Friday, January 30, 2009

Pirate of Nazo

3:57:43 PM jerseyzzlilm6: Of Nazo heyy
3:57:55 PM Pirate: of nazo?
3:58:58 PM Pirate: you done already?
3:59:24 PM jerseyzzlilm6: Huh? Lol
3:59:39 PM Pirate: you tell me, you are the one making no sense
4:01:01 PM jerseyzzlilm6: Lol. When did I say tht?
4:01:17 PM Pirate: when you started off with "of nazo"
4:02:03 PM jerseyzzlilm6: I did? I was iming from my phone n said hey...
4:02:19 PM Pirate: why would you IM me from your phone, i have no idea who you are
4:02:42 PM jerseyzzlilm6: I'm maheen! Ramzi! Lol
4:03:01 PM Pirate: and i dont know anyone with either of those names
4:03:27 PM jerseyzzlilm6: Whts ur sn
4:03:40 PM Pirate: you tell me, you are IM'ing me at my SN
4:03:46 PM jerseyzzlilm6: Isn't it pirate of nazo?
4:04:02 PM Pirate: lol, you are IM'ing Pirate
4:04:16 PM Pirate: i got the "of nazo" as you first msg
4:05:10 PM jerseyzzlilm6: R u serious?! Oooo u know what happend its spaced so I think thts why it got only pirate. I am so sorry! Hah
4:05:33 PM Pirate: yah, i figured that out a long time ago

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A crazy lady

10:51:31 PM crzylady88: hii
10:52:00 PM crzylady88: where you get ur sn from?
10:52:18 PM crzylady88: u in the aim scene?
11:03:46 PM Pirate: the aim scene?
11:04:25 PM crzylady88: how u get ur sn?
11:04:36 PM Pirate: why?
11:04:44 PM crzylady88: solo dime
11:04:54 PM Pirate: what?
11:05:12 PM crzylady88: where u got ur sn
11:05:20 PM Pirate: and i asked you why do you want to know
11:05:47 PM crzylady88: why you think i dont know?
11:05:55 PM crzylady88: or u just got it from ur lil hacker friends
11:06:01 PM Pirate: i have no idea, what?
11:06:12 PM crzylady88: cuz i know u just didnt register the sn pirate from now did u?
11:06:22 PM crzylady88: but its cool i dont need to know how u got ur sn
11:06:34 PM Pirate: depends on how long i have had it, i might have actually gotten it from aol
11:06:55 PM crzylady88: yea thru aol leaks
11:07:02 PM Pirate: leaks?
11:07:05 PM crzylady88: thats how u get ur sns in the first place
11:07:06 PM Pirate: what jargon are you using
Editors Note:
The same person comes back a bit later with the SN: wixch
They were still trying to figure out how I got Pirate :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Snake likes rum

(05:47:44 PM) Snake: I just bought some pyrat rum in honor of you :-)
(07:03:07 PM) Pirate: sounds good
(07:04:40 PM) Pirate: have one for me
(07:04:58 PM) Snake: i will, my treasure hunting friend, i will
(07:05:14 PM) Pirate: gold is the booty
(07:05:26 PM) Snake: LOL booty is the key to life. for some
(07:05:38 PM) Pirate: booty is life
(07:05:59 PM) Snake: i love lamp
(07:06:03 PM) Snake: and that is the truth
(07:06:12 PM) Snake: im fixing to leave work, later dude
(07:06:18 PM) Pirate: i never really figured out what lamp is
(07:06:23 PM) Snake: lamp is more of
(07:06:26 PM) Snake: spiritual thing
(07:06:31 PM) Snake: than a physical one
(07:06:39 PM) Pirate: then like absinthe
(07:07:55 PM) Snake: i had no idea what that was so i had to look it up