Monday, March 31, 2008


1:45:13 PM mdamedenise: coucou
1:45:23 PM Pirate: cachoo
1:45:40 PM mdamedenise: vous ne venez pas?
1:45:52 PM Pirate: english only please
1:47:13 PM mdamedenise: tu n'est pas mon gendre?
1:47:21 PM Pirate: english!!
1:48:06 PM mdamedenise: you are my son?
1:48:35 PM Pirate: LOL, no.. should i be?
1:49:20 PM mdamedenise: lol i'm sorry good by

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Threatened with hatred (while answering from my mobile phone)

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (6:50 PM):
u have absolutely no life... haha posting convos on the internet? haha loser thats pathetic

pirate (6:52 PM):
LoL, like you have nothing better to do than message me

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (6:53 PM):
noo im talkingg to likee 8 peoplee and theyy allllll told mee too IM u
i cann probb gett all of Americaa to hatee u

pirate (6:59 PM):
That would be great, I would enjoy that.  I accept your offer to do that work for me

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (7:00 PM):
lhaha i could barely lift a fingerr doing itt
i knoww some pretty cool peoplee who could spreadd somethingg within seconddss

pirate (7:02 PM):
Do it then, and stop bragging about it

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (7:03 PM):
yeah like im gunna listenn to an oldd fartt likee u

pirate (7:03 PM):
Yah, I didn't think you had any pull

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (7:04 PM):
u know whatt?? im startingg noww

pirate (7:04 PM):
Good, I can't wait

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (7:05 PM):
pshh yeah i bet u cant. ur self esteem must be really low

pirate (7:05 PM):
Still all talk and no action on your part

dEeNeR 3 7 3 7 (7:06 PM):
oo im doingg a lott.
u dont eveennnn know
bee afraid

pirate (7:06 PM):
You are right, I don't know. Because you are not doing anything LOL

Hi Mike!

11:28:40 AM frenchxcutie: hi mike
11:28:57 AM Pirate: hello there, amanda
11:29:33 AM frenchxcutie: i 4got whts 4 hmwk
11:29:47 AM Pirate: i cant read that
11:30:10 AM frenchxcutie: i forgot whats for homework'
11:30:19 AM Pirate: oh, for which class?
11:30:38 AM frenchxcutie: english
11:31:13 AM Pirate: i think it was all of chapter 12 and 18, plus you had to write a short story of erotica
11:31:29 AM frenchxcutie: no
11:31:41 AM frenchxcutie: it was in the notebook
11:31:54 AM frenchxcutie: but i dont know which page
11:32:12 AM Pirate: i poured gasoline on my notebook, and used it to burn down my house last night
11:32:17 AM Pirate: so i dont have the notebook or a home anymore
11:32:40 AM frenchxcutie: r u really mike
11:32:59 AM Pirate: obviously not, you told me your name the last time you accidentally IM'd me
11:33:12 AM frenchxcutie: uh
11:33:30 AM frenchxcutie: i get his screenname wrong all the time
11:33:39 AM frenchxcutie: im soo sorry
11:34:09 AM frenchxcutie: ok bii
11:34:19 AM Pirate: use english... bye
11:34:27 AM frenchxcutie: bye lol

Monday, March 17, 2008

Repeat offender

10:26:14 PM wildc1115: hello
10:26:41 PM Pirate: 4:59:20 PM Pirate: obviously you have nothing better to do... therefore i assume you have nothing salient or pertinent to talk about
4:59:29 PM wildc1115: how old are you
4:59:30 PM wildc1115: lol
4:59:55 PM Pirate: not important
5:00:07 PM wildc1115: you're mean

10:26:51 PM wildc1115: ypur point?
10:26:53 PM wildc1115: your*
10:27:06 PM Pirate: you have nothing pertinent or salient to say
10:27:22 PM wildc1115: just trying to start a conversation
10:27:50 PM Pirate: as i said you have nothing pertinent or salient to say, so what makes you think i want to have a conversation with you
10:28:07 PM wildc1115: i don't know
10:28:17 PM Pirate: exactly, nothing salient to say
10:28:26 PM wildc1115: ok, why don't you then?
10:28:37 PM Pirate: why dont i want?
10:28:41 PM wildc1115: say something
10:28:59 PM Pirate: you are an insufferable little twit
10:29:08 PM wildc1115: you don't even know me
10:29:09 PM wildc1115:
10:29:20 PM Pirate: i have good instincts

eww bro..

7:15:22 PM poqtartzz: who r u?
7:15:34 PM Pirate: God
7:15:46 PM poqtartzz: free pron?
7:15:56 PM poqtartzz: porn*
7:17:19 PM poqtartzz: bt 4 real
7:17:28 PM poqtartzz: r u a robot person?
7:19:15 PM poqtartzz: ?

30 minutes later...

7:49:50 PM poqtartzz: free porn?
7:52:14 PM poqtartzz: ?
7:52:48 PM Pirate:
7:54:00 PM poqtartzz: eww bro.

Free porn?

7:08:36 PM wtfisup112: u got free porn?
7:09:00 PM Pirate: you cant find free porn on your own?
7:09:10 PM wtfisup112: u said u had some for me
7:09:32 PM Pirate: i did, i dont even know who you are
7:09:46 PM wtfisup112: im the guy who wants free porn
7:09:49 PM wtfisup112: no gimme
7:10:23 PM Pirate: uh-huh, give up the meth... it is rotting your brain
7:10:39 PM wtfisup112: plz
7:12:04 PM Pirate: no, i am not giving you meth
7:12:07 PM wtfisup112: NOW
7:12:11 PM wtfisup112: i want porn
7:12:17 PM wtfisup112: u got da hookup i heard
7:13:21 PM Pirate: you should learn to use search, you can find your own meth dealer in your local area
7:13:37 PM wtfisup112: im looknig for porn not drugs
7:13:40 PM wtfisup112: duhhhh
7:13:48 PM Pirate: i am not going to support your meth habit
7:14:44 PM wtfisup112: this is not turning into a friendly conversation
7:14:49 PM wtfisup112: gimme the porn
7:14:57 PM Pirate: who said i was friendly?
7:15:08 PM wtfisup112: ur gay!
7:15:11 PM wtfisup112: bye

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I am illegal

5:32:02 PM toxxicxsugar: u put my name on the internet
5:32:10 PM toxxicxsugar: u do realize thats illegal
5:32:14 PM Pirate: did I?
5:32:18 PM Pirate: and how is that illegal
5:32:20 PM toxxicxsugar: yeah...
5:32:47 PM toxxicxsugar: because u diddnt even get permission. if i were to call the cops you would get in trouble
5:33:06 PM Pirate: you do realize that I dont need permission, because I didnt ask you to IM me
5:33:10 PM toxxicxsugar: which i will probably end up doing
5:33:19 PM toxxicxsugar: still, you know where i live
5:33:20 PM Pirate: you im'd me of your own free will, and I posted it of my own free will
5:33:26 PM toxxicxsugar: which is als a fellany
5:33:42 PM Pirate: feel free to call the cops, i am sure they have nothing better to do (if that makes you feel better)
5:33:50 PM Pirate: felony <--correct spelling
5:34:09 PM Pirate: and i will post this also
5:34:47 PM toxxicxsugar: go ahead. to everyone whos reading this right now, pirate has no life and he will end up in jail
5:35:00 PM Pirate: i am sure my readers will get a kick out of that
5:35:11 PM toxxicxsugar: haha no one will read your blog
5:35:25 PM toxxicxsugar: pshhhh ur not worthy
5:35:32 PM toxxicxsugar: everyone ese has better things to do
5:36:03 PM Pirate: i so agree, which is why i post these type of chats just to show how many bored people there are out there just randomly IM'ing names
5:36:29 PM toxxicxsugar: no i didnt im u cuz i was bored
5:36:37 PM toxxicxsugar: my friend did and u posted her sn
5:36:45 PM toxxicxsugar: so thats why.
5:36:50 PM Pirate: ah so you knew i would post your name when you IM'd me
5:36:56 PM Pirate: be sure you tell the cops that
5:37:14 PM toxxicxsugar: no i wanted to let you know you just cant do that
5:37:29 PM toxxicxsugar: all those people were being realy nice and u were being really mean
5:37:31 PM Pirate: yes i can, i can do anything with what people give me freely
5:37:37 PM toxxicxsugar: u have no heart. its filled with cold hard stone
5:37:41 PM Pirate: i didnt incite you to IM me, nor did I IM you first
5:38:01 PM toxxicxsugar: it doesnt matter. i have free will to IM whoever i want.
5:38:13 PM Pirate: and i have a free will to do what I want with it

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Why oh why?

2:31:49 PM deener3737: ewwww ur an old guy =/
2:38:30 PM Pirate: am i?
3:06:21 PM deener3737: uhh yeah
3:06:30 PM deener3737: i flippingg saw ur face bookkkk.
3:06:35 PM Pirate: and how do you know how old I am?
3:06:36 PM Pirate: lol
3:06:40 PM Pirate: i dont have a facebook
3:07:01 PM deener3737: uhhhhhhhhh yeah u doo. cuz i saww it andd it showedd ur oldd ass pic
3:07:10 PM Pirate: um no I dont
3:07:21 PM Pirate: i dont do myspace or facebook
3:07:31 PM deener3737: ur still oldd
3:07:39 PM Pirate: and how old am i?
3:08:05 PM deener3737: idkk...
3:08:07 PM deener3737: ur oldd
3:08:13 PM Pirate: is as follows:
3:08:14 PM Pirate: Unregistered Email

The email address you entered has not been registered.
3:08:20 PM Pirate: from facebook
3:09:34 PM Pirate: so you either are confused or a liar
3:09:41 PM deener3737: uhh no
3:10:02 PM Pirate: uh yah
3:11:13 PM Pirate: is that all you got?
3:14:41 PM deener3737: well ur a f00k face (NOTE: edited)
3:15:02 PM Pirate: name calling and cursing betrays your lack of intelligence and immaturity
3:15:22 PM deener3737:                                  yeah ur old. that just states that
3:15:36 PM Pirate: you dont even know how old i am
3:15:39 PM Pirate: you said so yourself
3:15:47 PM deener3737: .... i saw a picc off uuuuu.
3:15:50 PM deener3737: ur oldddd
3:16:06 PM Pirate: where is the pic?  it is not on facebook, as i have proven i dont have a profile there
3:16:41 PM deener3737: oooo okayyyy. oldiee
3:17:16 PM Pirate: and even if i am old.. which i am not ... you are the one who is always IM'ing me
3:17:20 PM Pirate: i dont IM you
3:27:30 PM deener3737: sooo ur a fatt asss nerdd who needsssss t get a f00kinggg life (Note: edited)
3:27:52 PM Pirate: i do?  you are the one who im's me... i just decide to respond
3:28:01 PM Pirate: sounds like you need the life not me
3:28:10 PM deener3737: wowwwwww.
3:28:18 PM deener3737: this izz why urr not mariedddd
3:28:39 PM Pirate: nice try... but i am not divulging any information about myself
3:29:16 PM deener3737: i dont wantt infoo about urselff cuz it telssss me itt in ur  FACE BOOK
3:29:32 PM Pirate: and as I said, i dont have one
3:30:04 PM Pirate: if you would be so kind as to link me to the page you are referring, it might be interesting to see

Monday, March 10, 2008

Back again...

6:11:13 PM oxoamzzxox: heyy
6:11:23 PM oxoamzzxox: r u mad at me
6:11:47 PM Pirate: you dont realize it, but i could care less if you are breathing or dead
6:12:06 PM oxoamzzxox: r u mad at me or not
6:12:26 PM Pirate: i dont care enough to be mad or not at you
6:12:28 PM Pirate: as i dont know you
6:12:33 PM Pirate: nor do i care to be bothered by you
6:12:43 PM oxoamzzxox: r u or not : yes or no
6:12:53 PM oxoamzzxox: yes or no
6:12:54 PM Pirate: it is not an either or question
6:13:28 PM oxoamzzxox: yes it is just answer it
6:13:33 PM Pirate: your self important little mind would get off on either answer, therefore i am telling you that you matter so little to me that it would be a waste of effort to expend an emotion on you
6:13:53 PM oxoamzzxox: omg ur weird
6:14:31 PM Pirate: no, i am just not 14 like you.. i have independent thought and independent will
6:15:18 PM oxoamzzxox: cause ur 89 and fat and ugly and ur will go die in a hole soon
6:15:57 PM Pirate: lol, one could only hope
6:16:08 PM Pirate: then i would be rid of trifling annoyances like you
6:16:59 PM oxoamzzxox: omg once again ur weird with werid wisdom that i do not care about ... and you just addmitted that ur 8
6:17:00 PM oxoamzzxox: 9
6:17:03 PM oxoamzzxox: 89*
6:17:37 PM Pirate: nope, i didnt.  you read that into it.  i said one could hope, and you would be that "one"
6:17:54 PM oxoamzzxox: wateva
6:18:08 PM oxoamzzxox: idc about u or ur stupid wisdon
6:18:12 PM oxoamzzxox: wisdom*
6:18:25 PM Pirate: then why are you IM'ing me?  didnt i insult you enough last night?
6:18:35 PM oxoamzzxox: nope i can take it
6:18:49 PM oxoamzzxox: im just bored and ur a fun robot to insult
6:18:51 PM Pirate: tell you what, i will save myself some time.. and just block you now
6:18:57 PM oxoamzzxox: okay good
6:19:03 PM oxoamzzxox: me 2 ill block u
6:19:06 PM Pirate: right after i post your chat to my blog

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Profiles on AIM

If the folks IM'ing Pirate have an AIM profile, I will be linking it in their posts from now on.


Why does this happen?

6:56:04 PM oxoamzzxox: heyy
6:56:06 PM oxoamzzxox: ya there
6:57:17 PM oxoamzzxox: ur a robot
6:57:31 PM oxoamzzxox: aren't you
6:57:36 PM oxoamzzxox: and you kno it
6:58:10 PM oxoamzzxox: yo yo
6:58:18 PM oxoamzzxox: I FREAKIN HATE YOU
8:00:03 PM Pirate: guess what?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Internet!!!

9:34:16 PM brinclhof11: hey 18 m ny you?
9:34:35 PM Pirate: wtf.. get off my internet

Blind Pirate

8:58:05 PM hottchilly99:
8:58:23 PM Pirate: what?
8:58:26 PM hottchilly99: nant meaghan
8:58:35 PM hottchilly99: look at it
8:58:36 PM Pirate: what again?
8:58:39 PM hottchilly99: its a fOOkign amazing song  (NOTE: edited)
8:58:46 PM Pirate: no! i dont click on links from strangers
8:58:55 PM hottchilly99: im joey from maine
8:59:09 PM Pirate: i could care less
9:00:02 PM Pirate: why are you IMing me?
9:00:09 PM hottchilly99: its a good song
9:00:17 PM Pirate: what is a good song?
9:00:21 PM hottchilly99: its steal my sunshine by len
9:00:45 PM Pirate: and why are you telling me this?  you have no idea who I am?  I could be blind and deaf for all you know
9:00:57 PM Pirate: that is it, you are torturing me!!
9:00:57 PM hottchilly99: then you wouldnt be on aim
9:01:05 PM hottchilly99: whaaaat
9:01:15 PM Pirate: you think blind and deaf people cant be on aim, you are a racist
9:01:20 PM Pirate: or at worst a bigot
9:01:59 PM hottchilly99: haha wtf
9:02:02 PM hottchilly99: its jsut a sont dude
9:02:07 PM hottchilly99: fine dont listen to it
9:02:27 PM Pirate:
9:02:36 PM Pirate: just so you know.. you can be blind and deaf and use aim
9:02:49 PM hottchilly99: whats that
9:03:03 PM Pirate: a link to instant messenger clients for the BLIND
9:03:13 PM hottchilly99: my uncle is blind
9:03:21 PM Pirate: he deserves to be
9:03:28 PM hottchilly99: excuse me
9:03:32 PM Pirate: you heard me
9:03:36 PM Pirate: i didnt IM you
9:03:39 PM Pirate: you IM'd me
9:03:47 PM hottchilly99: yeah but im not a d1ckhead and says he deserves it  (NOTE: edited)
9:03:49 PM Pirate: so i can do whatever i like to you
9:03:59 PM hottchilly99: your a f00king retard   (NOTE: edited)
9:04:12 PM Pirate: you cant spell, that should be "you're"
9:04:22 PM hottchilly99: bye
9:04:27 PM Pirate: thank god!