Sunday, May 1, 2011

Threatened from the Internet, sort of.

11:10:57 PM blackmesasource: sup emil?
11:11:38 PM blackmesasource: sup emil?
11:12:22 PM blackmesasource: sup emil?
11:12:51 PM blackmesasource: sup emil?
11:14:34 PM blackmesasource: sup emil?
11:14:43 PM Pirate: whats your problem?
11:14:55 PM blackmesasource: ok so i reported your blog
11:15:04 PM Pirate: my blog?
11:15:14 PM blackmesasource: pirate-random
11:15:25 PM Pirate: reported it as what?
11:16:00 PM blackmesasource: impersonation / posting private information
11:16:18 PM Pirate: neither of those were done
11:16:23 PM blackmesasource: if you take down our conversation, blogger won't delete your blog outright
11:16:24 PM blackmesasource: well
11:16:28 PM blackmesasource: i've reported more
11:16:28 PM blackmesasource: so..
11:16:29 PM Pirate: but hey, no one reads it anyway
11:16:35 PM blackmesasource: don't care
11:16:37 PM blackmesasource: remove the entry
11:16:41 PM Pirate: nope
11:16:57 PM Pirate: i dont even recall the entry
11:17:24 PM blackmesasource: it's the second post on the main page
11:17:38 PM Pirate: going to be the 3rd pretty soon
11:17:59 PM blackmesasource: k
11:18:11 PM blackmesasource: my SSN is XXX-XX-XXX (NOTE: obviously not his SSN, nor do I have any reason to post a SSN)
11:18:18 PM blackmesasource: post that
11:18:21 PM blackmesasource: please
11:18:23 PM blackmesasource: i dare you
11:18:36 PM Pirate: dare all you like it wont happen
11:18:44 PM blackmesasource: you're right
11:18:49 PM blackmesasource: your blog will be deleted
11:18:56 PM Pirate: like i care if it does
11:19:09 PM blackmesasource: would you care if i posted your info on the net
11:19:11 PM Pirate: it is posted on a free service
11:19:14 PM Pirate: if i cared, it would not be
11:19:53 PM blackmesasource: so you are emil
11:20:44 PM Pirate: sorry, i dont see any personal info in that chat
11:20:54 PM Pirate: and you admit that you had the wrong sn to begin with
11:20:55 PM Pirate: so
11:21:01 PM Pirate: no impersonation or personal info
11:21:18 PM blackmesasource:
11:21:22 PM blackmesasource: that's personal
11:21:28 PM blackmesasource: sorry try again
11:21:30 PM Pirate: email addresses are not personal info
11:21:34 PM Pirate: you try again
11:21:42 PM blackmesasource: yeah they are
11:21:46 PM Pirate: nope
11:21:46 PM blackmesasource: that's why they're data mined
11:21:49 PM Pirate: they are not
11:22:01 PM Pirate: that is why spammers can data mine them
11:22:02 PM blackmesasource: people lose fact
11:22:04 PM Pirate: they are not protected
11:22:09 PM blackmesasource: yeah because idiots post them
11:22:20 PM blackmesasource: you are emil aren't you?
11:22:26 PM Pirate: nope, i am not
11:23:51 PM blackmesasource: i suppose i could clone your blog and report all instances as spam
11:23:57 PM blackmesasource: perhaps another day
11:24:03 PM blackmesasource: what i've done is good enough
11:24:06 PM Pirate: knock yourself out
11:24:11 PM Pirate: whatever helps you sleep better
11:25:01 PM Pirate: you started im'ing me back in june 2010
11:25:08 PM Pirate: 12:48:57 AM blackmesasource: vapor
12:49:21 AM blackmesasource: i stole cerjam's email
12:49:24 AM blackmesasource: that fag
11:25:19 PM Pirate: where you admit to stealing email addresses
11:25:30 PM blackmesasource: i am cerjam
11:25:39 PM Pirate: sure you are

I block him, and he comes back:

11:26:12 PM lordcerj: yeah
11:26:13 PM lordcerj: i am

Another block:

11:27:28 PM lordcerja: problem?

Another block:

11:27:58 PM suckmyvegina: you'll only be able to block 200 accounts
11:28:00 PM suckmyvegina: i have about 400

Another block:

11:28:32 PM lickmyvegina: this isn't getting you anywhere

Another block:

11:28:59 PM blackmanwithclap: go ahead and post my social
11:29:00 PM blackmanwithclap: i dare you