea what an exploit is
3:11:04 PM threecpq: yeah right
3:11:49 PM pirate: feel free to fill in my side of the conversation, since you know so much about me
3:12:03 PM threecpq: i didn't say i knew a lot about you personally
3:12:06 PM threecpq: but i know the screen name
3:12:23 PM threecpq: and i know what insufficient rights error means on the account
3:12:37 PM threecpq: you only get that error when the account is internal
3:12:59 PM threecpq: same thing happened with several other names
3:13:24 PM pirate: you keep saying internal... what does that mean exactly?
3:13:33 PM threecpq: you know what the fook it means  (note: edited out the cursing)
3:13:36 PM threecpq: don't play stupid
3:13:45 PM pirate: so hostile, do you really have to curse?
3:13:56 PM threecpq: do you really have to lie?
3:14:05 PM pirate: is asking a question lying?
3:14:15 PM threecpq: everything you say is a lie
3:14:23 PM pirate: then why bother with me?
3:14:32 PM threecpq: because you'll be proven wrong
3:14:44 PM pirate: wrong?  what i have said to be proven wrong about?
3:15:01 PM threecpq: you'll be proven wrong that your account is indeed internal
3:15:06 PM threecpq: because i'll still pull the info up through XXXXXX
3:15:11 PM pirate: who is XXXXX?  (note: more removals based on what three said)
3:15:19 PM threecpq: its not a who
3:15:21 PM threecpq: its a what
3:15:26 PM threecpq: and you'll find out
3:16:17 PM pirate: i dont believe you told me what an internal was, so that i could be proven wrong about it
3:16:30 PM threecpq: employee account
3:16:41 PM threecpq: most likely XXXXXXXX
3:17:32 PM pirate: employee of what?
3:17:39 PM threecpq: can you read?
3:17:43 PM pirate: i can
3:17:48 PM threecpq: then quit being stupid
3:17:56 PM pirate: i am trying really hard
3:18:44 PM threecpq: yeah trying to be smart
3:18:50 PM pirate: exactly

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Cuz I am a Maniac on the floor

8:59:34 PM maniac: who are you
8:59:43 PM pirate: who are you?
8:59:52 PM maniac: fix the exploit
9:00:03 PM pirate: um, what?
9:00:10 PM maniac: fix the AOL exploit
9:00:22 PM pirate: i have no idea what you are talking about
9:00:33 PM maniac: asl        (note: asl is lame)
9:00:47 PM pirate: LOL
9:00:49 PM pirate: that is so lame
9:00:53 PM maniac: so what
9:01:05 PM maniac: asl
9:03:32 PM maniac: do you know me
9:03:51 PM pirate: i dont know, do you know me
9:04:11 PM maniac: yeah, we talked this morning on your other sn right
9:04:32 PM pirate: i have several names
9:04:40 PM maniac: which?
9:05:28 PM pirate: which name did you talk to me on?  I have no idea
9:06:18 PM maniac: >:O who are you
9:06:25 PM pirate: i am Pirate
9:06:43 PM maniac: who else are you
9:06:57 PM pirate: well, that would be telling now wouldnt it
9:07:07 PM maniac: yeah, i think that's the point
9:07:08 PM maniac: so tell me
9:07:13 PM pirate: i see no need to tell you
9:07:23 PM maniac: yeah you do
9:07:31 PM maniac: we're supposedly best friends but you are unaware of the fact
9:07:40 PM pirate: lol, are we?
9:08:08 PM maniac: yeah
9:08:16 PM maniac: so close the exploit or w/e it is
9:08:18 PM pirate: i seem to have forgotten that fact
9:08:24 PM pirate: what is an exploit?
9:08:33 PM maniac: I DUNNO WHAT IT IS
9:08:34 PM maniac: just fix it
9:08:51 PM pirate: how do i fix the exploit, if i dont even know what an exploit is
9:09:14 PM maniac: im going on your journal am i
9:09:21 PM pirate: most likely
9:09:25 PM maniac: why
9:09:41 PM maniac: you want our love to be made public?
9:09:46 PM pirate: because you are clueless
9:10:00 PM maniac: quit trying to cyber me
9:10:11 PM pirate: wasnt aware i had started
9:10:29 PM maniac: yeah
9:10:32 PM maniac: but you did
9:10:55 PM pirate: what did i say that you thinking that?
9:10:59 PM maniac: all of this
9:11:04 PM maniac: why are you trying to seduce me
9:11:10 PM pirate: so just giving you attention is a turnon for you?
9:11:29 PM maniac: yea
9:11:33 PM maniac: so what games do you play
9:11:36 PM pirate: that seems really sad for you
9:11:39 PM maniac: no for you
9:11:50 PM maniac: because you need something to blog about
9:11:52 PM maniac: OK
9:11:54 PM maniac: WHAT GAMES DO YOU PLAY?
9:11:54 PM pirate: i am quite happy actually
9:11:58 PM maniac: i'm always happy
9:12:05 PM maniac: I never said I wasn't happy
9:12:11 PM pirate: i dont need to blog, i just like to put this stuff up there
9:12:13 PM maniac: but just the fact that you're trying to get me in bed with you
9:12:16 PM maniac: is crazy
9:12:23 PM pirate: apparently you wanted to be there, or you would not have im'd me
9:12:37 PM maniac: no
9:12:42 PM maniac: we're long lost friends jack sparrow
9:12:52 PM pirate: doubtful
9:14:01 PM maniac: hey
9:14:15 PM maniac: do you have a MySpace  (note: myspace is lame)
9:19:08 PM maniac: where'd you go :(

Another random person with Pirate on their Buddy List

8:48:30 PM mrder4brkfast: hello
8:48:36 PM pirate: hello
8:48:41 PM mrder4brkfast: hi
8:48:44 PM mrder4brkfast: who are you
8:48:49 PM pirate: i am Pirate
8:48:59 PM mrder4brkfast: ah
8:49:12 PM mrder4brkfast: i made up your sn for my buddy lost and it was reall
8:49:26 PM pirate: how about that
8:49:31 PM mrder4brkfast: ha
8:49:33 PM mrder4brkfast: hows life
8:49:38 PM pirate: i think i had murder for breakfast
8:49:44 PM mrder4brkfast: its a song
8:49:54 PM pirate: hows life is a song?
8:50:10 PM mrder4brkfast: no murder for breakfast
8:50:23 PM pirate: i dont think i want murder for breakfast either
8:50:35 PM mrder4brkfast: agreed
8:50:38 PM mrder4brkfast: how old you be
8:50:53 PM pirate: i am way old
8:51:02 PM mrder4brkfast: oh really
8:51:05 PM mrder4brkfast: like hows old
8:51:14 PM pirate: my guess is older than you
8:51:24 PM mrder4brkfast: yeah probly if your way old but give me an idea
8:51:33 PM pirate: 56  (note: not really that old)
8:52:04 PM mrder4brkfast: wtf
8:52:24 PM pirate: ?  (note: blocked at this point)

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The police show up

1:07:59 PM police: Very odd
1:08:11 PM pirate: what is?
1:08:18 PM police: Seeing you on pirate
1:08:32 PM police: Oh well, take it easy
1:08:51 PM pirate: why cant i be on pirate?
1:09:01 PM police: No I didn't know that was the name you got back
1:09:03 PM police: That's all
1:09:23 PM pirate: ok
1:10:10 PM police: this is eric right
1:10:15 PM pirate: nope
1:10:23 PM police: who is this then
1:10:28 PM pirate: phil irate
1:10:32 PM pirate: p. irate
1:10:36 PM police: Lol
1:10:39 PM police: nice
1:10:44 PM police: well im Po Lice
1:11:37 PM pirate: nice to meet you, Po
1:11:47 PM police: Pleasures all mine mr irate
1:12:54 PM police: gotta run....lunch time nice chatting
1:13:11 PM pirate: seeya

Still here

For those of you wondering if the account was stolen over night, it wasn't.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The really SHORT Screen Names arrive

It only took 3 days.

10:37:09 PM iron: hey
10:37:16 PM pirate: hey
10:37:26 PM iron: wat you doing
10:37:30 PM iron: are you trading "pirate" ?

10:37:34 PM pirate: wat, is not a word
10:37:41 PM iron: what*
10:37:46 PM pirate: no, i am not
10:38:06 PM iron: pirate is aol'd ?
10:38:07 PM iron: right
10:38:30 PM pirate: i suppose it is
10:38:43 PM pirate: if i understand your question correctly
10:41:44 PM iron: lol you have it all noted up
10:41:51 PM iron: its all good
10:41:54 PM pirate: noted up?
10:42:04 PM iron: the account "pirate" has notes set on it
10:42:22 PM iron: * do not take action on this account *
10:42:23 PM iron: lol
10:42:24 PM iron: but w/e
10:42:25 PM iron: ill take it
10:42:26 PM iron: :)
10:42:29 PM iron: either you hook it up
10:42:33 PM iron: or im takin Pirate
10:42:37 PM iron: works either way 4 me
10:42:39 PM iron: :)
10:42:47 PM pirate: uh what?
10:42:57 PM iron: "pirate" = my sn tommorrow morning  (note:  it is morning, and i am still here)
10:43:02 PM iron: and sn means
10:43:04 PM iron: screen name
10:43:04 PM iron: ;)
10:43:08 PM pirate: really?
10:43:12 PM iron: um
10:43:13 PM iron: hmm
10:43:17 PM iron: im guessin
10:43:20 PM iron: shouldnt be that hard
10:44:12 PM pirate: are you threatening to steal my account?
10:44:16 PM iron: nA never
10:44:20 PM iron: im just saying its mine
10:44:21 PM iron: not yours
10:44:22 PM iron: ;)

Barbossa returns

10:26:02 PM barbossa: lol i see i made your page
10:26:17 PM pirate: i made a page, yes
10:26:21 PM pirate: on tuesday
10:26:47 PM barbossa: almost makes me feel special
10:27:21 PM pirate: is that a good thing?  it was there when you IM'd me, if you had chosen to look
10:27:29 PM barbossa: i noticed that
10:27:44 PM barbossa: but you posted our convo is what i was pointing out
10:27:56 PM pirate: i post every conversation there
10:27:57 PM barbossa: i wasn't trying to be a smarta$$ earlier, just holding a convo with you but i see you took it the wrong way  (note: edited for TOS, hello AOL!)
10:28:14 PM pirate: i didnt take anything wrong, i was just having a bit of fun
10:28:19 PM pirate: and i will post this one also
10:28:23 PM barbossa: kk

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More confusion

8:42:37 PM sean111791: who is this
8:42:50 PM pirate: I am Pirate
8:43:01 PM sean111791: ??
8:43:39 PM pirate: yep, thats it
8:44:03 PM sean111791: why was i on ur away message
8:44:35 PM pirate: it is a script, that reflects back the name of whomever looks at it

Another repeat customer

8:33:38 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: who iz this
8:42:26 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: who is this
8:42:46 PM pirate: I am Pirate
8:42:51 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: pirate who
8:42:57 PM pirate: just Pirate
8:43:08 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: okay do you live in stoughton
8:43:17 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: and how did you get on my profile
8:43:24 PM pirate: i dont even know what that is
8:43:32 PM pirate: the city or a profile
8:43:50 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: okay you got on my buddy list some how and city
8:44:19 PM pirate: i have no idea how, and where i am is not important
8:44:29 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: well are you from stoughton
8:44:45 PM pirate: not that i am aware of
8:45:20 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: okay wat
8:45:32 PM pirate: wat?  is that a word?
8:46:14 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: yeah its what
8:46:21 PM pirate: correct
8:46:29 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: okay
8:46:30 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: w.e
8:46:35 PM pirate: p.irate
8:46:39 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: waty
8:46:47 PM pirate: is waty a word?
8:46:52 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: w.e
8:47:04 PM pirate: you im'd i didnt bother you

By George!

5:41:21 PM skytrainii: hi everything go ok
5:41:28 PM pirate: it seems so
5:41:34 PM skytrainii: there are some bad reports on 30 this afternoon
5:41:42 PM pirate: 30?
5:41:57 PM skytrainii: rout 30  u no the road you drive on
5:42:11 PM pirate: i think you have me confused with someone else
5:42:26 PM skytrainii: maybe.  who are u
5:42:33 PM pirate: it depends, who are you?
5:42:43 PM skytrainii: I'm not a pirate
5:42:51 PM pirate: unfortunate
5:43:34 PM skytrainii: the only pirates I know is erica  and bill
5:43:38 PM skytrainii: this must be bill
5:43:57 PM pirate: you know others with the same screen name as me, i think that is impossible
5:44:18 PM skytrainii: no not exactly the same   similar
5:44:34 PM pirate: well then, i am neither of them.  the name has to be an exact match
5:44:46 PM skytrainii: ok I give up
5:45:57 PM skytrainii: your not going to say are you
5:46:22 PM pirate: you have not said who you are
5:46:42 PM skytrainii: oh I'm george XXXXX (note: edited to protect the dumb)
5:46:52 PM pirate: i am phil irate
5:46:54 PM pirate: p. irate
5:47:57 PM skytrainii: don't think I know you.  How did you get on my contact list?  
5:48:07 PM pirate: you would have to tell me, i have no idea
5:48:39 PM skytrainii: I'm new at this stuff so some how I made a mistake  sorry
5:48:58 PM pirate: no worries
5:49:05 PM skytrainii: by

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Where is my ship?

5:46:20 PM jpaul33061: Is your ship in downtown Lexington?
5:46:33 PM pirate: um, what?
5:46:56 PM jpaul33061: Must be two pirates.
5:47:07 PM pirate: i doubt that
5:47:27 PM jpaul33061: Do you know where Lexington is located?
5:47:37 PM pirate: kentucky
5:47:46 PM jpaul33061: No, Ga.
5:47:53 PM pirate: there is one in kentucky
5:48:13 PM jpaul33061: Yeah, but my pirate is in Ga.
5:48:50 PM pirate: not me
5:49:02 PM jpaul33061: Sorry

My first Reader IMs me

2:37:53 PM barefo0ot: Does it bother you when random people IM you with random messages?
2:38:05 PM pirate: should it?
2:38:20 PM barefo0ot: Depends on who you are. How you react to things.
2:38:34 PM pirate: why does that depend on if it bothers me or not
2:39:03 PM barefo0ot: Just curious if you get irrated with all the "check my webcams" & "ASLs"
2:39:13 PM pirate: i have only had one ASL so far
2:39:26 PM barefo0ot: Hmmm.
2:39:55 PM barefo0ot: Fascinating.
2:40:05 PM pirate: yah i think so, how did you find me?
2:41:45 PM barefo0ot: I was sailing the ocean the other day. And I thought, perhaps I will meet a pirate. That was, however, not the case on that fine sunny blue-skied day. So I figured, maybe if I add "Pirate" to my buddylist, I could meet a pirate. However, after I read your blog, I have discovered you are not a pirate so much as Phil Irate. Nonetheless, you made me laugh. So I IMed you anyway.
2:42:10 PM pirate: i am glad i made you laugh
2:42:32 PM barefo0ot: I'm glad you're glad you made me laugh.
2:42:58 PM barefo0ot: Do you prefer kazoos to accordians?
2:43:17 PM pirate: i prefer neither, i think i would rather be kicked in the scrote
2:43:26 PM barefo0ot: Fair enough.
2:43:54 PM barefo0ot: Do you have an instrument you are passionate about?
2:44:01 PM barefo0ot: A type of music, perhaps?
2:44:18 PM pirate: i listen to both kinds of music, techno and industrial
2:44:25 PM barefo0ot: You would.
2:44:34 PM pirate: i do
2:44:51 PM barefo0ot: Good.
2:45:07 PM barefo0ot: So, Phil, do you sail?
2:45:10 PM barefo0ot: Boat at all?
2:45:15 PM pirate: naw, not a bit
2:45:21 PM barefo0ot: Poor Soul.
2:45:23 PM barefo0ot: Swim?
2:45:34 PM pirate: only in a pool
2:45:58 PM barefo0ot: You are truly deprived.
2:46:15 PM pirate: you really think so?  i think i am doing pretty well
2:46:47 PM barefo0ot: Do you like cheese, Phil?
2:47:03 PM pirate: you have such random questions
2:47:17 PM barefo0ot: You have random answers.
2:47:31 PM pirate: i try, sometimes it is just stream of conciousness
2:47:55 PM barefo0ot: That's how I function.
2:48:22 PM barefo0ot: But back to my questions. Cheese, Phil, do you like cheese? If so, are you a cheddar guy, or more of a brie man?
2:48:36 PM pirate: maytag blue
2:49:09 PM barefo0ot: Nice.
2:49:30 PM pirate: i like it when it burns my  tongue, or i eat so much of it i get sores in my mouth from it
2:49:59 PM barefo0ot: Well, I wasn't expecting that.
2:50:07 PM barefo0ot: You've really outdone yourself.
2:50:10 PM barefo0ot: Can you fly?
2:50:13 PM pirate: just a stream i tell you
2:50:21 PM pirate: only when i jump and there is low gravity
2:51:40 PM barefo0ot: I can fly in a downward slope.
2:51:52 PM barefo0ot: I do superhero work on the side. But I see you are away.
2:51:57 PM barefo0ot: So I shall let you go.  (note:  I had to run to a meeting)
2:52:01 PM barefo0ot: Have a lovely day!

My first A/S/L?

10:55:29 AM jdubbb2007: hey. u there?
10:55:55 AM pirate: i am
10:57:17 AM jdubbb2007: a/s/l?
10:57:33 AM pirate: you have to be kidding me, you IM pirate and that is all you have to say?
10:58:42 AM jdubbb2007: well u dnt have to b an a$$. just answer instead of starting bull$h1t  (note: cleaned up the cursing)
10:59:04 AM pirate: so hostile, you have to curse to make yourself feel better
11:01:00 AM jdubbb2007: omg. u were on my buddy list. i dnt know why. i knew u would b 1 of those 30 yr old losers that tries to b english proper. LATER
11:01:30 AM pirate: if you knew that, why would you bother to IM me in the first place?
11:03:25 AM jdubbb2007: i said LATER. so quit im'ing me. i guess they didnt use that term back in ur day. so u can stop im'ing now.
11:04:19 AM pirate: you can easily stop me, by blocking  me... and you im'd me first.  I didnt ask for this conversation
11:05:30 AM jdubbb2007: im going to be the bigger person and do that since u obviously cant stop urself.
11:06:17 AM pirate: good for you, please do.  and your grammar has improved also (note: he blocks me at this point, good for him)

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Another Hacker

9:56:29 AM barbossa: hi did you have your screen name in the name restore bin or did you just reactivate it?
10:20:12 AM pirate: um, i guess it was reactivated... i just got it a couple of days ago
10:20:46 AM barbossa: k it was suspended and not active on aol so had me wondering lol
10:21:20 AM barbossa: but it says its been registered since 98 so its been reactivated
10:22:12 AM pirate: and how would you know it was suspended?  whatever that means
10:22:21 AM barbossa: the aim to it was suspended
10:22:32 AM barbossa: sign on message with any password would tell you that
10:22:43 AM pirate: i dont know what suspended means in this context
10:23:21 AM barbossa: when its suspended it can't be used, its blocked access to the account
10:23:32 AM pirate: ah i see
10:23:45 AM pirate: guess  i am just really lucky to get it
10:24:37 AM barbossa: lol
10:25:25 AM barbossa: i checked it about 2 weeks ago and the aol was dead... another week i would have had it
10:25:40 AM pirate: just luck of the draw, isnt it?
10:26:05 AM barbossa: probably, i'v got a few that are like that... be nice if aol would unsuspend them
10:27:43 AM pirate: such as?  what names
10:27:58 AM barbossa: dead,hate,new,lol,name,car...list goes on
10:28:19 AM pirate: nice
10:28:50 AM pirate: if you have HATE, why do you use barbossa?
10:28:54 AM pirate: i would use dead or hate
10:28:56 AM barbossa: they're suspended
10:29:10 AM barbossa: i have some that are alive though
10:29:12 AM pirate: no no, i mean the ones you have access to and can use
10:29:26 AM barbossa: because aol likes to suspend me too much
10:29:41 AM pirate: hmm, what do you do to get suspended?
10:29:53 AM barbossa: lol
10:30:01 AM barbossa: i'm on the black list
10:30:08 AM barbossa: for exploiting
10:30:16 AM barbossa: but i don't do that stuff anymore, they don't care though
10:30:41 AM pirate: ah i see... well if they dont care anymore, you should use cooler names if you have them

10:30:49 AM shoe: i have them  (note: he switches screen names here)
10:31:03 AM shoe: just really don't want to chance them
10:31:10 AM pirate: shoe is short
10:31:47 AM shoe: most of my names are 4-5 letters
10:32:16 AM pirate: so you did this for fun? how long did you do it?
10:32:21 AM shoe: years
10:32:31 AM shoe: i quit doing it about 2 years ago though
10:32:32 AM pirate: how old when you started?
10:32:36 AM shoe: 13
10:32:41 AM pirate: and now?
10:32:43 AM shoe: 20
10:32:54 AM pirate: well no kidding you stopped 2 years ago
10:32:57 AM pirate: you turned 18
10:33:11 AM shoe: yeah got a job and a life then and really had no time to screw around with the stuff
10:33:43 AM pirate: what do you do for a job now?
10:33:49 AM shoe: restore cars
10:34:13 AM pirate: that sounds like a good job
10:34:16 AM pirate: no work today?
10:34:18 AM shoe: yeah i enjoy it
10:34:19 AM shoe: nah snowed in
10:34:34 AM pirate: so you decide to IM pirate on your day off :)
10:34:50 AM shoe: yeah i checked it this morning to see if it was still suspended and was like wtf? lol
10:35:10 AM shoe: so i checked the profile and saw it was active on aol once again and figured i'd add it to my list to see if it was being used
10:35:27 AM pirate: yep, i have been on it since i got it on tuesday
10:35:41 AM shoe: did you reactivate the aol?
10:35:54 AM pirate: yes, it is a sub screen name on my master
10:36:03 AM shoe: cool
10:36:23 AM shoe: lets talk on barbossa
10:36:28 AM shoe: gonna sign off this
10:36:33 AM pirate: kk

10:36:42 AM barbossa: kk
10:37:31 AM pirate: i have to run out in a bit
10:37:44 AM barbossa: ok talk to you later
10:38:05 AM pirate: seeya

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More School's out!

10:29:36 PM xokaylax96: ure phil?
10:29:38 PM xokaylax96:  irate?
10:29:46 PM pirate: omg, who is this?
10:31:03 PM xokaylax96:  this is ure bff
10:31:17 PM pirate: are you speaking english?
10:31:24 PM xokaylax96:  yes
10:31:39 PM pirate: you are not, because ure and bff are not english words i know
10:39:49 PM xokaylax96:  ci
10:40:52 PM pirate: what?

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School's out!

4:53:19 PM xkrngrl14x: hi
5:06:49 PM pirate: hey
5:08:19 PM xkrngrl14x: hello
5:08:19 PM xkrngrl14x: who is this?
5:08:19 PM xkrngrl14x: lol
5:08:19 PM xkrngrl14x: guess who this is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5:08:37 PM pirate: i have no idea who you are, and you have no idea who i am either
5:09:34 PM xkrngrl14x: who is this?
5:09:43 PM xkrngrl14x: i g2 ur church
5:11:06 PM xkrngrl14x: is ur name bri?
5:11:17 PM pirate: no, i dont go to church.. and my name is not bri
5:11:32 PM xkrngrl14x: ok
5:11:50 PM xkrngrl14x: no but im serious who is this?
5:12:06 PM pirate: what does it matter?  i dont know you and you dont know me
5:12:51 PM xkrngrl14x: really?

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My first Hacker

12:44:05 PM r0ckstarhacker: So, I need to get a few things from you.
12:44:24 PM r0ckstarhacker: First there is a new build of Leopard that is out.
12:44:44 PM r0ckstarhacker: And then CS3.
12:48:57 PM r0ckstarhacker: But that copy of Leopard is pretty key, so get that one first.
12:54:45 PM pirate: um what is a build of leopard?
12:54:56 PM r0ckstarhacker: The new beta of OSX.
12:55:04 PM pirate: what is osx?
12:55:17 PM r0ckstarhacker: We have the older copy that was leaked but the new one is tough to come by.
12:55:36 PM r0ckstarhacker: OSX is an operating system for computers.
12:56:21 PM pirate: i have no idea what you are talking about
12:56:37 PM r0ckstarhacker: Ummm, did we miss something?
12:56:53 PM pirate: i dont even know who you are
12:56:53 PM r0ckstarhacker: Who am I talking to?
12:57:08 PM r0ckstarhacker: Wait a second.  This is "pirate" right?
12:57:39 PM pirate: that is my sn yes
12:57:45 PM pirate: i just got it yesterday
12:58:00 PM pirate: my name is phil irate
12:58:04 PM pirate: p. irate
12:58:18 PM r0ckstarhacker: Hmmm...
12:59:04 PM r0ckstarhacker: I'm sorry to bother you with all this Phil.  But now that you have assumed the role of the pirate, I'm going to have to ask you for some software I need.
12:59:12 PM r0ckstarhacker: This is how it works.
12:59:35 PM pirate: and why should i do anything for you?
12:59:59 PM r0ckstarhacker: Because you're "pirate"
1:00:04 PM r0ckstarhacker: That's what you do.
1:00:10 PM pirate: i dont think so
1:00:17 PM r0ckstarhacker: Besides the whole fighting with ninjas.
1:00:44 PM pirate: why would pirates fight ninjas?
1:01:39 PM r0ckstarhacker: That is your duty.
1:01:46 PM r0ckstarhacker: I didn't make the rules.
1:02:08 PM pirate: i have no duty to you
1:04:19 PM r0ckstarhacker: You have the duty to please that booty.
1:04:51 PM pirate: pirate treasure?
1:05:24 PM r0ckstarhacker: Are you trying to have cyber sex with me?  I'm sorry Phil, I'm not really into that.
1:05:48 PM pirate: cyber sex?  i dont have a suit for that
1:06:09 PM r0ckstarhacker: Fur suit?  I might be into that...
1:06:33 PM pirate: pirates dont wear fur it is too hot on deck
1:09:13 PM r0ckstarhacker: You're hot?
1:09:44 PM r0ckstarhacker: So really though, when can I get that copy of Leopard?
1:09:57 PM pirate: i dont own any leopards

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Do people really just have Pirate in their buddy lists?

9:13:00 AM alfeo69: http://homepage.mac.com/drewprops/paloo/cutnumber_004.mov
9:13:23 AM pirate: sorry, i dont click links
9:13:31 AM pirate: i heard you can get a nasty virus from that
9:13:45 AM alfeo69: not this one
9:13:55 AM alfeo69: its my freinds
9:14:04 AM pirate: why would you send me a link out of the blue?  I dont even know you
9:14:23 AM alfeo69: its alfeo dude
9:14:28 AM alfeo69: wakeu[
9:14:33 AM alfeo69: *wakeup
9:14:58 AM pirate: i have no idea who you are
9:15:04 AM pirate: i just got this SN yesterday
9:15:22 AM alfeo69: is this not Angela Carroll?
9:15:40 AM pirate: it is not
9:21:55 AM alfeo69: so who is this
9:22:01 AM alfeo69: your on my buddy list
9:22:36 AM pirate: i am phil irate, and i got this name yesterday
9:22:40 AM pirate: p. irate
9:24:40 AM alfeo69: hmmm... so your not logged in as 'angthepirate'
9:25:35 AM pirate: no, what SN shows up there on this name?
9:25:44 AM alfeo69: that one
9:26:01 AM pirate: that one is not a very clear statement
9:26:03 AM alfeo69: is that a communal computer your on
9:26:15 AM alfeo69: 'angthepirate'
9:26:15 AM pirate: i hope not, it is in my house
9:26:21 AM alfeo69: lol
9:26:36 AM pirate: i am signed on a Pirate
9:26:42 AM pirate: do an info on me, i think you will see that
9:27:33 AM alfeo69: ahhhh... i see the problem
9:28:44 AM alfeo69: i have 'pirate' also in her info as another loggin
9:28:52 AM alfeo69: sorry me friend
9:29:07 AM alfeo69: where are u located
9:29:47 AM pirate: I am on Earth and you?
9:30:42 AM alfeo69: arrrrr, ye be a smart one.... eh
9:32:58 AM alfeo69: visit www.piratepalooza.com if ye be a land dweller near Atlanta, GA

My first Vampire Freak

9:05:31 AM lilshorty17855: heyy
9:05:39 AM pirate: hello
9:06:10 AM lilshorty17855: whos this
9:06:19 AM pirate: Phil Irate, and who is this?
9:06:36 AM lilshorty17855: what r u from vf
9:06:48 AM pirate: can you please speak english?
9:06:55 AM lilshorty17855: ya
9:07:13 AM pirate: then do so
9:07:28 AM lilshorty17855: r u from vampire freaks
9:07:54 AM pirate: i dont even know what a vampire freak is, but it sounds terrible
9:08:21 AM lilshorty17855: do u kno mi sis or sumthing
9:08:41 AM pirate: are you speaking english?  I dont understand you at all
9:09:10 AM lilshorty17855: do u kno my sister or something
9:09:26 AM pirate: your sister?
9:09:39 AM lilshorty17855: ya
9:09:57 AM pirate: how would i know if i did?  i dont even know who you are... you just im'd me out of the blue
9:11:00 AM lilshorty17855: bcause i saw ur aim name on mi friends list and i didnt kno who u were
9:11:14 AM pirate: well i obviously didn't put it there
9:11:31 AM lilshorty17855: thats why i dont kno if u kno mi sis jess
9:11:36 AM lilshorty17855: or maria
9:11:52 AM pirate: i dont know either
9:12:02 AM lilshorty17855: k
9:12:18 AM lilshorty17855: im from conneticut were r u from
9:12:40 AM pirate: not from Connecticut, i have never even been there
9:12:47 AM lilshorty17855: o
9:15:09 AM lilshorty17855: so whats up
9:15:33 AM pirate: i dont think i have anything to talk to you about
9:15:50 AM lilshorty17855: how old r u
9:16:08 AM pirate: if you ask that, i am assuming you to be young
9:16:21 AM lilshorty17855: im that that young
9:16:40 AM pirate: that that?
9:16:54 AM lilshorty17855: im not that young
9:18:38 AM pirate: i still dont care
9:18:52 AM lilshorty17855: how old r u
9:19:01 AM pirate: 36
9:19:17 AM lilshorty17855: k

My first foreigner (i think)

9:08:12 AM 330352205: ko staa guc
9:08:22 AM pirate: um, what?
9:08:31 AM 330352205: kak e v england
9:08:54 AM pirate: i have no idea what you are saying
9:09:39 AM 330352205: how are you
9:10:10 AM pirate: i am well
9:10:16 AM 330352205: what is you name
9:10:23 AM pirate: phil irate and yours?
9:11:01 AM 330352205: i am loking for alex
9:11:36 AM pirate: i dont know any alex
9:11:55 AM 330352205: bay
9:12:09 AM 330352205: bye
9:12:21 AM pirate: bye

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My first Jealous fan

9:51:35 PM corndogfootrace: oh my gosh. you have the original pirate screen name
9:51:38 PM corndogfootrace: that's amazing.
9:51:42 PM corndogfootrace: i love you
9:51:56 PM pirate: thanks
9:52:05 PM corndogfootrace: how long have you had it
9:52:39 PM pirate: got it today
9:52:46 PM pirate: just lucky i guess
9:52:52 PM pirate: my name is phil irate
9:53:00 PM pirate: put in my p. irate and got it
9:53:09 PM corndogfootrace: you just got it today?
9:53:11 PM corndogfootrace: yeah right
9:53:21 PM corndogfootrace: i tried to get pirate
9:53:25 PM corndogfootrace: back in the mid 90s (note: i think that might have been too late)
9:53:34 PM pirate: i literally got it today
9:54:06 PM corndogfootrace: you're trying to tell me you're the first person to ever try to get pirate as his screenname?
9:54:11 PM corndogfootrace: does that seem very likely to you?
9:54:20 PM corndogfootrace: what with the influx of pirate culture
9:54:34 PM pirate: it does, this internet thing seems to be easier than folks make it out to be
9:54:46 PM corndogfootrace: well consider me dumbfounded
9:54:56 PM pirate: i shall consider that
9:55:31 PM corndogfootrace: wow.
9:55:41 PM corndogfootrace: it seems i'm not the first to be so in awe of your sn
9:56:10 PM pirate: no, i have been getting alot of im's i could not figure out why... some of them are mean  (note: really mean)
9:56:23 PM corndogfootrace: how unfortunate
9:56:56 PM corndogfootrace: is your last name pronounced like the word?
9:57:10 PM pirate: just like i am angry
9:57:20 PM corndogfootrace: interesting
9:57:35 PM corndogfootrace: my last name is a mood adjective as well
9:57:50 PM pirate: happy? jolly? suicidal?
9:57:59 PM corndogfootrace: i wish
9:58:01 PM corndogfootrace: Grimm
9:58:12 PM corndogfootrace: albeit not spelled the same
9:58:16 PM corndogfootrace: but i think you can relate all the same
9:59:12 PM pirate: grimm would be tough
9:59:18 PM pirate: what with the brothers and all
9:59:23 PM corndogfootrace: yeah i've heard the lot of them
9:59:39 PM corndogfootrace: but anyway Phil, i best be on my way
9:59:49 PM corndogfootrace: i love your screenname, and i bid you adieu
9:59:59 PM pirate: good night to you also

My first wannabe date

9:39:45 PM hoochmam69: hey there u got a pic on ftj don't u
9:40:08 PM pirate: ftj?
9:40:15 PM hoochmam69: facethejury
9:40:21 PM pirate: omg, what is that?
9:40:29 PM hoochmam69: www.facethejury.com
9:40:35 PM pirate: sorry i dont click on links
9:40:41 PM pirate: i caught cold once that way
9:40:46 PM hoochmam69: u can just type it in
9:40:56 PM hoochmam69: i wasnt trying too send it as a link i don't know how too do that
9:40:56 PM pirate: i have never been there before
9:41:07 PM pirate: what is it?
9:41:25 PM hoochmam69: a pic rating web site too meet ppl on
9:41:44 PM pirate: why would someone subject themselves to be rated by the masses on the internet?
9:41:59 PM hoochmam69: too see what ppl think about them
9:42:24 PM pirate: they dont know me, what keeps everyone from rating you low just out of spite?  or their own insecurities?
9:42:37 PM hoochmam69: thats true
9:44:05 PM pirate: yes it is
9:44:10 PM pirate: do you have a pic there?
9:44:24 PM hoochmam69: yes
9:44:40 PM pirate: and how are you rated currently?
9:44:47 PM hoochmam69: like a 7 something
9:45:10 PM pirate: you must be female, no guy is rated that high
9:45:25 PM hoochmam69: i have seen guys rated that high before
9:45:30 PM hoochmam69: and yes  i am
9:45:33 PM hoochmam69: what r u
9:45:40 PM pirate: hah, only if they pump up their own scores
9:45:51 PM hoochmam69: u can't vote for urself on there
9:45:56 PM pirate: my name is phil irate
9:46:11 PM pirate: i am sure you can vote for yourself, just create fake names or something
9:46:25 PM hoochmam69: it goes by ip address
9:47:02 PM pirate: have you heard of proxies and IP anonymizers?
9:47:09 PM hoochmam69: nope
9:47:20 PM pirate: well there you go, that is how they pump their scores
9:47:34 PM hoochmam69: most ppl on there ain't gonna take time too go though all that
9:47:43 PM pirate: it doesnt take any time
9:47:47 PM pirate: tor.eff.org
9:47:55 PM pirate: the onion router
9:48:13 PM hoochmam69: so u want me too click on a link but u won't?
9:48:18 PM hoochmam69: makes no sense too me
9:48:23 PM pirate: it is short you can type that in
9:48:31 PM pirate: what is the link to your pic?
9:48:47 PM hoochmam69: www.facethejury.com/hoochiemam69
9:49:05 PM pirate: The page cannot be found
9:49:24 PM hoochmam69: http://facethejury.com/profile.asp?user_name=hoochiemam69  (note: real link)
9:50:07 PM pirate: darn, i cant rate you from that link
9:50:13 PM pirate: otherwise i would have given you a 1
9:50:18 PM pirate: out of 10
9:50:23 PM hoochmam69: a 1?
9:50:39 PM pirate: yah, you look all fake.. and you drink beer from a can
9:50:54 PM hoochmam69: how do i look all fake too u
9:51:01 PM pirate: fake blond hair
9:51:05 PM pirate: fake smile
9:51:08 PM pirate: fake rack
9:51:15 PM hoochmam69: far from fake rack
9:51:16 PM pirate: and the photoshopping is terrible
9:51:28 PM hoochmam69: have  u seen all the pics on there
9:51:49 PM pirate: as i said before, never been here.. you are first i have seen
9:52:10 PM hoochmam69: the photoshop on ftj isn't that great for a free site
9:52:33 PM pirate: you cant upload your own pics?
9:52:59 PM hoochmam69: yes its when u do the photoshop that they use is terrible
9:53:20 PM pirate: just like that pic of you

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My first Sane person

9:30:07 PM devilschild9765: rawr
9:30:10 PM devilschild9765: rawr
9:31:17 PM pirate: yarghh!
9:31:31 PM devilschild9765: argh 2 u 2
9:31:46 PM pirate: k, thx
9:31:57 PM devilschild9765: ca va?
9:32:56 PM pirate: cavalry?
9:33:08 PM devilschild9765: no ca va...as in how are you...in french
9:33:20 PM pirate: i dont speak french
9:33:33 PM devilschild9765: niether do i
9:33:38 PM devilschild9765: well other than that phrase
9:33:42 PM devilschild9765: so how are u
9:33:48 PM devilschild9765: and who are u
9:33:50 PM pirate: do i know you?
9:33:55 PM pirate: I am phil irate
9:34:07 PM devilschild9765: y r u angry phil
9:34:28 PM pirate: funny, like i have never heard that joke before about my last name
9:34:45 PM devilschild9765: im sure u have but i just couldnt resist
9:35:43 PM pirate: no problem, why are you IM'ing me?
9:36:00 PM devilschild9765: cause u were one my buddy list 4 sum reason nd i didnt kno who u were
9:36:16 PM pirate: why would you have pirate as a SN on your buddy list?
9:36:16 PM devilschild9765: but no worries if it will make u happy i shall delete u and pretend this convo never happene
9:36:20 PM devilschild9765: happened*
9:36:27 PM pirate: alrighty then
9:36:41 PM devilschild9765: bye phil
9:36:43 PM devilschild9765: enjoi life
9:36:53 PM pirate: seeya

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My first I think I know you

9:17:42 PM fantasymygame: hi
9:17:53 PM fantasymygame: Its bigdudeddee on PP
9:17:58 PM pirate: PP?
9:18:07 PM fantasymygame: Puzzle Pirates
9:18:41 PM fantasymygame: I am a bit bored and am looking for someone to talk to
9:18:51 PM pirate: well here we are
9:19:05 PM fantasymygame: I like ur avatar on forums'
9:19:08 PM pirate: btw, i have no idea what puzzle pirates is
9:19:12 PM fantasymygame: ?
9:19:25 PM fantasymygame: U r imwamphyr
9:19:31 PM pirate: i am?
9:19:40 PM pirate: my name is phil irate
9:19:45 PM pirate: that doesnt look like my name
9:19:53 PM fantasymygame: Ummm
9:19:59 PM fantasymygame: Go on Puzzle pirates.com
9:20:15 PM fantasymygame: Click on forums and you will see
9:20:18 PM pirate: sorry, i dont click links from strangers... i think i got a bad cold once from that
9:20:27 PM fantasymygame: huh?
9:20:37 PM fantasymygame: I sware its good
9:20:38 PM pirate: computers have virus's on them, they can make you sick i heard (note: computer virus's can't make a human sick)
9:20:53 PM fantasymygame: I am good
9:21:02 PM pirate: well i dont want to catch a cold
9:21:13 PM pirate: rhinovisus is nasty this year
9:21:13 PM fantasymygame: R u like young?
9:21:27 PM pirate: no.. i am not young.. you should know you acted like you knew me
9:22:10 PM fantasymygame: So u have never heard of Puzzle Pirates
9:22:11 PM fantasymygame: ?
9:22:36 PM pirate: i have no idea what that is
9:23:06 PM fantasymygame: Then what do you do?
9:23:15 PM fantasymygame: Do u do anything like gamelike
9:23:19 PM fantasymygame: Like runescape
9:23:28 PM fantasymygame: Or world of warcraft?
9:23:50 PM pirate: the only game i play is a board game called mahjongg
9:23:58 PM fantasymygame: I luv that game
9:24:16 PM pirate: me too
9:25:35 PM fantasymygame: Bye
9:25:39 PM pirate: seeya

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My first repeat customer

9:17:01 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: um yeah who is this
9:17:16 PM pirate: my name is phil irate
9:17:20 PM pirate: and  yourself?
9:17:39 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: and how did you get xpinkxtootsx sn
9:17:42 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: may i ask
9:17:50 PM pirate: i have no idea who that is
9:18:07 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: okay im not stupid cuz you were iming her
9:18:26 PM pirate: i was? and how do you know this?
9:21:54 PM pirate: who is confused here, you or me? (note: it wasn't me)

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My first Fan?

8:58:08 PM l3ol2n2pal2ty: r u a real pirate????
8:58:20 PM pirate: my name is phil irate
8:58:30 PM pirate: pirate is just a shortening of my name
8:58:37 PM l3ol2n2pal2ty: Damn...
8:58:42 PM l3ol2n2pal2ty: I liked Pirate better (note: so do I)
8:58:46 PM l3ol2n2pal2ty: Argh!? w00t
8:58:50 PM pirate: yarghh!
8:59:13 PM l3ol2n2pal2ty: Well if a pirate ever needs webhosting holla at me lol
8:59:28 PM pirate: what is a webhost and a holla? (note: i do know what webhosting is)
8:59:48 PM l3ol2n2pal2ty: Holla = Holler*
Webhosting = Website Provider
9:00:11 PM pirate: i thought a hollow was a valley in a forest
9:00:21 PM pirate: but you are saying holla

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My first FU

8:00:15 PM miche94: hi
8:46:32 PM miche94:  YO
8:47:02 PM pirate: HO
8:47:51 PM miche94:  WHO IS THIS
8:47:53 PM miche94:  ?
8:47:56 PM pirate: phil irate
8:48:13 PM miche94:  WHO?????????????
8:48:27 PM pirate: phil irate
8:48:40 PM pirate: p. irate == pirate .. my initials
8:49:49 PM miche94:  WHO ?\IS THIS
8:50:12 PM pirate: it seems your CAPS lock key is stuck
8:50:37 PM miche94:  OK WHO THE H***
8:50:38 PM pirate: it is on the far left of your keyboard, just hit it until the light goes out
8:50:50 PM miche94:  IS THI
8:50:53 PM miche94:  S*
8:51:03 PM pirate: my name is phil irate
8:51:07 PM pirate: i told you already
8:51:18 PM miche94:  WHAT THE F**** EVER
8:51:45 PM pirate: you dont know anybody named phil?  and why would you have my screen name in your buddy list?
8:52:41 PM miche94:  GTG FU BI
8:53:28 PM pirate: hmm, you IM'd me first if you recall

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My first conversation

8:45:22 PM awwpiracy: pirate!
8:45:41 PM pirate: yes?
8:45:44 PM awwpiracy: hey
8:45:50 PM pirate: yes?
8:46:17 PM awwpiracy: How did you get so lucky to get this name?
8:46:38 PM pirate: what do you mean?  my name is Phil Irate
8:46:44 PM awwpiracy: sure
8:46:45 PM awwpiracy: hah
8:46:48 PM pirate: i just put in pirate and got it
8:46:58 PM awwpiracy: nice try
8:47:13 PM awwpiracy: You are NEVER online
8:47:15 PM pirate: p. irate... those are my intials
8:47:20 PM pirate: pirate
8:47:39 PM awwpiracy: Why aren' t you ever online?
8:47:48 PM pirate: um, just i got the name toady (note: this is actually true)
8:47:50 PM pirate: today
8:47:55 PM awwpiracy: really
8:47:56 PM awwpiracy: ?
8:47:57 PM awwpiracy: wow
8:48:19 PM pirate: this internet thing is easy, i dont know what all the hubbub is about
8:48:34 PM awwpiracy: how old are you?
8:48:48 PM pirate: 36
8:48:53 PM pirate: why is that important?
8:48:55 PM awwpiracy: yes
8:48:58 PM awwpiracy: just wondering
8:49:28 PM pirate: is that it?
8:49:35 PM awwpiracy: male?
8:49:37 PM awwpiracy: hah
8:49:46 PM pirate: you think a girl is named phil?
8:49:51 PM awwpiracy: you never know
8:51:03 PM awwpiracy: :)

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My first IM's

8:07:32 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: hay
8:09:00 PM xbrianaxkastxbk: wat is ur way message supposed to mean

(note: my away message has a script that shows the name of the sender back to them, this confuses all the sheep)

8:11:30 PM o0emothing0o: hello

8:19:33 PM nixleg: who is this
8:19:43 PM nixleg: hello
8:19:47 PM nixleg: al;sjdlfjasklfj;akls
(note: obviously sexually frustrated)

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