Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Child

4:45:42 PM funkychixxo94: heyy
4:45:57 PM Pirate: hey
4:46:37 PM funkychixxo94: hu is this
4:46:43 PM funkychixxo94: ??????????????????/
4:46:56 PM Pirate: i am no one you know, so delete me off your buddy list
4:47:25 PM funkychixxo94: how do u no u r on my buddy list
4:47:27 PM funkychixxo94: ?
4:47:42 PM Pirate: i assume you didnt randomly type Pirate into a blank IM window
4:47:51 PM Pirate: i assume you double clicked on my name in your buddy list
4:48:00 PM funkychixxo94: no
4:49:07 PM funkychixxo94: wat r u talking bout
4:49:09 PM funkychixxo94: ???????
4:49:29 PM Pirate: obviously, i am talking about how i made the assumption that I am on your buddy list
4:50:27 PM funkychixxo94: uh yea cuz i saw ur name in the chat room
4:50:36 PM Pirate: i am not in any chat room
4:50:54 PM funkychixxo94: not now but like 2 weeks ago
4:51:05 PM Pirate: this name does not go into any chat rooms
4:51:39 PM funkychixxo94:  yes ur name was in it
4:51:48 PM Pirate: no, a name like mine was in it
4:51:59 PM Pirate: but this name or myself in particular was not in any chat room
4:52:09 PM funkychixxo94: but wat is ur name
4:52:15 PM Pirate: <--Pirate
4:52:25 PM funkychixxo94: no like ur real name
4:52:27 PM funkychixxo94: ?
4:52:29 PM funkychixxo94: duh
4:52:41 PM Pirate: there is a zero chance that i reveal my real name to you
4:53:02 PM funkychixxo94: fine if u wont tell me ur name i will guess
4:53:09 PM funkychixxo94: do u go to LMS
4:53:24 PM Pirate: what is LMS?
4:53:35 PM funkychixxo94: Lionville middle school
4:53:39 PM Pirate: LOL
4:53:43 PM funkychixxo94: what state do u live
4:53:44 PM funkychixxo94: in
4:53:56 PM Pirate: i have not been in middle school for longer than you have been alive
4:54:28 PM funkychixxo94: how old r u
4:54:52 PM Pirate: it doesnt matter, delete me and never IM me again... you are a child
4:55:09 PM funkychixxo94: um does that mean u r older than 18
4:55:31 PM Pirate: i am sure you can do simple math, if you reread my IM above
4:55:42 PM funkychixxo94: nd i am not a child i am 13
4:55:50 PM Pirate: you are a child
4:55:58 PM funkychixxo94: well at least i can dio math
4:56:09 PM funkychixxo94: no i am not perv
4:56:23 PM funkychixxo94: u r obviosly like 20 or 30
4:56:25 PM Pirate: how am i a perv?  you im'd me, and i have told you to stop

Friday, December 28, 2007

The Coolest Ever...

10:35:43 PM swine: Eric?
10:36:25 PM Pirate: no
10:36:37 PM swine: Oh my bad - sorry for confusion
10:36:49 PM Pirate: no worries
10:37:19 PM swine: Mind telling me who you are then or are you P. Irate haha
10:37:34 PM Pirate: i am Phil Irate
10:37:38 PM swine: you rule
10:37:53 PM Pirate: i know
10:37:58 PM swine: what do you do for a living
10:38:02 PM swine: besides...plunder ships
10:38:05 PM swine: and fight krakens
10:38:17 PM Pirate: pillage the villages
10:38:21 PM swine: ahahaha amazing
10:38:29 PM swine: I love puddles of mud
10:38:36 PM swine: and not the christian band
10:38:57 PM Pirate: oh, i like pieces of eight also
10:39:04 PM swine: is that a band?
10:39:19 PM Pirate: no it is the coin you get from sinking a spanish galleon
10:39:23 PM swine: or maybe i just dropped the ball with the whole pirate / pig thing
10:39:26 PM swine: yeap thought so
10:39:36 PM swine: people pickle my feet
10:39:45 PM Pirate: bacon tastes good
10:40:11 PM swine: i agree, im saving some bacon for when a cancer cure wipes out the entire human race and turns them into vampires except for a few
10:40:36 PM Pirate: being a vampy pirate would be fun, i would get all the goth chicks then
10:40:48 PM swine: agreed, i mean what pirate wouldnt want to be with a goth chick
10:40:56 PM swine: a hot one at least
10:41:18 PM swine: i think, the internet, has lost its luster, or as you get older it does. do you get wifi on your ship
10:41:43 PM Pirate: i get it all on my ship
10:41:52 PM swine: ahaha is it a ghalleon or what
10:41:58 PM swine: got rims on it and stuff?
10:42:08 PM Pirate: it has sails and a wooden bow
10:42:23 PM swine: got a maiden on the front
10:42:40 PM Pirate: yah, but she died since we left her tied there
10:42:49 PM swine: the bones should scare everyone though
10:42:53 PM swine: so it works out
10:42:54 PM Pirate: jolly roger
10:43:03 PM swine: i get seasick
10:43:03 PM swine: do you?
10:43:34 PM Pirate: i do, but the rum fixes that
10:43:40 PM swine: rum is out of control
10:43:45 PM swine: i had an encounter with it last week
10:43:51 PM swine: was not a favorable outcome
10:44:03 PM swine: do pirates have iphones
10:44:04 PM Pirate: more of an upcome?
10:44:09 PM swine: downcome totally
10:44:26 PM Pirate: i dont think pirates care for the iphone
10:45:07 PM swine: the damn sword must interfere
10:45:27 PM swine: would you rather be a ninja or a pirate
10:45:31 PM swine: because, i'd go ninja
10:45:37 PM swine: but thats different for each person
10:45:48 PM Pirate: ninja's are weak, it took a few samurai to take them all down
10:46:00 PM Pirate: it took two imperial navies to bring down the pirates
10:46:14 PM Pirate: and there are still pirates off the coast of africa today
10:46:23 PM swine: really do they plunder food
10:46:44 PM Pirate: they plunder ships and hold folks hostage, just like the old days
10:46:57 PM swine: wow, in the life aquatic you see some pirates
10:47:02 PM swine: they take the dog
10:47:15 PM swine: wow, you beat ninjas ass in aimfight
10:47:24 PM swine: i wonder how you fair against samurai
10:47:28 PM Pirate:
10:47:55 PM swine: i think they have them in the indonesias(*sp)
10:48:44 PM swine: what about templars how would you do against them
10:48:47 PM swine: they were pretty crazy
10:49:33 PM Pirate: templars got money hungry and the king of france put them out of business
10:49:40 PM swine: true story
10:49:52 PM swine: facists were pretty crazy
10:50:07 PM swine: i want the spear of destiny do you have a map to its location
10:51:13 PM Pirate: go play wolfenstein, and you will find it
10:51:20 PM swine: AHAHA
10:51:22 PM swine: dude you rule
10:51:44 PM swine: too bad you cant find it in oblivion
10:52:17 PM Pirate: well there is the soul stealing sword in oblivion
10:52:21 PM swine: the umbra
10:52:28 PM swine: but it fails in comparison to the damn unicon
10:52:31 PM swine: unicorn*
10:52:32 PM Pirate: yah that was it.. i could not think of the name
10:52:38 PM swine: who freaks out
10:52:39 PM Pirate: i never saw the unicorn
10:52:40 PM swine: and is like
10:52:45 PM swine: dude, lemmie wiki find it
10:52:51 PM swine: if you go near it and draw a weapon
10:52:52 PM swine: it freaks out
10:53:02 PM swine: if you dont have a weapon, you can ride it
10:54:04 PM swine: its no spear of destiny, but what is
10:54:18 PM Pirate: true...
10:54:23 PM Pirate: i am off, have a nice night
10:54:28 PM swine: take it easy phil
10:54:31 PM swine: :)

Friday, December 14, 2007

What is a 44?

8:14:13 PM graspwisdom: Tell your 44 friend to add me
8:14:37 PM Pirate: uh, what?
8:14:41 PM graspwisdom: do it
8:14:49 PM Pirate: hey 44 add this idiot
8:14:58 PM graspwisdom: yeah, go ahead
8:15:05 PM Pirate: who or what is a 44?
8:15:25 PM graspwisdom: right
8:15:32 PM Pirate: left
8:15:36 PM graspwisdom: fat fook (Note: edited for content)
8:15:43 PM Pirate: stupid kid
8:15:52 PM graspwisdom: so you're fat?
8:15:52 PM graspwisdom: LOLOL
8:15:56 PM graspwisdom: very funny
8:16:04 PM Pirate: must mean you are a kid
8:16:12 PM graspwisdom: even if I WERE a kid, that's no insult
8:16:15 PM graspwisdom: you being fat
8:16:17 PM graspwisdom: should be an insult
8:16:21 PM graspwisdom: sorry, fat fook. (Note: edited for content)
8:16:38 PM Pirate: you have no idea if i am or not, you are just trying to get a rise from me
8:16:46 PM graspwisdom: oh, i know you are.
8:17:00 PM Pirate: and i could care less what a child thinks
8:17:21 PM graspwisdom: you should, because this child's intellect goes beyond yours
8:17:23 PM graspwisdom: fatty
8:17:49 PM Pirate: oh i am sure you are so much brighter than me, since i dont know what a 44 is
8:18:03 PM graspwisdom: :)
8:19:02 PM Pirate: so have a good time with your 44

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Myspace Webcam Ho

8:50:02 PM kickflipkatie: hey
8:50:08 PM kickflipkatie: its KatiexCore (Note: this is her myspace name)
8:50:14 PM Pirate: who?
8:50:19 PM kickflipkatie: chick
8:50:22 PM kickflipkatie: this girl
8:50:30 PM kickflipkatie: from the webcam thingy
8:50:39 PM kickflipkatie: i hope i gots the right AIM
8:50:47 PM Pirate: um ok.. the right aim for what?
8:50:55 PM kickflipkatie: rofl
8:50:57 PM kickflipkatie: whos this
8:51:07 PM kickflipkatie: ?'
8:51:17 PM Pirate: you im'd me, who are you?
8:51:39 PM kickflipkatie: katie, i dont kno if im talking to the right person. so whos this
8:51:58 PM Pirate: i am positive you are talking to the wrong person
8:52:04 PM kickflipkatie: ummm
8:52:07 PM kickflipkatie: r u sure
8:52:23 PM Pirate: where did you meet this other person named pirate?
8:52:29 PM kickflipkatie: myspace'
8:52:40 PM kickflipkatie: lol
8:52:42 PM Pirate: yah, i so dont have a myspace
8:52:49 PM kickflipkatie: why not?
8:52:57 PM Pirate: it is for children and losers
8:53:02 PM kickflipkatie: gee thanx
8:53:06 PM kickflipkatie: i dont really like it
8:53:16 PM kickflipkatie: its just to get updates on my fave bands
8:53:32 PM Pirate: what is your fave band?  fallout boy?
8:53:38 PM kickflipkatie: fook no  (Note: edited for language)
8:53:48 PM Pirate: at least you have some taste
8:53:52 PM kickflipkatie: lol
8:53:54 PM Pirate: mypace not withstanding
8:53:54 PM kickflipkatie: thnx
8:54:00 PM kickflipkatie: ?
8:54:08 PM Pirate: what do you want from me?
8:54:11 PM kickflipkatie: idk
8:54:14 PM kickflipkatie: i thought
8:54:24 PM kickflipkatie: u were someone else so we started talking
8:54:25 PM kickflipkatie: im sryu
8:54:29 PM kickflipkatie: sry**
8:54:32 PM Pirate: yah, you should be sorry
8:54:39 PM kickflipkatie: geeze

Uf Wow!

8:26:07 PM ufwow: who's this?
8:26:28 PM Pirate: who is this?  as i have no idea who you are
8:26:36 PM ufwow: me either
8:26:49 PM Pirate: then you should just delete me from your buddy list
8:26:59 PM ufwow: who r u tho?
8:27:07 PM Pirate: <--pirate
8:27:20 PM ufwow: ur real name plz
8:27:32 PM Pirate: like i would give that out to a complete stranger on the internet
8:27:40 PM ufwow: screw you
8:27:49 PM ufwow: AS IF!
8:27:53 PM Pirate: so nasty

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pirate on the Phone

10:39:07 AM +12055158100: 83x: im not sure might go 2 my moms what are u doin
10:45:55 AM Pirate: i am jerking off today
10:45:55 AM +12055158100 (Autoreply): Your IM has been sent to my mobile device. When I receive it, I will be able to reply. Thanks for your IM!
10:46:30 AM +12055158100: Did u have a good bday
10:47:05 AM Pirate: yes, i killed two little kids ... and i bathed in their blood
10:55:22 AM +12055158100: Ahh lovely i miss u! we need 2 hang out soon what r u doin the rest of the week
10:56:25 AM Pirate: i think i might have to do some self-multilation, and get a tattoo of the word SLUT on my forearm
10:58:03 AM +12055158100: Huh i know u would not do such a thing
10:58:21 AM Pirate: oh i would.. i have the razor blade out now
10:59:28 AM +12055158100: Take it easy now
10:59:47 AM Pirate: i am not going to type here anymore, i might get blood on the keyboard.  call me if you want to talk

Friday, November 2, 2007

Active Identity

11:34:57 AM nicholapike: Do you know how to activate this stupid bastard keyfob thing? they sent me an address to activate it, but it doesnt work- the address I mean
11:39:06 AM Pirate: i have no idea what you are talking about
11:40:46 AM nicholapike: you k ow the Activeidentity fob thing
11:41:38 AM Pirate: oh that thing, what is the serial number on the back of it?
11:41:53 AM nicholapike: 0754784769
11:42:06 AM Pirate: have you set up a password on it yet?
11:42:19 AM nicholapike: nope- cant get to any sites to do it
11:42:31 AM Pirate: weird
11:42:37 AM Pirate: who do you think i am anyway?
11:42:54 AM nicholapike: well I think you are lovely pete
11:43:03 AM nicholapike: but anyway- SHL told me you might know
11:43:17 AM Pirate: well my name is not Pete, and i have no idea who you are or SHL is
11:43:38 AM Pirate: but thanks for the serial number!
11:43:42 AM nicholapike: hehe
11:45:16 AM nicholapike: well who the chuff are ya then, as this is Petes AIM
11:46:00 AM Pirate: this is not Pete's aim ... i have had it for a very long time
11:46:08 AM nicholapike: lol
11:46:39 AM nicholapike: ah ok- sorry you are a diff pirate!
11:48:29 AM Pirate: of course i am
11:48:57 AM nicholapike: Apologies- there I was thinkng you were about to tell me how to work this thingy
11:49:26 AM Pirate: well I can tell you how to work your "thingy" but it is not the thingy you are thinking
11:49:30 AM nicholapike: lol
11:49:32 AM nicholapike: haha
11:49:43 AM nicholapike: thanks anyway for the "advice"
11:50:05 AM Pirate: quite welcome, and use small circles and direct pressure
11:50:18 AM nicholapike: LMAO

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Not English Speaking

11:42:35 AM korsanmir: hiii
11:42:49 AM Pirate: yes?
11:43:04 AM korsanmir: where are you from
11:43:29 AM Pirate: that is tiring, i am from earth
11:43:52 AM korsanmir: are you gırl or boy
11:44:03 AM Pirate: what does that matter?
11:44:30 AM korsanmir: want you talk with me
11:44:50 AM Pirate: if you want to talk, what does it matter if i am a boy or a girl
11:45:43 AM korsanmir: no matter
11:46:12 AM korsanmir: but i want learn
11:46:29 AM Pirate: learn what?
11:46:51 AM korsanmir: you is gırl or boy and where are you from
11:47:06 AM Pirate: you are lame
11:51:14 AM korsanmir: ok
11:51:15 AM korsanmir: byee

Mom hates you

7:13:34 PM matsuichick: is mom coming tomorrow
7:13:40 PM Pirate: no
7:13:48 PM matsuichick: ok
7:14:07 PM Pirate: she says she cant stand to look at you any more
7:14:11 PM Pirate: and wont be seen with you
7:14:24 PM matsuichick: ok,
7:14:41 PM Pirate: i think she is right, i dont like you anymore either

Tags: , , , ,

Friday, October 12, 2007

The envelope, please!

From:       ME!
Subject:     Re: HAPPY FALL
Date:     October 12, 2007 7:33:31 PM EDT

I bet you always need to have the last word :)

On Oct 12, 2007, at 6:13 PM, Janna Moss wrote:

Again - jackass.  Jackass.  Jackass.  And I think we will all be sure to add you TO our address books instead of removing you.  Looks like you need some friends, maybe that will eventually help your disposition.
Best of luck to you, you little grumpy jackass, you. :)

On Oct 12, 2007, at 5:07 PM, Pirate wrote:

Only if you care about such nonsense. :)

Oh and thanks for letting me know what a Jackass I am, this note makes it all worth it. :)  LOL

On Oct 12, 2007, at 6:04 PM, Janna Moss wrote:

You know, we all make mistakes and "s**t" happens.  You shouldn't be so rude about it though.  Get over yourself.
I think this was supposed to go to  And it's a sweet "thought", not drivel.  Jackass.

Janna W Moss

On Oct 12, 2007, at 2:14 PM, Pirate wrote:

Whomever you all are... please do not send me this type of drivel.

Kindly remove my email address from your respective address books.

(I sent this first response in regards to one of those silly mass mailings that has been around forever!)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Love that Popeyes!

4:09:37 PM frasersigns: Jean Burg wants another sign to hang under the first!!!
I quit.
4:10:13 PM Pirate: good!  you suck at this job
4:11:50 PM frasersigns: I can get the same abuse at Popeye's. I think the hourly is better!
4:12:18 PM Pirate: it probably is, but you are not worth that much
4:12:46 PM frasersigns: original or crispy?
4:13:13 PM Pirate: you are dumb, popeyes is spicy or regular.  original or crispy is Kentucky Fried Chicken
4:15:28 PM frasersigns: oops! You might be right. I might have to start paying you to keep working here!
4:15:58 PM Pirate: I am also pretty sure you are sending all these messages to the wrong person
4:16:19 PM frasersigns: Mark?
4:16:24 PM Pirate: nope
4:16:33 PM frasersigns: George?
4:16:38 PM Pirate: nope
4:16:48 PM frasersigns: Sorry!!!!

Here you go

1:30:50 PM c10oakley: Polly want a cracker?
1:31:06 PM Pirate: idiot want punch in face?
1:31:23 PM c10oakley: whoa!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery

9:48:54 PM pirated: hi
10:53:55 PM Pirate: yes i am
10:54:31 PM pirated: how are you
10:54:40 PM Pirate: it is actually funny how much drivel you put in your aim info
10:55:11 PM pirated: so?
10:55:31 PM Pirate: do i need a reason to make a comment?
10:55:43 PM pirated: sure
10:56:17 PM Pirate: you comparing someone's vagina to a black hole is like me comparing the size of your brain to a quantum particle
10:56:25 PM pirated: lol
10:56:32 PM pirated: it's not me saying it
10:56:35 PM pirated: a kid said it
10:56:36 PM pirated: in a chat
10:56:44 PM Pirate: so?
10:57:00 PM pirated: i thought it was humorous
10:57:27 PM Pirate: i can see how that would be with your brain being the size of a quantum particle and all
10:57:36 PM pirated: wow
10:57:55 PM pirated: if mine is a quantum particle
10:58:05 PM pirated: yours must be a fraction of one
10:58:26 PM Pirate: please tell me the actual name of something smaller than a quantum particle
10:58:31 PM Pirate: i might actually be impressed if you could
10:59:15 PM Pirate: make sure you type quantum particle correctly on your internet search query
10:59:34 PM pirated: i didnt use a thing that is
10:59:39 PM pirated: i said a fracion of one
11:00:06 PM Pirate: hmm, i think you miss the point of me using a quantum particle to begin with
11:00:42 PM pirated: smh
11:00:47 PM pirated: waste of time
11:00:48 PM pirated: nvm
11:00:50 PM pirated: bye]
11:00:58 PM Pirate: i agree, have a nice life

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Responsibility and Training

5:20:39 PM middle1999: hey =D
5:20:51 PM Pirate: yes?
5:22:01 PM middle1999: this is Chelsea from First Alliance Church. I noticed on facebook you had AIM
5:22:23 PM Pirate: thats great, but I dont have a facebook page
5:23:02 PM middle1999: umm okay
5:23:32 PM middle1999: isn't this isaac?
5:23:38 PM Pirate: nope
5:23:49 PM Pirate: and you are wasting your time at church, god called and he gave up on us
5:24:39 PM middle1999: you can think that. do you know a isaac anthony? because hes somoene  I know and this was the screen name he used on facebook
5:25:00 PM Pirate: he obviously mistyped it or he thinks he is funny
5:25:04 PM Pirate: as this is my screen name
5:25:20 PM middle1999: okay, sorry to bother you. have a good day.
5:25:35 PM Pirate:
5:25:45 PM Pirate: pretty sure that proves i dont know an isaac
5:26:31 PM middle1999: um alright ... but its okay, he must have type he's screen name wrong. sorry to bother you
5:26:55 PM Pirate: no bother, it just gives me something new to put on the website i sent you
5:27:15 PM middle1999: why would you put this on your website?
5:27:35 PM Pirate: just like it says in the byline on the site, "Random IM's people send to the Screen Name of Pirate.  I don't solicit these messages.  They just happen."
5:28:15 PM middle1999: I dont want this convo being added to that website thank-you. Please do not use and place my screen name on there.
5:28:40 PM Pirate: you dont have a choice really, since i can do whatever i like with things folks send me unsolicited like this
5:29:22 PM middle1999: I dont aggree with it, and I will go to AIM/AOL and give them your screen name and tell them your posting IM's on a website with userscreen names
5:29:35 PM Pirate: um, you dont think they know already?
5:29:44 PM Pirate: since it is on aol property?
5:29:59 PM middle1999: im sure all these people on your website wound't like there screen name or e-mail posted for other to see
5:30:16 PM middle1999: they dont know unless someone tells them.
5:30:20 PM Pirate: it proves a point that people should be more careful about who they IM
5:30:28 PM Pirate: my site was there before you IM'd me
5:30:35 PM Pirate: you could have done the investigation
5:30:40 PM middle1999: yes, and I thought this was someone else
5:30:49 PM Pirate:then it makes it perfect to put on my site
5:31:18 PM middle1999: no, because this was posted as someone elses screen name, so I thought it would be the person I know not just some random person.
5:31:40 PM Pirate: i didnt put that AIM name on that site... therefore it is not my responsibility
5:31:59 PM Pirate: it was your responsibility to be sure it was correct before you IM'd it
5:32:05 PM Pirate: my site has been up since February
5:32:10 PM Pirate: so I am sure you could have found it
5:32:23 PM middle1999: why would I go looking through that part of AOL
5:32:38 PM middle1999: I dont know that part of AOl there for how would I know about your site?
5:32:41 PM Pirate: maybe to be responsible?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Confused Fantasy Football Fan

C10oakley (7:03 PM): I think last week was fixed!!!
pirate (7:04 PM): Huh?
C10oakley (7:04 PM): Hey yourself...I demand a recount!!!
pirate (7:05 PM): Numbers don't lie, but some folks can't count that high it seems
pirate (7:09 PM): Who do you think this is anyway?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Emo sucks

pirate (8:12 PM): Yes?
EMOABBYRULES (8:13 PM): ._____. nothing
pirate (8:14 PM): You suck
EMOABBYRULES (8:14 PM):  Oh thats just great!
pirate (8:15 PM): Not even remotely interesting or worthwhile
pirate (8:15 PM): You IM the coolest name ever and have nothing to say
EMOABBYRULES (8:16 PM):  >_> ... Whatever
pirate (8:17 PM): Yah, not even an original response Go back to the Mall that spawned you
EMOABBYRULES (8:18 PM): Im glad you hate me too >_> Wow
pirate (8:18 PM): Hate is too strong.. I could not care less about you
pirate (8:24 PM): Let's just say the pinnacle of your miserable life will be working at 7-11, and until then I will have to share my air, food, and gasoline with you begrudgingly so that at some point I can pay you for my slurpee

The Love Buddy

11:20:56 AM jordanluvbuddy: hi
11:21:46 AM Pirate: yes?
11:21:57 AM jordanluvbuddy: sorry, i put in the wrong name
11:22:09 AM Pirate: imagine that, you making a mistake
11:22:21 AM Pirate: i would think the "love buddy" would be more careful
11:24:49 AM jordanluvbuddy: You dont even .know who i am!
11:25:15 AM Pirate: this is true, but i assume you are a child and therefore not prone to attention to detail
11:25:32 AM jordanluvbuddy: ok, what ever
11:25:42 AM Pirate: are you not a child?
11:25:47 AM jordanluvbuddy: im 19
11:25:51 AM Pirate: a child
11:26:08 AM jordanluvbuddy: NO! im in collage, so u better shut up, now!
11:26:41 AM Pirate: lol, a collage is a type of art... college is what you say you are in
11:26:45 AM Pirate: some college student
11:26:57 AM jordanluvbuddy: im studying art,
11:27:03 AM Pirate: sure you are
11:27:21 AM jordanluvbuddy: i am a great artist, and if u dont mind, im gonna block u
11:27:27 AM Pirate: i could care less
11:27:39 AM jordanluvbuddy: w/e, gay
11:27:47 AM Pirate: lol, are you ?
11:28:03 AM jordanluvbuddy: haha, very funny #&@!$
11:28:36 AM Pirate: this will make a good addition to my blog

Part II  (while I was on my mobile phone)

jordanluvbuddy (12:44 PM): YO! you trying to get on my girl!
pirate (12:45 PM): What do you mean try?  I was turning her down, she was all up on me and I had to put that ho in her place
jordanluvbuddy (12:46 PM): thats not what she tolde me!
pirate (12:47 PM): She is a lying ho, she was telling me what a loser you are and that she wanted a real man
jordanluvbuddy (12:47 PM): NO i didnt! you liar!
pirate (12:48 PM): She said you couldn't even stir your drink with what you pack in your jeans
jordanluvbuddy (12:48 PM): Wat? you @#^$#
pirate (12:50 PM): I am sure it is hard on you to realize that she enjoys telling total strangers how small you really are
jordanluvbuddy (12:51 PM): O SHUT UP
pirate (12:51 PM): You started it And I finished it

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Aunt Brat

2:46:57 PM bratkw: Ty, is that you?
2:47:09 PM Pirate: hello brat
2:47:24 PM bratkw: Hey that any way to talk to your aunt?
2:47:34 PM Pirate: it is your SN
2:47:48 PM bratkw: what is SN
2:47:56 PM Pirate: screen name == bratkw
2:48:10 PM bratkw:'s from chad's business
2:48:20 PM Pirate: oh ok
2:48:29 PM bratkw: how's school going
2:48:39 PM Pirate: good.. we learned about crabs the other day
2:48:48 PM bratkw: what about crabs?
2:49:20 PM Pirate: that they itch, and you catch them from skanky girls who don't wash their privates properly
2:49:35 PM bratkw: OMG...TMI Ty.
2:50:29 PM Pirate: they even showed us pictures of a girl's privates zoomed in ... showing all the little crabs
2:50:39 PM Pirate: i think i will go gay because of that
2:51:10 PM bratkw: TMI....
2:51:27 PM bratkw: You sound like your Uncle Terry!
2:51:30 PM Pirate: then they brought in this baby....about 6 months
2:51:46 PM Pirate: and we sacrificed it in biology class to Cthulu
2:52:34 PM bratkw: You are too young for Biology
2:52:39 PM Pirate: i am?
2:52:44 PM Pirate: how old am i?
2:53:01 PM bratkw: Old enough to know better
2:53:13 PM bratkw: You should be ashamed of yourself posing as someone else.
2:53:22 PM Pirate: some aunt you are, you don't even know how old i am
2:53:29 PM Pirate: who am i posing as?
2:53:50 PM bratkw: Bad runs in the family.
2:54:31 PM Pirate: does alcoholism and drug abuse run in the family also?  because i have a  hankering for an 8-ball and a fifth of whiskey
2:54:58 PM bratkw: Not sure...depends on what side of the family you are talking about?
2:55:06 PM Pirate: your side of course
2:55:23 PM bratkw: There are 2 sides to every story you know
2:55:30 PM Pirate: tell me both sides
2:55:41 PM bratkw: Gotta go...tell everyone hi
2:56:04 PM Pirate: i sure will... and let them know you were hitting on me also

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

French cam something

1:55:25 PM salut
1:57:49 PM Pirate: yes?
1:58:05 PM salut
1:58:21 PM Pirate: and?
1:58:52 PM What do you seek?
1:59:08 PM Pirate: you IM'd me, what do you seek?
1:59:57 PM I seek has to spend a good moment in front of camera
2:00:29 PM Pirate: alright, and what sex are you?
2:00:59 PM male
2:01:13 PM Pirate: and why would you think I want to see that?
2:02:07 PM because I like to see the naked men
2:02:51 PM Pirate: but you wanted to be in front of the camera?  what makes you think i even have a camera
2:03:39 PM do you want to make camera?
2:03:51 PM Pirate: no, i dont know how to make a camera
2:04:05 PM ok bye
2:04:18 PM Pirate: bye, by the way... i post all these on my blog
2:04:25 PM Pirate:
2:05:31 PM ok
2:07:26 PM Pirate: yours is there now
2:07:54 PM yes
2:08:02 PM Pirate: yes it is
2:08:06 PM caméra ?
2:08:45 PM Pirate: yes my camera can viewed at
2:13:00 PM Pirate: you like my camera? 
2:13:18 PM Pirate: France    Pompignac, Aquitaine
2:13:35 PM tu es français
2:13:58 PM Pirate: yep, i live there in france with you... right across the street as a matter of fact
2:14:14 PM je ne comprend rien
2:14:45 PM Pirate: i choose to speak english as my native tongue, since all you other frenchmen do is capitulate

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Another Bigot

12:23:07 PM chibifiedebil: what the hell is jivetalk?
12:26:02 PM Pirate: have you heard... they have this thing called search on the internet
12:26:31 PM chibifiedebil: have you heard... of answering a question without sarcastic jargon
12:27:12 PM Pirate: stupidity, it appears, is genetic after all
12:27:46 PM chibifiedebil: that would make sense if you knew anyone I was related to??
12:28:17 PM Pirate: your mom knows me in the biblical way
12:28:39 PM chibifiedebil: are you black/14? they seem to favor mom jokes
12:29:42 PM Pirate: apparently, you have something against blacks as you referred to them in a stereotype way just then
12:30:09 PM chibifiedebil: quick study. you're wasting your time typing on an iphone? lol
12:30:09 PM Pirate: or maybe you dont like them as your mom prefers them
12:30:24 PM Pirate: nope, not on an iphone

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A bigoted and racial slurring child

Brokenn Tears  x (7:57 PM): :-*
pirate (7:57 PM): Who are you?
Brokenn Tears  x (7:57 PM): idk. amanda :-D whats up who are you
pirate (7:58 PM): Go kill yourself, you don't know me
Brokenn Tears  x (7:59 PM): well. my friends told me about you. and said you were a robot...and dont talk to me like that you idiot
pirate (7:59 PM): I am not a robot, and your friends should die also
Brokenn Tears  x (8:00 PM): why
pirate (8:00 PM): I hope you all catch herpes and die young
Brokenn Tears  x (8:00 PM): will you be the one to give me herpes :-*
pirate (8:00 PM): No, your dad will
Brokenn Tears  x (8:01 PM): i dont have a dad..
pirate (8:01 PM): Good, you don't deserve one
Brokenn Tears  x (8:01 PM): he died on 9/11..
pirate (8:02 PM): And?
Brokenn Tears  x (8:03 PM): and your black. and no one loves you cuz ur a burnt (racial epithet deleted)
pirate (8:03 PM): Wow, that shows how juvenile you are
Brokenn Tears  x (8:04 PM): no. it just shows that your a fukking (racial epithet deleted) pulling the race card  (edited for content)
pirate (8:04 PM): You have to resort to name calling when you feel threatened by a superior intellect. You will have to explain how I pulled the race card

Monday, August 20, 2007

A Chinese Spy!

9:39:11 AM 372409769: where are you from?
9:39:18 AM Pirate: earth
9:39:19 AM Pirate: and you?
9:40:40 AM 372409769: i am from china
9:41:05 AM 372409769: and you?
9:41:19 AM Pirate: earth
9:42:22 AM Pirate: what does it matter where i am from?
9:42:26 AM Pirate: and why are you contacting me?
9:44:11 AM 372409769: because i do not know what nationality are you
9:44:33 AM Pirate: again that does not matter, i am human
9:45:31 AM 372409769: what time are there in your country?
9:45:54 AM Pirate: we have normal time like everyone else
9:47:25 AM 372409769: i am still student
9:47:36 AM 372409769: and you?
9:47:46 AM Pirate: i am pirate
9:48:51 AM 372409769: i know your nickname is pirate
9:49:13 AM Pirate: why are you IM'ing me?
9:51:12 AM 372409769: it is the first time i speak to foreigner in English
9:52:14 AM Pirate: you dont even know if i am a foreigner or not
9:52:24 AM Pirate: i could be anywhere on the planet, even china
9:53:50 AM 372409769: if you're from china,i will be happlier
9:54:07 AM Pirate: well we want you happy dont we?
9:54:52 AM 372409769: maybe
9:55:27 AM Pirate: i could care less if you are happy, sad, demoralized, or dead
9:56:02 AM 372409769: do you like CS?
9:56:28 AM Pirate: counter-surveillance?
9:56:40 AM 372409769: YES
10:00:08 AM 372409769: do you like to play conter-surveillance?
10:00:34 AM Pirate: i figured since you were from china you were part of the intelligence service there
10:00:44 AM Pirate: trying to hack my profile, and gather information on me
10:02:45 AM Pirate: or are you trying to sell me state secrets from china?
10:03:35 AM Pirate: i wonder if i can get you arrested by saying things like spy, informant, nuclear weapon, etc
10:03:40 AM Pirate: since china monitors all this

Thursday, August 16, 2007

ewww, an emo thing...

o0emo thing0o (5:21 PM): hey
pirate (5:22 PM): Yes?
o0emo thing0o (5:22 PM): whazzup?
pirate (5:22 PM): Right now, I am hating you
o0emo thing0o (5:24 PM): oh ok.. well thats fun.
pirate (5:25 PM): No, it isn't child. You are bothersome and should not message people you don't know
o0emo thing0o (5:25 PM): hey I don't know you.. and I don't know why you are on my friends list. so sorry if I was being nice by saying hello.
pirate (5:26 PM): Stop being nice and delete me.
o0emo thing0o (5:26 PM): ok.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Dave's not here...

3:54:11 PM k3n: sup hacka
3:54:18 PM pirate: ?
3:54:33 PM k3n: sup
3:54:39 PM pirate: ?
3:54:51 PM k3n: dave?
3:55:02 PM pirate: dave's not here

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Trix are for kids...

12:38:11 PM trix: wtf@pirate
12:39:23 PM pirate: ?
12:39:27 PM trix: idk nice sn
12:39:39 PM pirate: and yours also
12:39:44 PM trix: lol
12:39:49 PM trix: trade
12:40:05 PM pirate: lol, naw mine suits me
12:40:08 PM trix: haha
12:40:13 PM trix: i<3it ;D
12:40:19 PM trix: you know toil?
12:40:32 PM pirate: i dont think so
12:42:00 PM pirate: why do you ask?
12:42:09 PM trix: jw if u got it from him
12:42:19 PM trix: seems that all nice sns come from him >_<
12:42:30 PM pirate: is that where you go trix?
12:42:35 PM trix: haha
12:42:36 PM trix: yea
12:42:43 PM pirate: i got pirate on my own
12:42:46 PM trix: nice
12:42:51 PM trix: cracked, socialed, exploited/
12:42:52 PM trix: ?
12:43:09 PM pirate: nope, i just got it on the website
12:43:11 PM pirate: got lucky
12:43:16 PM pirate: i think they had released it
12:43:22 PM trix: >_<
12:43:27 PM trix: yea your lucky lol
12:43:31 PM trix:
12:47:41 PM pirate: have you looked at my aimpage?
12:47:57 PM trix: yea i think i glanced at it yesterday =xx
12:48:25 PM pirate: hah good
12:48:29 PM pirate: this must be you then
12:48:30 PM pirate: Domain Name          (Unknown)
IP Address         74.184.64.# (Unknown Organization)
ISP         Unknown ISP
Continent     :     North America
Country     :     United States  (Facts)
Lat/Long     :     38, -97 (Map)
12:48:48 PM trix: yea
12:48:53 PM trix:
12:49:08 PM trix: dont social my infos
12:49:13 PM trix: jkjk ;D
12:49:18 PM pirate: why would i need to?
12:49:34 PM trix: rape
12:49:35 PM trix: obv
12:49:41 PM pirate: um ok
12:49:47 PM trix: pirates live for raping
12:49:48 PM trix: i thought
12:49:49 PM trix: :((
12:49:59 PM pirate: i am in it for the booty
12:50:12 PM trix: haha

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Why do the idiots IM me?

7:17:36 PM mewmewgirl14567: whose this
7:17:55 PM pirate: whose this?  that is not grammatically correct
7:17:58 PM pirate: i dont own a this
7:18:17 PM mewmewgirl14567: who is this
7:18:46 PM pirate: i am no one you know, trust me.. as I dont recognize your silly little name
7:19:00 PM mewmewgirl14567: i cant tell if this is a bot
7:19:09 PM pirate: i assure you i am no bot
7:19:18 PM pirate: as i can make comments of my own volition
7:19:23 PM pirate: with no need of you asking me anything
7:19:33 PM mewmewgirl14567: k
7:19:50 PM mewmewgirl14567: i havent logged on in a while so there is alot of crap on here
7:20:18 PM pirate: well, let me help you... you can delete me and everyone else you dont actually know in real life off your buddy list
7:20:33 PM mewmewgirl14567: lol
7:20:55 PM pirate: i am sure that will leave you with most likely your brother/sister and a couple of friends from school

English not French

8:26:51 AM ingrid59140: yeah
8:27:17 AM ingrid59140: je ne susi pas la pour le moment jte laisse mon ms
8:27:19 AM ingrid59140: msn*
8:27:34 AM ingrid59140:
8:27:36 AM ingrid59140: bisoux
8:27:46 AM pirate: what?  i dont speak french

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A polite idiot

6:47:31 PM carrymehome225: hey
6:47:44 PM pirate: ?
6:47:49 PM carrymehome225: who r u
6:48:09 PM carrymehome225: poop head
6:48:19 PM pirate: um, who are you?
6:48:38 PM carrymehome225: this is jake sturgis
6:49:06 PM pirate: well, jake... i dont know you
6:49:15 PM carrymehome225: who r u
6:49:15 PM pirate: so i suggest that you just delete me and move along
6:49:33 PM carrymehome225: who r u
6:49:49 PM carrymehome225: who r u
6:50:01 PM pirate: dude, give up.. i have no intention of telling you
6:50:04 PM pirate: since i dont know you
6:50:13 PM carrymehome225: do u no mike shank
6:50:32 PM pirate: no, the people i know have good grammar and spelling
6:50:42 PM carrymehome225: So do I?
6:50:53 PM carrymehome225: nevermidn
6:51:01 PM carrymehome225: i can spell anything
6:51:07 PM pirate: no you dont, you use the letter u as a word and you incorrectly used the word no for know
6:51:32 PM carrymehome225: No I didn't
6:52:00 PM pirate: 6:50:13 PM carrymehome225: do u no mike shank
6:52:10 PM pirate: right there
6:53:15 PM carrymehome225: ok, listen, I am nicely asking you for your name
6:53:19 PM carrymehome225: okay
6:53:21 PM carrymehome225: ?
6:53:22 PM pirate: and i am declining
6:53:31 PM carrymehome225: may i ask why?
6:53:52 PM pirate: because I DON'T KNOW YOU
6:54:06 PM pirate: idiot
6:54:41 PM carrymehome225: well you've been on my buddylist for a long time. and i just want to see if i might actually know you?
6:54:48 PM pirate: well you dont
6:54:50 PM carrymehome225: do you attend Spring Grove?
6:54:51 PM pirate: so delete me
6:55:20 PM pirate: what the hell is a spring grove?  and how would one attend it?
6:56:03 PM carrymehome225: well for starters. moron, spring grove, is a place, and i was referring to attending it's school.
6:56:07 PM carrymehome225: but now i see
6:56:11 PM carrymehome225: that you do not.
6:56:17 PM pirate: of course i dont
6:56:23 PM pirate: you assume you know me, but you dont
6:56:27 PM pirate: you also assume i am a kid
6:56:29 PM pirate: which i am not
6:56:33 PM pirate: you know nothing about me
6:56:35 PM pirate: so delete me!
6:56:41 PM carrymehome225: thank you for your time.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I am a wise pirate

8:18:21 PM trevorwo86: hey! who is this?
8:19:33 PM pirate: who is this?
8:19:37 PM trevorwo86: trevor
8:19:45 PM pirate: well then, i am pirate
8:19:46 PM trevorwo86: i found this screen name on my buddy list
8:19:47 PM trevorwo86: ha
8:19:50 PM trevorwo86: well fair enough
8:19:59 PM trevorwo86: so i dont know you?
8:20:16 PM pirate: if you dont know how it got there, it would be a good idea to delete it
8:20:29 PM trevorwo86: hmm this is true
8:20:32 PM trevorwo86: you are a wise pirate

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Red Bull gives you Wings!

2:50:28 PM redbullrookie767: hey
2:50:37 PM pirate: DIE DIE DIE
2:50:54 PM redbullrookie767: u de
2:50:58 PM redbullrookie767: die*
2:51:10 PM pirate: i told you to first, and i even spelled it correctly
2:51:18 PM redbullrookie767: so
2:51:43 PM redbullrookie767: i like to kill my self its fun
2:52:09 PM pirate: myself* is one word, genius
2:52:17 PM redbullrookie767: fook u    (note: edited for content)
2:52:43 PM pirate: totally showing your intelligence now by resorting to insults and profanity
2:53:03 PM redbullrookie767: it is
2:53:31 PM redbullrookie767: u sound like a retard
2:54:20 PM redbullrookie767: lol
2:54:24 PM pirate: do i really?  i didnt realize that sound transferred across my typing in IM
2:54:36 PM redbullrookie767: now u do
2:54:45 PM redbullrookie767: u learn something new er dya
2:54:48 PM redbullrookie767: day*
2:55:10 PM pirate: your grammar is terrible and you are calling me a retard, that is quite ironic
2:55:21 PM redbullrookie767: hahh who is this?
2:55:31 PM pirate: who do you think it is?
2:56:02 PM redbullrookie767: i told u
2:56:09 PM pirate: you told me what?
2:56:19 PM redbullrookie767: who i think u r
2:56:27 PM pirate: nope, you didnt
2:56:37 PM pirate: you must be having one of your little fantasies
2:56:45 PM redbullrookie767: no
2:56:53 PM redbullrookie767: i said u were a retard
2:57:13 PM pirate: they why did you ask who I am, genius?
2:57:39 PM redbullrookie767: who r u?
2:57:53 PM pirate: see you did it again... you must be really confused
2:58:07 PM redbullrookie767: no
2:58:14 PM redbullrookie767: i mean whats your name
2:59:50 PM redbullrookie767: ??

Saturday, July 7, 2007

A little deeper hottie

2:11:45 PM lildeperehottie3: who is this
2:12:20 PM pirate: your Dad
2:12:35 PM lildeperehottie3: hahha ur funnny!
2:14:03 PM pirate: is ur a word?
2:14:13 PM lildeperehottie3: idk
2:14:14 PM lildeperehottie3: idc
2:14:40 PM pirate: then leave me child for thou art not intelligent enough to be on the Internet
2:15:12 PM lildeperehottie3: who is this 4 real!~
2:15:26 PM pirate: for real, i will never tell you
2:15:33 PM pirate: for you do not have a reason to know
2:16:32 PM lildeperehottie3: WELL BYE

Friday, July 6, 2007

Friggin' Moron

4:01:43 PM ninjakicker123: hey are u a butt pirate?
4:01:59 PM pirate: are you a fairy ninja?
4:02:05 PM ninjakicker123: yea
4:02:12 PM pirate: smoking pole are you?
4:02:24 PM ninjakicker123: umm no just your mom
4:02:42 PM pirate: my mom has no pole, but i hear you fairies dont care... you are just all about the O
4:03:10 PM ninjakicker123: yea u guessed right i am sorry it was your sister
4:03:23 PM pirate: um, are you not paying attention?
4:04:15 PM ninjakicker123: well when i saw your sister her pole was biger than mine yours and yours is pritty small so i am sorry i couldnt see it
4:04:37 PM pirate: omg, you cannot spell and  you have no grammar skills
4:04:46 PM pirate: *pretty*
4:04:52 PM pirate: *bigger*
4:05:01 PM ninjakicker123: well you have great blowing skills i saw you use them last night
4:05:02 PM pirate: and your entire sentence was a run on
4:05:24 PM pirate: blowing skills?  my ship sails on it's own
4:05:46 PM ninjakicker123: ok let me ask yoiu a question
4:05:51 PM pirate: *you*
4:06:06 PM pirate: omg, can you type any slower?
4:06:07 PM ninjakicker123: whats up
4:06:18 PM ninjakicker123: well i can type backwards
4:06:27 PM pirate: are you typing with a long stick from your mouth?
4:06:32 PM pirate: do you have no hands?
4:06:37 PM pirate: using both fingers?
4:06:40 PM ninjakicker123: no just from my lags
4:06:43 PM pirate: having your monkey type this?
4:06:49 PM pirate: your lags?  as in delay?
4:06:49 PM ninjakicker123: no your mom
4:06:59 PM ninjakicker123: legs fuznuts
4:07:05 PM pirate: you said lags, idiot
4:07:11 PM ninjakicker123: no i didnt
4:07:43 PM pirate: 4:06:40 PM ninjakicker123: no just from my lags
4:07:49 PM ninjakicker123: i said u are my sole mate
4:07:50 PM pirate: you said lags, numb nuts
4:07:59 PM pirate: sole is on your foot, i think you mean soul
4:08:08 PM ninjakicker123: no i didnt
4:08:28 PM pirate: so you meant to use a homonym?
4:08:33 PM pirate: do you even know what that is?
4:08:42 PM ninjakicker123: your from my foot my third foot
4:08:51 PM ninjakicker123: ur a frigen homo
4:08:52 PM pirate: go get a SN without numbers in it, and then you may IM me again


3:56:19 PM equeenlizanna: hi
3:56:24 PM pirate: yes?
3:56:33 PM equeenlizanna: just hi
3:57:37 PM equeenlizanna: bye. i gotta go
3:57:42 PM pirate: wtf
3:58:01 PM equeenlizanna: leaving
3:58:06 PM pirate: blocking you
3:58:14 PM equeenlizanna: good
3:58:18 PM pirate: good!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Michelle loves Pirates

11:41:47 AM michelleingr: Hiya
11:42:14 AM pirate: ?
11:42:25 AM michelleingr: how are you?
11:42:36 AM pirate: who are you?
11:42:45 AM michelleingr: arent you an aim bot?
11:42:51 AM pirate: no
11:43:04 AM michelleingr: your a real person?
11:43:24 AM pirate: what do you think.. yes i am a real person
11:43:45 AM michelleingr: oh. sorry. one of my friends told me you were an aim bot.
11:44:18 AM michelleingr: So, do you like Pirates Of The Caribbean?
11:44:27 AM pirate: go kill yourself
11:44:37 AM michelleingr: ???
11:44:56 AM michelleingr: you have problems
11:45:43 AM pirate: do i.. i am not the one randomly im'ing people with silly and inane questions

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Lohan contacted me from Rehab

3:48:24 PM lbminniegirl: who is this?
3:54:49 PM pirate: no idea, who is this?
4:06:12 PM lbminniegirl: lindsey
4:06:22 PM pirate: lohan?
4:06:28 PM lbminniegirl: nvm....
4:06:35 PM pirate: alrighty

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Plastic Surgery...from 6/22/07

10:54:49 PM plasticsurgeryx3: omg you unblocekd me?!
10:54:51 PM plasticsurgeryx3: ily
10:54:57 PM plasticsurgeryx3: *unblocked
10:55:11 PM plasticsurgeryx3: =D
10:55:14 PM pirate: just to see what you would say
10:55:28 PM plasticsurgeryx3: ohh, nice. bored much?
10:55:38 PM pirate: not at all
10:55:53 PM plasticsurgeryx3: well thanks.
10:56:03 PM plasticsurgeryx3: now i have someone to talk to. =)
10:56:31 PM pirate: lol, do you?
10:57:09 PM plasticsurgeryx3: yeahh. annd i think i broke my t.v...accidentally. =/
10:57:20 PM pirate: you do realize.. that i will post this
10:57:26 PM plasticsurgeryx3: but why?
10:57:33 PM pirate: because i didnt ask you to im me
10:57:39 PM pirate: which is how pirate lives
10:57:58 PM plasticsurgeryx3: ...yeah but you were waiting for me to im knew i would.
10:58:21 PM pirate: was i?  maybe my block list was full and i had to delete everyone
10:58:28 PM pirate: and you just happened to im me first
10:58:35 PM plasticsurgeryx3: ohh.. kuhl!
10:58:54 PM pirate: did you hear from your one friend that I called you a slut?
10:59:02 PM plasticsurgeryx3: yeah, i DID!
10:59:06 PM pirate: good!
10:59:20 PM plasticsurgeryx3: not really. =(
10:59:47 PM pirate: well arent you?  you IM'd me less than 20 min after i unblocked you
10:59:51 PM pirate: you must be!
11:00:21 PM plasticsurgeryx3: ...i was bored. annd no one else is on. yeahh, i imed you on like 3 different screen names.
11:00:27 PM plasticsurgeryx3: =D
11:00:46 PM pirate: and i blocked them all, didnt I?
11:00:57 PM plasticsurgeryx3: nopee. you just didnt answer...i think.
11:01:06 PM pirate: no, i blocked them
11:01:15 PM plasticsurgeryx3: oh, nicee. =/
11:01:16 PM pirate: you wont see me online in any of them
11:01:26 PM pirate: and i still know nothing about you
11:01:30 PM plasticsurgeryx3: ohh kay.
11:01:31 PM plasticsurgeryx3: fine
11:01:51 PM plasticsurgeryx3: my name is...hope, i live in l.a...hehe
11:02:09 PM pirate: what is l.a...hehe
11:02:26 PM plasticsurgeryx3: L.A., California.
11:02:30 PM pirate: so?
11:02:35 PM plasticsurgeryx3: you asked
11:02:48 PM pirate: what did i ask?  you lost me
11:03:00 PM plasticsurgeryx3: what is l.a...thats what you asked
11:03:13 PM pirate: ah, i never asked for your location
11:03:17 PM pirate: you presumed i did
11:03:31 PM pirate: and i know you dont live there, since i have a locational bug on my journals page
11:03:34 PM pirate: guess again
11:03:47 PM plasticsurgeryx3: said you didnt know anything about me, so i made up a fake name...annd...nice.
11:04:05 PM plasticsurgeryx3: so where do i live huh?
11:04:18 PM pirate: well not in LA
11:04:29 PM pirate: and i didnt care enough to try to remember
11:04:31 PM plasticsurgeryx3: ....ahaahhahaha.
11:04:42 PM plasticsurgeryx3: well, i live in ohio.
11:04:56 PM plasticsurgeryx3: =D
11:05:44 PM pirate: you gave up your location pretty easy... without even knowing if i really knew or not
11:06:11 PM plasticsurgeryx3: D= what a shame. you gonna stalk me now?
11:06:21 PM pirate: why would i?  
11:06:32 PM pirate: you could be 10 years old for all i know?
11:06:51 PM plasticsurgeryx3: omg. youre saying im that immature. D=
11:07:08 PM pirate: no, i am just pointing out that i have no reason to stalk you
11:07:17 PM pirate: age was an easy target for the supposition
11:07:34 PM plasticsurgeryx3: oh...kay.
11:08:27 PM plasticsurgeryx3: ...soo....someone told me you were a girl and you're name started with a l....weell told my friend rather, she said she couldnt tell me. pssht. =(
11:08:51 PM pirate: i am not a girl, and my name is not lauren
11:08:59 PM plasticsurgeryx3: oh YEAH lauren
11:09:03 PM pirate: which seems to be the common misperception
11:09:04 PM plasticsurgeryx3: that was itt.
11:09:19 PM plasticsurgeryx3: soo...why in the world would she think that?
11:09:25 PM pirate: oh, and yes you seem a bit immature to me
11:10:04 PM plasticsurgeryx3: whatever. i've been told i was...mature. soo...okay i dont care what you think.
11:10:04 PM pirate: she could think that because of the journal
11:10:15 PM plasticsurgeryx3: ..
11:10:18 PM pirate: my page is read by alot of people, and they trick others into reading it
11:10:22 PM pirate: or IM'ing me
11:10:38 PM pirate: I am glad you dont care what i think
11:10:50 PM plasticsurgeryx3: lol. no. i searched for random screen names on google and your page came up.
11:10:55 PM pirate: since i have told you already that I am posting this, and yet you continue to talk
11:11:06 PM plasticsurgeryx3: yeah..
11:11:08 PM pirate: that doesnt seem very mature or protective
11:11:18 PM plasticsurgeryx3: why? -wonders-
11:11:30PM pirate: most women are worried about stalkers on the internet
11:11:36 PM pirate: but it seems you are looking for one
11:11:43 PM plasticsurgeryx3: how do you know im a woman?
11:11:44 PM pirate: making me think you are immatture
11:11:55 PM pirate: guys are diff, they curse
11:11:56 PM plasticsurgeryx3: omg i am not looking for a weird stalker dude.
11:12:01 PM pirate: you try to figure me out
11:12:05 PM pirate: making you a girl
11:12:12 PM plasticsurgeryx3:
11:12:24 PM plasticsurgeryx3: you're smart...but im a guy.
11:12:29 PM pirate: have  you read my journal?  it is easy to see
11:12:40 PM pirate:
11:12:47 PM plasticsurgeryx3: kay letme read..
11:13:39 PM pirate: dumb
11:13:40 PM pirate: Time of Visit         Jun 22 2007 11:12:57 pm
Last Page View         Jun 22 2007 11:12:57 pm
11:13:46 PM plasticsurgeryx3: omgg. 15 year olds play with barbie's?
11:13:47 PM pirate: and know i know where you live
11:14:09 PM plasticsurgeryx3: which is...where?
11:14:19 PM pirate:          
Continent     :     North America
Country     :     United States  (Facts)
State     :     New Jersey
City     :     XXXXXX
Lat/Long     :     41.078, -74.1764 (Map)
11:14:51 PM plasticsurgeryx3: omg wth? i dont live in nobody's new jersey...but still.
11:15:01 PM plasticsurgeryx3: nice try though.
11:15:02 PM plasticsurgeryx3: omg
11:15:07 PM pirate: yah.. .it is
11:15:08 PM plasticsurgeryx3: you wont post that will you?
11:15:13 PM pirate: yes i will
11:15:15 PM pirate: i told you
11:15:20 PM pirate: twice
11:15:24 PM pirate: and you kept on coming
11:15:26 PM plasticsurgeryx3: omgg, cant you like block that stuff out?
11:15:33 PM plasticsurgeryx3: plzz?
11:15:38 PM plasticsurgeryx3:
11:15:46 PM pirate: i figure 2 warnings is enough
11:15:52 PM pirate: and i even told you i could track it
11:15:57 PM pirate: so yes, i will post it
11:16:05 PM plasticsurgeryx3: i was stoopid and didnt listen. =(

Friday, June 22, 2007

Quite the act about how scared someone is...

11:25:01 PM kandixhxc: D= omg i hate you..please take it down? plzplzplz?
11:25:10 PM pirate: who is this?
11:25:21 PM kandixhxc: plasticsurgeryx3
11:25:24 PM kandixhxc: ahah.
11:25:37 PM pirate: how many times did i tell you?
11:26:02 PM kandixhxc: twice but i thought it was three times...come onn..
11:26:11 PM pirate: this will get posted also
11:26:16 PM kandixhxc: alright
11:26:19 PM pirate: so everyone will know this name also
11:26:26 PM kandixhxc: but can you  take it down?
11:26:32 PM pirate: why?
11:26:32 PM kandixhxc: i dont care about my sns.
11:26:39 PM kandixhxc: scared. =(
11:26:42 PM pirate: good
11:26:44 PM pirate: you should be
11:26:49 PM kandixhxc: ive learned my lesson
11:26:52 PM pirate: im'ing people you dont know
11:26:55 PM kandixhxc: yeah
11:27:02 PM kandixhxc: ive learned itt..=(
11:27:06 PM pirate: welcome to the real world
11:27:34 PM kandixhxc: omg. okay. =( plzz take it down? ill NEVER im anyone I DONT KNOW again, including you
11:27:48 PM pirate: sorry, it is there forever... along with this chat
11:28:05 PM kandixhxc: omg, dont you have the least bit of sympathy for me?
11:28:13 PM pirate: none, go die... see if i care
11:28:26 PM kandixhxc: hah. alright. fine.
11:28:51 PM pirate: like i believe you really learned your lesson
11:30:31 PM kandixhxc: can you give me the link to the jornal again? i forgot it..
11:30:51 PM pirate: you block me and unblock me to ask for the journal page?
11:30:53 PM pirate: LOL
11:31:02 PM kandixhxc: ...=/
11:31:13 PM pirate:
11:31:19 PM kandixhxc: thankyou.
11:31:19 PM pirate: are you off telling your friends?
11:31:25 PM kandixhxc: no.
11:31:29 PM kandixhxc: idc.
11:31:49 PM kandixhxc: id rather kill myself than someone else do it for i wont be hrer to tell them.
11:31:54 PM kandixhxc: *here
11:32:16 PM pirate: up to you
11:32:20 PM pirate: but this is there now also
11:32:34 PM kandixhxc: uh huh i know. idc.
11:33:16 PM kandixhxc: mhmm...thanks.
11:33:23 PM pirate: quite welcome
11:33:35 PM kandixhxc: yeah and im sorry.
11:33:40 PM pirate: i doubt it
11:33:48 PM kandixhxc: oh you really have no idea.
11:33:50 PM pirate: i think your platitudes are not heartfelt
11:34:12 PM kandixhxc: actually, they've never been more heartfelt..
11:34:25 PM pirate: and why is that?
11:34:43 PM kandixhxc:  because i've basically hurt everyone
11:34:50 PM pirate: how?
11:35:06 PM kandixhxc: letting stuff out over the internet and talking to strangers.
11:35:23 PM pirate: and who have you hurt? other than yourself?
11:35:35 PM kandixhxc: my whole family.
11:35:42 PM pirate: LOL
11:35:49 PM kandixhxc: how is that funny?
11:35:53 PM pirate: you have not said anything about your family
11:36:22 PM kandixhxc: no, but people know where we live, and this isnt my house anyways, its my grandparent's.
11:36:46 PM pirate: people? 
11:36:55 PM kandixhxc: yes..people.
11:37:09 PM pirate: you seem to like to exaggerate how many people know the SN's you use
11:37:20 PM pirate: and how many people do you know who read my journal?
11:37:24 PM kandixhxc: i dont care about the damn sns.
11:37:29 PM kandixhxc: ill make new ones.
11:37:45 PM pirate: so why does any of this affect your family, smart guy?
11:37:52 PM pirate: you are just playing for sympathy
11:38:03 PM kandixhxc: i just told you. my god. you posted where i lived in your stoopid jornal.
11:38:09 PM kandixhxc: oh yeah i wish
11:38:14 PM pirate: you claimed you didnt live there
11:38:17 PM kandixhxc: i dont
11:38:18 PM pirate: so you just confirme
11:38:22 PM pirate: confirmed
11:38:24 PM pirate: LOL
11:38:24 PM kandixhxc: my grandparents do.
11:38:25 PM pirate: idiot
11:38:26 PM kandixhxc: omg.
11:38:35 PM kandixhxc: wth are you talking about?
11:38:42 PM pirate: you are AN idiot
11:38:52 PM kandixhxc: i guess so..ahah...?
11:38:59 PM pirate: very much so
11:39:02 PM pirate: you are so concerned
11:39:11 PM pirate: yet you continue on with this
11:39:16 PM kandixhxc: ...yeah i would be.
11:39:51 PM kandixhxc: because i was hoping you'd care a little and atleast take the part out where you say where i am.
11:40:04 PM kandixhxc: but whatever.
11:40:08 PM pirate: i could care less.. and i warned you
11:40:12 PM kandixhxc: i know
11:40:14 PM pirate: and you went and looked anyway
11:40:29 PM kandixhxc: i didnt think you would. you did it on purpose.
11:40:38 PM kandixhxc: you prolly like seeing people's lifes ruined.
11:40:44 PM pirate: Random IM's people send to the Screen Name of Pirate.  I don't solicit these messages.  They just happen.
11:40:48 PM kandixhxc: gawd. i should've known.
11:40:50 PM pirate: that is what is at the top of my profile
11:40:57 PM kandixhxc: ..yeah
11:40:59 PM kandixhxc: but
11:41:02 PM pirate: but what?
11:41:09 PM kandixhxc: whats that supposed to mean?
11:41:13 PM pirate: you think the internet is safe?
11:41:15 PM kandixhxc: whatever.
11:41:16 PM kandixhxc: NO
11:41:17 PM pirate: it isnt
11:41:20 PM kandixhxc: omgsh
11:41:25 PM kandixhxc: stop rubbing everything in
11:41:27 PM pirate: learn to protect yourself
11:41:35 PM kandixhxc: i have. but you dont care.
11:41:40 PM pirate: no i dont
11:41:43 PM kandixhxc: exactly
11:41:48 PM kandixhxc: so stop acting like you do
11:41:49 PM pirate: you were dumb enough to continue on
11:41:52 PM pirate: just like now
11:41:52 PM kandixhxc: omgg
11:41:58 PM pirate: i have told you this will get posted
11:41:59 PM kandixhxc: what else am i supposed to do
11:42:00 PM pirate: and you keep on
11:42:04 PM kandixhxc: fine
11:42:06 PM kandixhxc: ill leave
11:42:09 PM pirate: block me! dont talk
11:42:09 PM kandixhxc: and pray tongiht
11:42:13 PM kandixhxc: bye
11:42:14 PM pirate: jesus anything!

I hate children!

10:17:54 PM brixlovesxyoux75: is this alex
10:18:19 PM brixlovesxyoux75: dah who is this then
10:18:38 PM brixlovesxyoux75: okay
10:18:39 PM brixlovesxyoux75: w.e
10:18:46 PM brixlovesxyoux75: yes i do
10:18:58 PM brixlovesxyoux75: yes i do
10:20:05 PM pirate: loser.. you have no idea who this is
10:20:43 PM pirate: omg.. how much crap can you have in your profile?
10:21:10 PM pirate: Wait for the guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,who calls you back when you hang up on him,who will stay awake just to watch you sleep,wait for the guy who wants to show you off to all of his friends even when you're in you're sweats,who holds you're hand in front of his friends,wait for the for the one who is constanly reminding you how much he cares for you even though everyone else can see it.
10:21:16 PM pirate: jesus, are you like 12?
10:21:22 PM brixlovesxyoux75: no
10:21:24 PM brixlovesxyoux75: 15
10:21:27 PM pirate: LOL
10:21:31 PM pirate: like that is any better
10:22:09 PM pirate: go play with your barbies, and leave me alone

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A very bad attempt

9:40:17 AM bjenkss07: hey f*ck for brains  (edited for content)
9:40:36 AM bjenkss07: haha c*nt   (edited for content)
9:40:39 AM pirate: yes, mr freestyle?
9:40:45 AM bjenkss07: what
9:40:52 AM pirate: your aim profile
9:41:11 AM bjenkss07: oh haha how is this
9:42:04 AM pirate: well that certainly took you aback didnt it?
9:43:21 AM bjenkss07: no click this its suuuch a funny you tube vid http//utube//. ,=kikijuirsadaae   (his lame attempt to bury an URL)
9:43:40 AM pirate: lame
9:43:48 AM pirate: you cant even hide an url correctly
9:44:07 AM bjenkss07: whatr?
9:44:46 AM pirate: the url above is not even correctly formed, making it so that I am suspicious and not even bothering to click on it
9:44:55 AM pirate: therefore not taking me to the site you have buried under it
9:44:57 AM pirate: idiot

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


12:55:12 PM tsalzy5: hi
12:55:29 PM pirate: ?
12:56:31 PM tsalzy5: hello
12:56:41 PM pirate: you said that already
12:58:51 PM tsalzy5: r u an aimbot
12:59:02 PM pirate: what do you think?
12:59:07 PM tsalzy5: no
12:59:14 PM pirate: good guess

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

That is such filth

10:05:38 PM lbe923: hey
10:05:44 PM lbe923: who is this again
10:05:52 PM pirate: no on you know, delete me
10:05:59 PM lbe923: what?
10:06:18 PM pirate: no one you know, delete me
10:06:45 PM lbe923: wait do u know jill?
10:06:55 PM pirate: no
10:07:01 PM pirate: are you jack?
10:07:10 PM lbe923: lmao funny no
10:07:16 PM lbe923: but still do u know Jill?
10:07:30 PM pirate: good god.. do i have to repeat everything
10:07:30 PM pirate: no
10:07:39 PM lbe923: ok fine jeez w/e bye
10:07:44 PM pirate: thank god
10:08:02 PM lbe923: jeez whats ur problem bye
10:08:11 PM pirate: stop cybering me, leave me alone
10:08:53 PM lbe923: ok gosh im sorry
10:09:12 PM pirate: omg.. stop saying those nasty things to me.. i dont want to cyber you
10:09:30 PM lbe923: what im not saying anything like that
10:09:42 PM pirate: my eyes are burning... i cant even read that filth
10:10:11 PM pirate: is your mom typing that?  she said the same thing to me last night

Well, she IS...

12:37:40 PM wordup1: hey
12:41:26 PM pirate: ?
12:41:36 PM wordup1: my friends says yur cool
12:41:45 PM wordup1: and gave me yur sn
12:41:46 PM pirate: which friend?
12:41:54 PM wordup1: a friend
12:42:06 PM pirate: is that it?
12:42:19 PM wordup1: hi wats up?
12:42:21 PM wordup1: oh yea
12:42:27 PM wordup1: i have a message 4 u
12:42:56 PM pirate: spit out
12:43:28 PM wordup1: plasticsurgeryx3 loves you and wants u to unblock her
12:43:43 PM pirate: tell her she can suck it
12:43:51 PM wordup1: she'd like that
12:44:01 PM pirate: no kidding.. she is such a slut
12:44:15 PM wordup1: MWAH!-ttyl-
12:44:34 PM pirate: i doubt that, since i am blocking you also

Monday, June 18, 2007

A fan of plastic surgery times 3?

1:08:14 PM plasticsurgeryx3: omgg HII
1:10:40 PM plasticsurgeryx3: im like your biggest fan...and you wont speak to me. =(
1:10:43 PM plasticsurgeryx3: how depressing
1:15:01 PM pirate: it was because i was at lunch
1:15:06 PM pirate: and just who are you?
1:15:09 PM plasticsurgeryx3: ohh
1:15:12 PM plasticsurgeryx3: alright
1:15:27 PM plasticsurgeryx3: im kandi, deja, or skemo. or whatever else!
1:15:44 PM pirate: um ok
1:15:59 PM plasticsurgeryx3: yeah, who are you?
1:16:26 PM pirate: you should know, you are my biggest fan you said
1:17:09 PM plasticsurgeryx3: yeah...but your sn is  pirate, so im gonna assume you're a pirate...
1:17:34 PM plasticsurgeryx3: i just wanted to know your name..soo.. i wouldnt have to call you pirate all the time
1:17:40 PM pirate: that would not be useful
1:17:45 PM pirate: since i dont plan on talking to you ever again
1:17:50 PM plasticsurgeryx3: omgsh
1:17:52 PM plasticsurgeryx3: really?
1:17:55 PM plasticsurgeryx3: why not?
1:18:16 PM plasticsurgeryx3: no one ever talks to me. i must suck...
1:18:21 PM pirate: you must
1:18:26 PM plasticsurgeryx3: yeah..
1:18:57 PM pirate: go suck some more, i am blocking you and posting this

See more sponges

10:28:23 AM cmoresponges: hey!
10:28:36 AM cmoresponges: what's up?
10:28:51 AM cmoresponges: dude?!
10:29:01 AM pirate: hey seymore how are you
10:29:08 AM cmoresponges: good
10:29:38 AM cmoresponges: what about you?
10:30:02 AM pirate: what are you up to?
10:30:17 AM cmoresponges: nothing just sitting here. What about you?
10:30:35 AM pirate: I am cybering your mom
10:30:49 AM cmoresponges: lol! hahaha! My mom is at work!
10:31:23 AM cmoresponges: bye'
10:35:11 AM pirate: exactly

Saturday, June 16, 2007

This bite is fatal

8:53:41 PM thisbiteisfatal: hey long time no chat
10:19:37 PM pirate: ?
10:23:28 PM pirate: and who are you?
10:23:52 PM thisbiteisfatal: ok the names william
10:23:59 PM thisbiteisfatal: sorry to have bothered you]
10:24:09 PM pirate: ah.. so you have no idea who i am
10:24:16 PM pirate: you just accidentally IM'd me?
10:24:22 PM thisbiteisfatal: nope
10:24:32 PM thisbiteisfatal: i have talked to  you before its just been a long time
10:24:39 PM pirate: so who do you think I am?  since you think we have talked before
10:24:55 PM thisbiteisfatal: i dont remember
10:25:22 PM pirate: so you dont know if you messaged me accidentally or not
10:25:40 PM pirate: you have no idea who i am, so you dont know if the first time or this time was an accident
10:26:00 PM thisbiteisfatal: its not a accident
10:26:05 PM pirate: yes it is..
10:26:20 PM thisbiteisfatal: its jsut been so long since i talked to you i dont remeber who u are so i messeged to to talk and find out
10:26:20 PM pirate: you only intentionally im someone if you know them or want to harass them
10:26:30 PM pirate: you have said you dont know who i am
10:26:35 PM thisbiteisfatal: i dont harass neone
10:26:38 PM pirate: and i dont think you are trying to harass me
10:26:43 PM pirate: therefore it is an accident
10:27:24 PM pirate: have you sucked any blood lately, thisbiteisfatal?
10:27:52 PM pirate: turned anyone into a lycanthrope?
10:28:04 PM thisbiteisfatal: lol
10:28:08 PM thisbiteisfatal: nope
10:28:09 PM pirate: or do you just bite their heads off, since you are such a badass
10:28:14 PM thisbiteisfatal: lol
10:28:32 PM thisbiteisfatal: i dont bite heads off i only sucked the blood and eat the organs
10:28:47 PM pirate: their sex organs?! you are a pervert
10:28:52 PM thisbiteisfatal: nope
10:29:09 PM thisbiteisfatal: wtf
10:29:24 PM pirate: stop trying to cyber me... i am not into blood play
10:29:31 PM thisbiteisfatal: wtf
10:29:37 PM thisbiteisfatal: i wasnt trying to do nething
10:29:49 PM pirate: you are looking at me with those eyes, i just know it
10:29:59 PM thisbiteisfatal: wtf
10:30:14 PM pirate: you keep using that f word, and i dont want you to f me
10:30:21 PM pirate: stop it, you perv
10:30:29 PM thisbiteisfatal: ok whatever
10:31:01 PM thisbiteisfatal: all i wanted to do was talk but since i obviously did somethingwrong and bothered you becuase i didnt know i will just leave you be
10:31:14 PM pirate: i am calling the cops right now
10:31:17 PM thisbiteisfatal: my fault for trying to have a convo
10:31:26 PM pirate: omg, stop cybering me
10:31:37 PM thisbiteisfatal: im not
10:31:42 PM pirate: stop it!
10:31:49 PM pirate: i dont want you, you are a pervert
10:32:08 PM thisbiteisfatal: i am not
10:32:16 PM thisbiteisfatal: not stop calling me that
10:32:20 PM pirate: only pervs try to cyber
10:32:30 PM pirate: you keep looking at me with those eyes, i just know it